Title: Bean Sprout
Pairing: Kanda x Allen (Yullen)
Author: Keanne (
Genre: Humor, Fluff
Summary: Kanda is unbelievably a cheesy person. What is the meaning behind his nickname for Allen which is “bean sprout”?
A/N: This one is for my bb
re_riko ♥
Allen Walker looked down to the ground, with his sight becoming blurry. He had heard it again, Kanda calling him bean sprout. He had accepted that he had been called with that nickname-though deep inside, he still feels that little pinch in his heart.
“Oy, hurry up, you bean sprout! I don’t want to spend the night here in the forest.” Kanda interrupted his thoughts. Luckily, they had been put in a mission together again. He had been happy but it seemed like nothing improved with his friendship with his partner at the moment.
“H-hai!” He answered back and ran to the older guy’s side that was having his brows furrowed matching with a serious look on his face.
“U-uhm, Yu-“
“It’s Kanda.” The older guy corrected without even glancing at him. “Stop learning stupidity from Lavi.” He continued. “Your stupidity is already worse.” Kanda whispered but still audible for him to hear.
He pouted and looked at Kanda; though obviously he wanted to scream and cry in the middle of the nowhere place where they were. “When was I even stupid, Kanda? Seriously, you’re a bully. You’re mean to me!” He exclaimed. “Hmp, Lavi was more fun.”
Allen’s eyes bulged out and almost fell from his socket when Kanda’s sword swayed directly to his face. His knees gotten weak and somehow, for the first time in his life, he wanted to pee on his pants. “K-Kanda, are you really that desperate to kill me…”
Kanda’s eyes were glinting and he was more like he wanted to chop Allen off at the moment, just like what he did to the akumas. “Shut up, bean sprout.”
“THAT’S WHY YOU SHOULD STOP CALLING ME BEAN SPROUT, KANDAAAAAAAAAA!” Allen screamed with all his might, his voice echoing throughout the dark forest. Even before he realized what he did, his face turned sour while he gaped his mouth just like an idiot. “S-sorry-“
“You should have told me that it annoys you to be called by that nickname, Allen.” Kanda said, must be apology to him even though it wasn’t obvious, with an unreadable expression on his face. Then sheathed his sword.
Somehow, Allen wanted to take back what he said. Hearing his real name coming from Kanda was nothing special to hear-he wanted to be called “bean sprout” after all. Too late to realize; too late to regret. “You should at least just explain why you are calling me bean sprout.”
He heard Kanda heaved a deep sigh as he turned around and started walking away. “You are just like a bean that crept to my heart and sprouted there. Idiot.”
The white-haired exorcist unconsciously made a meek face. He didn’t think Kanda was that… lame or whatever the appropriate word was. “K-Kanda… t-thank you.” Though, brushing aside how funny Kanda sounded, he was more than happy. Who would have thought that Kanda has a cheesy side on him despite how serious he looks?
The older guy’s turned to red and started walking away again. “Shut up… Allen.”
Allen pouted and instantly run to Kanda’s side then smiled widely. “Call me ‘bean sprout’ again.”
“No way.” Kanda disagreed.
“Yu~ call me ‘bean sprout’ again.” Allen repeated.
“I told you to shut up… b-b-be--an sprout.”
Allen giggled and was about to say something when-“Grow bigger; grow bigger hammer!” They heard Lavi screaming loudly that was coming to them.
“Ah! Finally found you two!” Lavi beamed as soon as he landed in front of Allen and Kanda that were both furrowing their brows on them. “Eh? What’s wrong, Yu?” He asked Kanda while slightly laughing. To be honest, he was afraid gazing at Kanda’s eyes. He looked like he could be eaten any moment by then.
“Yo~ bean sprout!” Lavi turned to Allen and ignored Kanda instead. “Long time no see! That was why I followed you both-“ Lavi fell to the ground, with his heart pounding so much almost feeling like it will burst. “K-K-K-Kanda, I am not an akuma.” He excused as some of his hair was cut off.
“Stop calling Allen ‘bean sprout’… if you still want to live.” Kanda declared.
Allen just giggled that made Lavi wonder what was the reason for him to do so. And Kanda secretly cursed his self for the lame naming sense. He needed to invent a new one.
A/N: How was it? It's been so long since I wrote something... ;___;