Title: Feel the Warmth
Pairings: Kyuhyun/Sooyoung
Summary: he needed warmth and so she gives it.
A/N: written between study breaks. sorry for the shitty writing. i just feel the need to write it. /kinda based on a story of mine.
He woke up the next morning with his head pounding, his arms and legs aching, his whole body burning. Adjusting his comforter to stick closer to his body, from the tip of his toes to his chin, Kyuhyun knew he was sick. And he hated every bit of it. "Why now?" he muttered. His hyungs bade goodbye earlier for an early schedule and now he was alone in their dorm.
He suddenly feel the cold chills. It was worse. No matter how many blankets he had, he still feel the cold. All he needed now is warmth. He forced his self to close the windows but he cant even lift up his self from his own bed. It made him feel useless.
"I wish someone's here. I feel so hopeless right now." He mumbled between his hands. Tears are already forming in his eyes.
He had heard the door open and close. He felt the sudden shifts as another had joined him in his bed, hugging him from the back and had grasped his hand lightly. He wanted to turn over his body just to take a glimpse of the person behind him but the other had hushed him and was gently combing his tousled hair with her delicate fingers. "Sleep" she muttered as she buried her face on his back.
Despite feeling weak. Kyuhyun mustered all his strength to squeeze the hand holding his gently and muttered a soft, "Thank you, Sooyoung."
Sooyoung smiled and silently whispered. “Get well soon, okay?”