So, based on the previous post, there seems to be some interest in some Anakin/Palpatine challenges. So I'm just going to jump right in and put this out there. I don't want to do anything too constricting, so here's a challenge that's open to a diverse range of responses. You can post your entries in
unlimitedepower or make a post here with a link to the response in your journal. Make sure to rate your entry and utilise the community tags.
A Song Challenge!
Pick a song that reminds you of Palpatine and Anakin Skywalker whenever you hear it. Write a scene for each verse of the song. The scenes can be as long or as short as you like, and they can come together to tell a story or simply be separate moments involving the two characters.
Alternately, for those more artistically inclined, you can create an icon or icons involving Anakin and Palpatine for each verse of your chosen song.
Responses are due by March 31 April 10 - have fun!