May 21, 2009 14:39

Name: Eilidh
Personal Journal: loisneach
Contact Info: AIM: loisneachbalgair | Email: elegance.wasted@hotmail.com

Name: Ichihara Yūko (Which she admits without preamble to be an alias)
Source: xxxHolic
History: Wide and long and something Yūko does not talk about. She does, however, seem to have kept herself busy. Called ‘the Dimension Witch’ at times, she has crafted worlds and sculpted gods for them, she has walked in thousands of different spaces and millions of different times. She has seen, she has heard, she has wandered with purpose, learning all the while. Age is not something which phases Yūko, indiscriminate as it seems about her - with the body of a young woman and the mind of a crone, eyes and voice and being which is beyond time, beyond category.

When we meet her in xxxHolic, she is the puppeteer - all events of the series, from the dark to the light, the deadly to the utterly bizarre, are traced back to her somehow. Watanuki, a boy cursed (or maybe blessed) with the ability to see spirits - and a prime lure for them - stumbles - against his will, no less - into her shop, which, to hear her tell it, sells wishes. For the right price, anything at all can be granted. And so it is that she agrees to grant Watanuki’s wish to be free of his curse - not that he actually asks. The price? He has to work in her shop.

So begins xxxHolic, where we see Watanuki forced to cook, clean, and satisfy the fortune telling wish-seller’s insatiable craving for alcohol. He also accompanies her when she goes on trips (often crazed) to grant wishes, or stands by in the shop during her meetings. As time goes on, she becomes something of a guide for Watanuki, leading him on his way with cryptic remarks and comments. She is revealed as the Dimension Witch to him when people from another world (covered in Tsubasa) arrive within her garden, seeking aid, which is given.

A mysterious figure in the series, she leads Watanuki along his path of change and learning - it seems, in fact, that she may be preparing him for something great. At the point I am taking her from in canon, she has left the shop in order to visit the world in Tsubasa.
Of those three archetypal females; maiden, mother, and crone, Yūko could be seen as all three - covering all the bases - young and fair and lively; caring and concerned and protective (in her own, special way); and wise, not just beyond years, but beyond planes of existence. First impressions have her seem mysterious: ethereal and seductive and just that little bit sinister, her words coloured with a timbre of cynicism. She speaks of ‘hitsuzen’, fate and the inevitable, destiny, time, and all else within it. She is worldly wise, multi-wordly wise, a seemingly inexhaustible font of knowledge, leaving little tidbits for others to snap up and make of what they will. She knows it all (and then some), holds all the cards, but she’ll only let you see what she wants to.

And sometimes, her persona is entirely different. In the same breath as giving Watanuki some enigmatic hint, she will demand he provide snacks and alcohol. She likes luxury, is always lounging, smoking tobacco in a long stemmed pipe. She giggles, laughs, and teases, winking and smirking. Enjoying a good story, a good party, and a good bottle of sake, Yūko has been known to steal from shrines in order to add to her booming collection of esoteric knick-knacks. She references pop culture with an inanity that infuriates Watanuki, seeming fun-loving and perhaps unable to take things seriously.

However, the truth is that Yūko is a very serious individual, intelligent and determined. At times, she shows genuine concern or affection for Watanuki, elusive shows of real emotion that are only truly seen when she is alone. Despite her carefree attitude towards him, it seems in the bigger picture that it is all done to guide him along his path. A butterfly is her symbol, synonymous with change and the power of the spirit and the psyche - a befitting emblem for her character.

Overall, Yūko is difficult to predict and difficult to read, switching as she does from the sorceress to the hooligan - but summarizing her is nigh on impossible. When granting wishes she often points out that the problem lies within the person, and she is only making this apparent. She believes in the power of ‘little things’, words and looks, and she believes in the bonds people hold on each other, unbreakable and absolute. And no matter was happens, Yūko will tell you that there is no such thing as coincidence - only ‘hitsuzen’.
Biggest Fear: Yūko is not a woman possessing big fears - as far as she is concerned, these things come and go (she may be concerned, yes, but hardly fearful). However, she is frightened of little things, like running out of alcohol.
Powers: Yūko is a very powerful woman, but specifics aren’t often covered. She appears to have some form of telepathy and clairvoyancy, being a fortune teller and able to know a great deal about a person upon meeting them. She can manifest messages, or conjure up ways of tracking people. She possesses a great deal of knowledge, and seems to be able to form various forms of wards. It also seems that she can tend to wounds.

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