Title: 5 anime Daiki watches with Inoo
Pairing: DaiNoo
Author: Keanne (
keannegirl01 )
Genre: Fluff
Rating: G
Summary: The title says it all.
A/N: I had fun writing wince it involves anime. XD
Written for: hsj fic-a-thon @
hotfruits 1.
With one boring afternoon coming again, Daiki sighed and looked around to see what was the best thing to do as of the moment. Everyone was doing their own things and he didn’t possibly care except for the pairing that was ‘almost’ making out on the sofa.
With the empty box of pocky on his lap, he threw it to the pairing who were kissing in a very hungry way as if tomorrow won’t come anymore. “Hey, Yuto! Yamada! Will both of you please do that privately?” he said with an obvious irritation on his voice.
Yamada stood up from sitting on Yuto’s lap and wiped his lips. “Well, you see, we were doing this privately already Dai-chan. And take a look, you were the one interrupting here.” Yamada pointed out. Which was true.
With a pout, he stood up from where he was sitting and went out of the room with his laptop on his other hand. He looked for a room and kept on failing for every time he opened one, a pair kept on getting caught doing ‘this’ and ‘that’.
With a heavy sigh, he went to the last room of the hall and was relieved to see that Inoo was there, studying alone. With a smile, he asked for the other guy’s permission to sit there and do his own things.
As soon as he sat on the corner, he opened his laptop and brought in his downloaded anime. That was the only thing left to do. He then decided to watch One Piece.
“What are you watching, Dai-chan?” Inoo asked as he came to his side, slightly peeking on the monitor and curiousity covering his eyes.
He smiled and answered, “One Piece. Want to watch it with me? Keito and Ryutaro had been addicted to this,”
“Whoa. Really?” The older guy said as he was now anticipating. And off they watched.
But, Daiki couldn’t concentrate anymore since Inoo had been commenting nonsense while watching the anime. “Waaaah! Isn’t that Chopper? He’s really cute!!!” Inoo said as he smiled even more widely, eyes still focused on the monitor screen.
Daiki just shrugged and continued trying to concentrate.
“He’s just like Keito! Keito once imitated him, right? Waaaaah! Now I know why Ryutaro couldn’t stop talking about it.” Inoo continued blabbering.
That made Daiki shut down the laptop.
“Dai-chan, Dai-chan, have you seen the latest episode of Bleach?” Yamada asked him excitedly.
He suddenly remembered he had not watched yet so he copied the downloaded file from Yamada and off he watched.
The latest episode was breathtaking and his nerves had gotten excited. Just when he heard someone’s laugh beside him. He knotted his forehead and surprised to see Inoo was there, watching with him.
“You’re watching Bleach too?” Daiki asked Inoo who was still slightly laughing.
Inoo just shrugged and said it was his first time watching and that it was intertaining.
“But why are you laughing while watching this?” He asked.
Inoo laughed again. “Because! Ichigo reminds me of Yama-chan~ I bet if Yama-chan just heard his name, he’d want to eat him, right? And look at that Abarai Renji! Doesn’t he look like Takaki?” And he laughed again.
“Who do I look like?” Takaki and his thunder voice interrupted them. When he knew what Renji looked like, he was chasing Inoo like a crazy dog.
Seriously, Takaki reminds him Renji that time thanks to Inoo.
The BEST just skipped practice and they hang out to Yabu’s house. The man was busy preparing food for them on the kitchen and Hikaru volunteered to help him while Takaki was sleeping with a snor on the couch.
“Yabu, can I go to your room?” He asked as he was already on the stairs, near the room.
“Okay!” Yabu shouted from the kitchen with the loud crash. “Hikaru, what are you doing? You’re almost burning the house!”
He chuckled and continued to go inside the room and, surprisingly, Inoo was there, lying comfortably as if he was on his own room. No wonder he didn’t see him downstairs.
“Inoo-chan, I have the best recommended anime for you!” He said with a triumphant smile as he sat on the edge of the bed. For sure, Inoo wouldn’t be able to utter anymore words and they can just continue watching.
Inoo slightly opened his eyes. “Hmm? What is it?”
Daiki smiled even more widely. “Fairy Tail.”
That made Inoo got up from lying down. “Really? Like Snow White and Seven Dwarfs?”
