Title: Break Pairing: Kihae Genre: Angst, drama Rating: PG - PG-13ish Summary: Donghae's view on his crumbling relationship with the ever-distant Kibum. A/N: If there are any mistakes, please tell me. :'3
A thirteenth month would throw everything off, people say. Nobody knows where it would fit, what season it would belong in. It could be a transitional month, where the weather turns warmer or colder depending on its place.
But because there is no thirteenth month, people don't have to worry about that. Everything fits, works...
Comments 12
this is good~~~~
you just broke my heart.
love it...
Thank you reading & enjoying.
&& awe D8 uhuhuh -hands tissues- :C BE HAPPY.
A thirteenth month would throw everything off, people say. Nobody knows where it would fit, what season it would belong in. It could be a transitional month, where the weather turns warmer or colder depending on its place.
But because there is no thirteenth month, people don't have to worry about that. Everything fits, works...
Everything should make some goddamn sense, Kibum.
But it doesn’t; just like you.
>> aww. it hurts. i could feel it. :((
Thank you for reading. <3
its broken my heart >___<
super junior now have 13members (+2)
and i hope it never change~
super junior fighting~
And yes. c: all 15 = ♥
i want kibum back too~ >.<
this is beautifully done ^^
And thank you. :3 <3
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