Title: sometimes happiness comes in different package
Chapter: 2/?
Author: tytta
Pairing(s): Nishikido/Kato, Tegoshi/Masuda, Koyama/OC
Fandom(s): NEWS/Kanjani8/JE
Rating: PG-13
Genre: AU
Warnings: not anything for now, I guess
Beta: by
jayeanneDisclaimer: Johnny owns these guys and so on.
Summary: when shige gets his past to live to next door, he never
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Comments 10
awww~ poor ryo. he clearly has missed shige ;A;
yamapi is such an lovely fella. i'm curious abt who's koyama's fiance.
thanks a lot for sharing! i'll wait for the next chappie. :3
umm :'3
let's see when I get next chappie for this X33 since to post this took over 6 months 8DD;
no wonder i hadn't seen this fic before. (read both chaps today). i hope i don't have to wait that long BUT if it comes to that. I'll wait!
thanks for reading & commenting 8DD;
Nishikato is so cool xD I can't wait to read what's Ryo going to do
and poor Massu lol as the new in the group, he almost didn't talk xD
I love that he's the boyfriend of tegoshi too :D (the kid with the new guy♥ cliché)
Looking forward to the next part!
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