Warning: There might be some spoilers involved and death
Dream Affects: Loss of any compassion mostly, murdious intent?
Train was walking through the streets with his hands placed in his pockets of his long
coat. He wore an emotionless expression, if not a I-hate-the-world look. His XIII tattoo -- proof of his Chronos number -- was etched on his chest and clearly shown. He was about to get a bottle of milk as he saw a person walk past him. It may look like a stranger just making his way to his next destination, just as Train was, but as he walked by, he slipped Train a note. Train took it as he placed it in his pocket, continuing on his way.
He made his way to his destination and eventually ended up in an large, open room. It seemed a bit dark, but Train noticed a woman kneeling down as a few visuals of elderly people were there. Once the woman -- whom was known as Sephira Arks, or just number I in Chronos -- noticed Train, she stood up and faced him.
"Train Heartnet, Number XIII... Black cat," Sephiria started. "Your mission is to take out Dred Fairwell as quickly and most efficiantly as possible."
Train had already made his way over to her, simply nodding. He didn't say a word or even ask what was this Fairwell's crime. He simply got the information of where to find him and then went on his way without another word. It didn't take long for him to find his way. He made his way inside the mansion where this man could be found after waiting for the perfect moment to enter. Dozens of guards that went at him, but he easily took them out, taking out every security camera that came his way. He also managed to check every room that he came across while keeping up his amazing speed.
Eventually, he reached the man identified as Fairwell. He didn't care what he did to have Chronos order Train to assasinate him for, but he had a suspision that it was for smuggling arms and creating a certain dangerous element. It was none of his business and he really didn't care. He took out Hades and aimed it at his head.
"I've come to deliver some back luck," he said right before shooting him.
After he was done, he made his way out. He did as he was ordered to. Now, he could care less of what happened next. He was out of there less then a good 10-20 minutes. He went to get his milk that he had been aiming at getting before. He then made off to the rooftop of where he stayed, drinking some of the milk. He glanced to the side as he saw a small figure walking towards him. He noticed that it was that cat that came there a lot of the times, looking to his milk.
"What? You're already after my milk?" Train asked the cat, not really expecting anything back.
He let out a sigh, pouring some of it in the dish he had and keeping the rest to himself.
[Train woke up abruptly after the dream. He couldn't help but to stare off into space for a while. He then noticed his Dreamberry had been broadcasting, cursing under his breath. If there was anything he didn't want broadcasted, it would be memories of his pet cat days or anything to do with Saya or Creed. He had a dark, looming expression on his face as he turned it off.]
[OOC: Dred Fairwell = random name I made up on the dot for an example of someone he had to assassinate. >_>
Here's another look if it helps.]