I'm tired. I got almost no sleep last night. My family from NOrth Carolina got into town last night because we're celebrating Christmas on my dad's side of the family this evening. My cousin Craig is home!! And he brought his girlfriend Brandy home with him, and she seems really nice... but I'm worried how this weekend is going to turn out.
The plan is, right now I'm at the law office til 4:30 this afternoon. Then I'm going to straight to my grandparent's to celebrate Christmas til about 10 o'clock tonight, and then Wudi is throwing a party, as well as tomorrow night for New Year's Eve. Everything's all fine and well, except that Craig's girlfriend Brandy has decided she's not going because of someone who is going to be there that Craig happened to be quite close to on a couple of previous visits to Ohio when he was single. Her boyfriend is going to be there too, so I don't see what the big deal is. I mean, it sucks that it's going to be uncomfortable as it is, but she's going to ruin the entire weekend if she refuses to go, because then Craig won't be able to go, which means I probably won't for the most part either because I never get to see Craig, but I have to because Wudi's all excited and stuff. I'm excited too, but I'm too stressed. My family is here and I want to see them, but I'm so disorganized, I need to pack to move back to OU Sunday, I need to see about my tires, I need to see about my stereo, I haven't finished my projects, and on and on and on.
In other news, my back has been KILLING me. If I can hold out until Monday, I can go to the Student Health Center for free, as opposed to paying the doctor here. Night before last I was seriously (or at least, almost seriously) considering the hospital, but I just don't want to pay for it.