Title: Picture Perfect
unna_rainchaserRating: PG
Genre: Humor
Pairings: Hiroto/Uruha, Saga/Shou, Tora/Nao, Ruki/Reita, Mayavi/lulwut?
Disclaimer: Not mine, no harm intended.
Comments: I'm innocent, this wrote itself D: All parents have their little moments kept in their minds, making them smile when they talk about their young children's fail.
Rainchaser's Archive _______________________________________________________________
Aoi's birthday party. He didn't want to celebrate his 40+ birthday, refused to accept he actually was older than forty for a few years by now, but his friends had insisted on getting together to drink a sake or ten, chat, dance and play pranks.
Some will never grow up.
Their children did, though, but they loved to tell the little stories that never got old.
"You know, when Berry was, like, four years old, my sister taught her to crochet." Reita began, seeing Ruki smile from the corner of his eye. "So on mother's day she crocheted me a noseband made of itchy white wool with a lopsided black 'mommy' embroidered on it."
"He actually wore it the whole day and when he took it off as we went to bed, his nose was all red." Ruki said laughingly.
"I still have that noseband." He admitted, watching his friends aww.
"When Masayuki was five, he made me a necklace for my birthday." Hiroto joined in, one of his hands lying on Uruha's black nailed one on his upper thigh.
"It was made of red and black stars he cut out of felt sheets. He seriously has some sense of fashion." The tall blond spoke oh-so-proudly as he reached for his sake.
"As you you all know, I got twins since I have sooo~ much love to give." Miyavi bubbled up, having one syrupy cocktail too much (or three). "So they double the fun. Once, I got home and found them in front of my closet, armed with scissors and needles and a box of shiny buttons trying to sew me a new outfit out of some older clothes. Aren't they just the sweetest little creatures?" He stared at his mobile screen, showing his beloved twins smiling brightly for the camera.
"When Kazue tried to make us breakfast for the first time, she spilled coffee powder all over the kitchen." Nao joined the laughing.
"She was to small to reach the coffee machine, she was only six, ne?" Tora explained.
"But she tried, she's just as ambitious as her mother." Nao said, locking his eyes with his tall lover.
"And as cute as her father." The guitarist nuzzled the man lent against his shoulder, enjoying Nao's giggle.
"I think Chiaki was two and a half when he wanted to redecorate his room for the first time." Shou entwined fingers with Saga. "So he took a box of wax crayons and drew rainbows on the wallpaper all around his room." The tall vocal spoke with shining eyes as he remembered.
"That's when we started to place white paper blocks in every room." Saga said, his thump caressing the back of Shou's hand. "I think he got that from you, love." The bassist said, kissing his lover's cheek affectionately.
"He has your sexy nose, though."