Daiki clicked his tongue and pouted. “Not fairytale but Fairy Tail.”
“Oh, okay….”
He then played Yabu’s TV and switched to the channel where the Fairy Tail would air their latest episode of the week. And he was just glad that they made it on time.
As they watched, he smiled secretly as he had not heard a single word from Inoo saying random things again. Maybe Inoo liked this kind of anime better. As the closing song already played, he looked at Inoo and his jaw dropped as he saw him blushing and was biting the poor pillow.
“What are you doing?” He asked.
“Happy is too cute. God! I want a talking cat like him! ack~! A blue one too and the one that can fly!!” Inoo then started biting the pillow again. “Happy~ I have fishes here! I can feed you forever. Come to me~ Happy, you made me happy~”
He just couldn’t believe it. Inoo was flailing like a fangirl… over a talking cat.
“Aye, aye, Sir!” Inoo said as he imitated Happy.
Now, Daiki was challenged to let Inoo watch an anime that would let him shut up and concentrate. Maybe he needed to change the genres. Like, maybe they should try romance? Great, romance may work.
With his DVD on his hand, he went straight to their practice room and pulled Inoo. “Let’s watch this anime together.” He then showed him the DVD.
“Oh, Lovely Complex? Isn’t that… love-love?” Inoo said.
He took a deep breath. “Yes , this is the one you call ‘love-love’ and this is the best for you.” He said as he dragged him to the corner, opened his laptop again and played it.
They were still in episode one when Inoo looked at him while yawning. What was he trying to say?
“Say it,” he demanded.
Inoo wiped the tears that formed in his eyes due to his yawn. “Hmm, this anime reminds me of a couple.”
His curiousity got him on so he asked who it was. Only to hear…
“Yuto and Yamada. The Risa is Yuto, Otani is Yamada. But… Yuto should be the guy and Yamada should be the girl. Nah, it was just because of their height. Ah! Look at them, they’re coming!” Inoo beamed. He then called the two.
“Yuto, Yama-chan! Come here for a while.” As the two came, asking him why, Inoo just let them do the pose of LoveCom couple on the DVD. Yuto wrapping his hands on “irritated” Yamada.
“Look, Dai-chan! Lovely~ Complex~” Inoo stated.
He just ended up scratching his head.
Daiki gave up of watching any anime with Inoo. It would be better to watch it alone. And he heard this anime was really great so it would be safe to conclude he needed not to hear any nonsense rants from the older guy.
He even ditched their practice again and just stayed on his room, ready to watch the anime that was recommended to him by Yamada, Kuroshitsuji.
He started watching it and without almost blinking, he realized it was truly a masterpiece. Ciel is beautiful even if he was a guy and he wouldn’t mind if would have a butler like Sebastian. Although he found Grell annoying at first but he was funny. He couldn’t even stop laughing when a time would come where Grell wants to kiss Sebastian. He looked like a carp there, pouting his lips too much just to have the kiss.
He was still laughing when he heard a knock on the door. Before he could stand up to open it, Inoo came inside. And before he could say anything, the older guy managed to say something first. “You ditched practice again.” Inoo commented.
“So are you. That’s why you’re here. What do you want?” He asked, not even looking at him for he was looking at the played anime again.
“Hmm, what are you watching?” Inoo ignored his question and continued to sit beside him. “New anime?”
“Kuroshitsuji.” He simply said.
And off they watched.
“Inoo-chan, what do you want?” He said in an irritated voice, implying he wanted to be left alone.
Inoo’s eyes grew wide and twinkled. “You sound like Ciel there, Dai-chan! Wait, wait, let me be your butler.” Inoo then looked at him with the sudden change of face, he looked serious now and wasn’t smiling. “Yes, young master?”
He grinned and come up with an idea. “Inoo-chan, I now demand you to watch this anime with me until the end and to stay by my side… forever.” He said as he looked at him with fierce eyes.
Inoo slowly bowed down and touched his left chest with his right hand. “Yes, my Lord.”
At last, Inoo’s randomness over anime made him satisfy. Random people are random.
A/N2: I ended up writing this a bit longer. XD;; I hope you had fun reading though. And now, lemme share my ever cute Happy too you. Muahaha. :D