Title: échappé Recipient: nachtegael Group and pairing: Red Velvet, Irene/Seulgi (Irene/Victoria) Rating: PG-13 Warnings: Mentions of various injuries, dieting. Summary: To evade. (Ballet AU, ~4k) Author's notes: [notes]Sorry about the wait ;__; I originally conceived this to have more of the stronger themes from your prompts but because of time constraints those
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ok sorry it took me so long to return, but let me preface this by saying I'm still so excited that someone wrote me ballet fic, bless you whoever you are <3 it was well worth any wait and I'm so happy this story exists <3
both the psychology and physicality of it felt very realistic to me, and I appreciate the talk that Vic had with Joohyun about her own injury. I'm not sure what I was expecting Victoria to say when Joohyun asked her if she was ok with it, but I guess I wasn't expecting her to say "no" so point blank, but that was a really well delivered scene and the honesty of it really hit home.
I also love how Seulgi and Joohyun met on the subway <3 that has got to be one of the most adorable meet-cutes I've read in awhile, and it felt natural in a way that I almost wish I could meet a cute girl like that too *^^*
ah, I really love this story and I'll be back to read it again and again <3 thank you again, so so much!
Comments 2
both the psychology and physicality of it felt very realistic to me, and I appreciate the talk that Vic had with Joohyun about her own injury. I'm not sure what I was expecting Victoria to say when Joohyun asked her if she was ok with it, but I guess I wasn't expecting her to say "no" so point blank, but that was a really well delivered scene and the honesty of it really hit home.
I also love how Seulgi and Joohyun met on the subway <3 that has got to be one of the most adorable meet-cutes I've read in awhile, and it felt natural in a way that I almost wish I could meet a cute girl like that too *^^*
ah, I really love this story and I'll be back to read it again and again <3 thank you again, so so much!
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