maaaan! What the hell was wrong today?!
(NOTE: If you're NOT used to your public transportation being exactly on time you'll probably won't understand me and reading this would be pointless xD)
I had no Uni-lessons in the morning, which made me quite happy, because I could sleep until 10 :) So far so good. The drama began when I was standing at the bus station. You know, I had AIKIDO today. Therefore I wanted to be there on time (which usually shouldn't be a problem...not so today -__-) The bus was already 5min too late and the driver didn't even think of hurrying up a bit. He was driving like my grandpa probably would, which made me nervous, because I had to catch the tram.
Ok, I made it to the tram on time. *sigh* But after some stations I heard an announcement that another tram crashed somewhere on my foreseen way. So I had to get out and take the bus. I asked the bus driver how to get to my goal and he told me to get on tram line 14 (which should pass THAT place too, but hey! Do I question their knowledge? NO! I do what the staff tells me to do). As I thought, this wasn't such a good idea (and time was running, I was already quite late). The tram stopped at the accident scenery and the driver told everyone to get out. Outside there were those "public transportation information guys". I asked one of them: "HOW do I get to MY GOAL??" *being already desperate* xD He told me to get back into the tram No. 14 (but after some stations I would have to change it again,so...). I was all confused! @__@ After calling Mila-chan that I probably wouldn't make it in time, I decided to listen to my inner voice and NOT to those men, who obviously didn't have a clue either.
So I started running to the train station, caught the train just in time and arrived in the city. There I ran to the tram station, caught the tram (just in time), got out at the next station, caught another vehicle (don't know how to translate it, therefore "vehicle" should be enough^^), got out and ran into the dressing room. I changed in a blink of an eye and ran up to the Dojo.
I was nearly on time, but already exhausted and the training was still lying in front of me.
Because of a practical course I had to leave a little earlier. As soon as I got out of the building, I saw MY tram passing by. Guess what? I started running up that damn hill and caught the tram (YES - just in time xD).
I was breathing like a rhino, but hey! I did it ;)
Now my back is hurting (AIKIDO is not for sissies like me xD). Therefore I'm going to take a HOT bath and relax for the rest of the evening.
I could tell you something about hot baths (I had forensic medicine today) but I guess I'll leave it. ;D