So ... it's my dude's birthday and she's 21. It's also my NJ dude's birthday but she is a mere babe at 20. I wish I was home to celebrate with Amanda but alas, I cannot fly home on weekends
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So London, it's awesome again, there was just that one day where it sucked, and then I threatened it, and then it made the world better, and this was the longest, most grammatically incorrect sentence I have ever written
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Yesterday sucked balls. Today must be better or I'm taking an $85 flight back to Boston. I have to do a shitload of work. Fuck me, I always insist on procrastinating. This is lame, I need to get out of bed.
Kelly Clarkson Dance Party ... Kamen 5 is my life ... Kamen 6 +1 too, but not as much b/c they don't have the dance parties just the big room. I heart us ... BIG TIME