Note: This list is not complete. I'm trying to bring it up to date.
I've been re-archiving everything on
AO3; all Sherlock except for short bits are there, and I'm gradually copying Highlander and others.
My stories on Highlander Fiction archive some 30+
Haven't figured out yet what to do with the rewritten and re-chaptered version of Poor Roger I put up this fall.
Delia (on DW in 5 parts) or
on AO3. Pictures are on DW. Duncan, Methos, Amanda, OFC; NC-17, Methos/Amanda, Duncan/Methos, and great curiosity on the part of two decadent friends over Duncan's latest...fascination? Boys and girls in springtime, plus pie.
Cowboy Dreams (LJ): Methos/OCs; R; Sam, dreaming. It fills in a little hole from Roger and bridges "Poor Roger" and "Things That Never Happened: Sam," in which Methos picked up the reckless Watcher on one of his night time cruises, before Duncan came to town. Sweet, not too hot. (oh, hell. In the rewritten version of Roger, that exists nowhere now, this did happen.)
Billy Walked into a Bar (on LJ) (on DW) Billy Smith, OC not invented by me, used without permission; Billy meets Methos.
Fishy, Fishy, Fishy (DW) until I get this up on HL Fiction. For 2005, "A Picture is Worth 1000 Words" Challenge: 3rd Time's a Charm.
Highlander Misc.:
Commentary on Ice Wine on DW
Commentary on Rejoice (on LJ) (on DW) Commentary on Mud Season on LJ
Commentary on The Cherries and the Snow Job on LJ (a remix of Cherries in the Snow, by Carenejeans)
Commentary on Give and Take, Part 1;
Part 2 on LJ
New Year's drabble (Methos) (LJ) First kisses meme (LJ): Duncan/Methos as Aramis;
Methos/Rebecca Methos and MacLeod not meeting in London, November 1966 (comment ficlet)
Five things Aramis won't do (wouldn't do) for a woman (LJ) (comment ficlet; I usually write Aramis as if he were Methos, but this could be only Dumas's character)
Alfred Pays a Call (LJ) Methos/Darius
Old Friends (DW) 445 words. an old Lyric Wheel ficlet. Methos, Amanda, Joe, and a Reuben sandwich.
Poor Roger bits:
The Garment (Methos/Roger, missing scene);
Didn't Happen (Roger/Sam)
Little Boy Blue (with slightly cleaned up punctuation
here on AO3) a remix of
Mismatched by
bowl_of_glow for
sherlock_remix round four (Sherlock/Lestrade; PG). About 1300 words. Sherlock decides to take another crack at Lestrade, aided and impeded by his inner voices and a euphoric new drug. For a case.
Prendi, per me sei libero, slightly amended and neatened
on AO3, a remix of
Una furtiva lagrima by
archea2, also for
sherlock_remix. Lestrade resents Sherlock's final text before his fall. Jump. A word game remix of the lyrical and skillful original.
The Bastard's Back (Sherlock/Lestrade; explicit). About 4800 words. “Oooh you bastard!” he said, and Sherlock stepped into the light. Sherlock's back and Lestrade's glad to see him. A bit of filler for Sherlock's first night home.
Dream Soup, a holmestice exchange story for the fine author
tartancravat. Sherlock/John, PG, under 1300 words. Summary: Dreams and interrupted sleep.
Thirteen Ways of Looking at a Blow-Job, a remix of
Object of Focus by
jain. Link is to the challenge comm,
sherlock_remixSherlock/Lestrade, explicit in spots. About 2700 words.
Summary: It's a remix. 13 different ways, as it says, structure and title borrowed from "Thirteen Ways of Looking at a Blackbird," by Wallace Stevens.
Never?, a remix of
Love means never having to say you’re sorry by
coloredink. Link is to the challenge comm,
sherlock_remix on LJ.
Sherlock/John, not really explicit. About 1200 words.
Summary: John thinks it over.
The Shirt (on DW) Sherlock/Lestrade; Adult; some sex, some criminal violence offscreen; about 1300 words
Summary: Lestrade pulled his punches.
Undressing (DW): Sherlock/John, not explicit. About 9300 words.
Clothes on, clothes off: John sleeps badly, Sherlock may be a modest man. Contains buttons, mint, and a substance that may be tar.
A Broader Blade (LJ) (DW) About 2,150 words. Sherlock/John, PG; two injured flatmates sharing the upper floor; Sherlock wants John to shave him (straight razor)
Bedtime Stories (LJ) (DW) About 2,730 words. Sherlock/John, G; Sherlock had read the books. He'd assumed it was compulsory.
podfic by dodificus and art by cybel as an amplificathon request.
Five Things Sherlock Ate That Agreed with Him (all in one post, DW) 3,300 words more or less. Sherlock and John and Sherlock's family and Angelo
A five-things story plus five expansions on the things. Food and death and rice.
The original, posted in pieces with comments, is on DW and LJ under the tag five things sherlock ate
Why Mycroft? (DW) About 700 words. Lestrade/Mycroft, PG; Lestrade expected questions.
Hot Shave, Part 1: Beard Burn (LJ) Part 2: A Proper Shave (LJ) About 3,560 words. Sherlock/Lestrade, NC-17. As it says on the label; straight-razor porn.
Sherlock Approves, Part 1 (DW) Part 2 (DW) About 2,200 words. Sherlock/coat/John; clothes, razor, coat, *John!* and an exercise in POV
Small Sherlock bits:
Dames (LJ) (DW) 300 words
Clothes (DW) 569 words
Over Eggs (DW) 1,095 words (can be taken as finished or not)
little glasses comment fic (Mycroft/Lestrade) (LJ) (DW) 272 words
Plum Blossom Song (LJ) Nandi/Inara, a bit more than R. References to Heart of Gold. A Companion remembers, she does not mourn.
Elementary Pleasures (LJ) Inara/Mal ficlet
'Tis a Pity Inara, Mal ficlet, 507 words
The Three Musketeers
The Confession of Charlotte Backson (LJ) (on DW) Milady makes her confession
I've put 8 of my old Andromeda stories back on AO3:
Gravity 4076 words. Dylan/Tyr, NC-17. Dylan's lost his footing. The first fic I posted, 2001
Betrayal 8635 words. Dylan/Tyr, NC-17. Sex, lies, and octopus. A sequel of sorts to Gravity.
Messing Around 2032 words. Dylan/Tyr, NC-17. Surveillance duty. A little antagonistic smut.
Learning Curve series four stories, about 6600 words. It's unfinished, but as they're glimpses of Dylan and Tyr's relationship, that doesn't matter much. It's really about Tyr's frustration with Dylan's control of the ship; but wasn't the whole show about that, in the beginning?
Dark Triumph (on LJ) 2465 words. Gaheris Rhade, beginning to end; Gen
Comment ficlets:
Beka and Gaheris Rhade (Andromeda);
Discworld double drabble (witches and Vetinari) Podfic for Ice Wine and Hook or Me, by tinypinkmouse for amplificathon.
I'll add other links when I repost more stories to my DW journal.
My apologies for links to my stories on rec sites or comms or in bookmarks that are now invalid.