July 2008 Blog Crews

Jul 09, 2008 00:46


★ 「No matter how bad the day's going.
Or If I look like a mess.


Will {still} treat me like a Princess.」 ★

Me and [Takuya's] conversation last night:
[Mimi]: " You're always so kind and thoughtful, that's why I love you."
[Takuya]: " I can be a bad boy too~. Do you want to see?"
And the other is not suitable to tell. ;>

I don't need pretty colors
or flashy pictures from a blog crew
to prove how obsessed I am with
{ Miku & An Cafe }

【Takuya】 Good morning sunshine, you’re my only light Lying with me by my side

『Takuya』 If you were my king I would be your queen

【Takuya】 You hear my thoughts, you read my mind You're the part of me I thought I'd never find ♥

✖ 【Miku】✖➜Is My Forever♡ ♡ ♡ K I N G♡ ♡ ♡

【Miku】 I see the heavens each time that you smile

Miku is my little b u t t e r f l y

I'm your little b u t t e r f l y, Takuya ★ ♥ m y ♥ l o v e ♥ f o r ♥

→ 「 Miku」←


♥ m y ♥ l o v e ♥ f o r ♥

→ 「 Takuya」←


I gave my heart to 『 Takuya 』 □ I own Miku □, he just doesn’t know it yet. ♥♥♥ I am the official paparazzi of Miku ♥♥♥ ♥♥♥ I am the official paparazzi of Takuya ♥♥♥
I START MY NEW DIET OF YAOI & [ M ][ I ][ K ][ U ].
I START MY NEW DIET OF YAOI & [ T ][ A ][ K ][ U ][ Y ] [ A ].

[Takuya] is my favorite toy

Listening to Miku makes everything better.
Listening to Takuya makes everything better.
My fortune cookie said that Takuya and I would be together forever ♥♥
⌊ ೊ → Takuya ← is my ◊ sexy sexy lover ◊ and there's no other. ೊ ⌋

→stay away from { Miku} or else ill go NINJA BITCH on your ass←

?{ Miku}?
?Somewhere, somewhere there's my precious only one?
?You're not all alone anymore hitori ja nai?

?{ Takuya}?
?Somewhere, somewhere there's my precious only one?
?You're not all alone anymore hitori ja nai?

?{ Kanon}?
?Somewhere, somewhere there's my precious only one?
?You're not all alone anymore hitori ja nai?

[Takuya & Mimi]; funny love~ ??

[Miku] is my most favorite treat of all~ ??

♥ I kissed
→{ Takuya}←
And I liked it~ ♥

If [Miku] is hurt, then i'll be the nurse who'll kiss it better

Takuya and I like to have tea parties~
¿ D a n c e , d a n ce , d a n c e with me all the night along, Miku ?
¿ D a n c e , d a n ce , d a n c e with me all the night along, Takuya ?

STARBUCKS Just as addicting as Miku

LOLLIPOPS Just as addicting as Takuya
{Takuya} is my Vanilla~
even though you are not by my side i still need you in my life {Kanon}
i can't stop falling in lovewith you my angel {Kanon}

blog crew

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