(no subject)

Sep 13, 2005 22:19

I had this dream where little cartoon men were always smiling and they always were so very wonderful and they kept having these weird ways of making people laugh, but it wasn't the sick perverted jokes that most people crack nowadays - it was the funny hahahasnortsnortICANTSTOPLAUGHINGOMG kind of funny and it was very enjoyable, and there was this one cartoon man that had went into a field of flowers and picked the largest flower he could find for his cartoon soul mate and as I watched, this pink cartoon man came up to me, with a smile on his face, but it was like no other's, and he shouted "KABOOM!" and I began to laugh within my dream and the pink cartoon man ran away into the field of flowers and found the largest leaf he could find and he came running back with the leaf in his tiny cartoon hands and he told me to sit on the leaf, which I did without question and the little cartoon man blew the leaf and I began to float away into the sky. Then I woke up and realized only crazy people dream about cartoon people and wished they were real.

Also, I've grown extremely fond of run on sentences, but mainly it's because it's extra extra extra! funny to see people reading your sentences out loud and they can't stop reading because there are barely any commas and no periods at all so they can't pause at any moment to take a breath to continue reading again and their face will turn extremely red because of the lack of air and then people watching will probably give them weird looks and then finally when the sentence ends, the person breathes and since they are greedy for air, they will breathe in as fast as they can and then it will get to their brain, and a second later they will collapse. UNLLLESSSSS, he or she doesn't read out loud.

Since the last thing Tammy told me before she left was that I was a lazy person who only posted pictures rather than actually typing things, I will.. say stuff. Because Tammy is wonderful!

Yesterday morning, I was walking outside again. I passed by this house and right when I passed, this old lady ran outside, hauling a broom behind her. She went right in front of me and began to sweep like she could get rid of every spec of dirt if she tried hard enough. When I walked away, she went back inside. I passed by her house for the second time a few minutes later and she came running out again, with her lovely broom, of course, and began to sweep again. When I left, she left.
I'm 99% sure that it is not coincidence, especially when it happened for the third time. I guess she thought that I would dirty the sidewalk, which is not even part of her property. Once I grow up and live alone, I'll be sure to remind myself to never do anything remotely similar to that. Honestly, did she think I'd spread my OH-SO-ICKY COOTIES all over "her" sidewalk? Or, maybe she's thinking "EWATEENAGERISBREATHINGAIRWITHINA20FEETRADIUSOFMYHOUSEOMG."

So I never passed by her house again for the rest of the morning. Except when I had to run back home so that I wouldn't be late for school.

My next door neighbor, a retired man who is married to this extremely smart lady (they're charming. :D), has this dog named Jasmine. (I know the dog's name, but not his.) Not once have I seen his left hand out of his pocket, or his right hand not grasping Jasmine's leash tightly.. It's comforting to know that some things will never change. :D But, every other week, he'd tell me "Wow, you're becoming a lady now!" I haven't had anyone be proud of seeing me grow, so then it makes me happy everytime he says it, WHICH IS VERY STRANGE. He'd always accompany his statement with a question, and it's usually something like, "How old are you? Do you have a boyfriend yet?" He asks the same thing, EVERY WEEK, as if I would grow a year older every week - as if I'd meet someone within a week. And it contrasts with how my parents talk to me. "Why are you growing up so slowly?! MENTALLY AND PHYSICALLY!" And usually, they'd casually say "by the way, don't even look in the direction of the opposite sex until you're about to die of old age because you're supposed to look after us when we're old.." It's funny, really. But then, it's probably just the overprotective-ness part of them kicking in.

And, uh, I decided that the Smucker's Uncrustable Peanut butter and Jelly sucks.
Also, I think everyone should visit me because I'll feed you some of my GOOD PB&J sandwiches. :)
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