Title: Seduction 101
Disclaimer: I do not own Anakin or Palpatine.
Rating: PGR
Pairing: Anakin/Palpatine
Words: 977
Summary: Palpatine is an expert in seduction.
Author's Note: Happy belated birthday,
luminations! This was inspired by your stories. :)
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Comments 14
I don't even deserve a present after taking so long to comment on Alexis! I swear I woke up today thinking "I must post Part 2 before the ballgame today" and then I find this! <333333
So... I'll comment on this after I've commented on Alexis. ...and the song fic. Can't get TOO behind here ♥
Thank you!!!!
LOL, seriously, I'm just thrilled you enjoy my writing so much! :)
So THAT'S why you were rereading my stuff! (not like you need a particular reason, and it's not like there's an abundance of NEW to read... sigh) I immediately thought of "Need to Lie" when I got to the end and saw what structure you had chosen. Hehehe.
It titillates you, doesn’t it?
Yes, I suppose you could say that... oh wait, you're not talking to ME, are ya Palps. ;)
That devious, terrible Sith Lord beguiling an innocent Jedi.
Of course that's what they'll say! It's true!
You court me the same way you court danger: carelessly, perhaps even unconsciously.
Mmmmmm, yes, an astute observation.
you like to flatter yourself that you have the power to fascinate the most powerful man in the galaxy
Yes, well, he does, doesn't he? Of course he does! Though of course not in the ways young Anakin suspects.
your lashes lower and the curve ( ... )
Actually, I did think about breaking the fourth wall here, of making Palpatine address the viewer rather than Anakin. But then I decided that was an idea for another day. Besides, when I write something for YOU I like to make Palpatine say something at you. Like "why did you want this?" with 'Under the Covers'. :)
Palpatine -- the true one and not the cracky one that lives in my head -- can't have that. No wonder the poor man is so tormented. He needs the timing to be just so, and then this becomes a non-issue.*Nods* The only reason he would tolerate infidelity, I think, would be if he knew it would end badly or net him something - both in Padmé's case! He's usually more patient, but Anakin is teasing him so ( ... )
Or I just got lucky with my youtube playlist. I leave the truth up to you.
Especially the dissonance in their POVs.
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