I know I've dreamed you a sin and a lie

Jan 18, 2006 19:33

I know I’ve said this before, But I cant help but think that the person whom this is meant for has seen this and read it. But that’s all they did, was just read. They noticed it as a combination of letters. As lines bent and turned and manipulated into ways so that our brain can know exactly what to read. But just read. I don’t know. I keep thinking that they have just read it and never thought twice. And that makes me upset. I may not be able to do everything I want, or everything that you want. And inadequacy is not my greatest fear, but failure to overcome those fears just to one again mess up is. So I figured I am me. I can do what me can do. But me can’t do what me would like to do. And I don’t know why. I don’t know why I can’t figure out what my talent is. God gave me some gift, some talent, to show off to the world, but I don’t know what it is. Yes, I do have my goals and I work towards them motivated by my false high hopes, but I continue to perform according to fear. And I don’t know why. And I don’t know why, but have you ever notice that there are those people who give of some kind of radiant that light, that once we feel it, it’s as though we have finally be given permission to brake loose and be free? Have you? I just wonder. I’m tired of having every third letter that comes out of my mouth be “sorry” and every other sentence be a complete apology. I wont beg. I refuse. So at the end of the day, after all the judges and critics and crew have gone home, I’ll put on my show. I’ll write the script, work the lights and direct this. When I’m to old to remember this post I want to go shopping down memory lane and find my childhood at the toy-department, not in the back with the trash. And if this looks a little emo or depressing to you, it’s not at all. But only in the dark can you see the stars, and only when things look bad do you see light and know that somehow things are still okay. And that nothings ever going to change, until your ready to make a move. So study the chess board wisely and now your stradegy. Know that as soon as you move the first piece, time is no longer on your side. Every change on the board is more precious time lost. Begin.
Man, I’m sorry that was long.
But that’s just the way I feel right now.
So if you don’t kind that.
I’m sorry.
I have a better idea.
How about we just talk to each other.
Or we can listen to each other.
Or you can talk,
And I promise I will always listen.
Lets talk…
“Lets talk about spaceships”

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