Hello friendlist. :D
Today, I'd like to talk about the wonder that is BBC!Sherlock's Jim Moriaty. He's a fabulous troll, he has an Irish accent, he wears expensive suits and prances around the place like the gayest man on earth. He truly is wonderful. He flirts with Sherlock - he calls him sexy at some point - and it is... well, he's basically Simm!Master with added Irish and an entire underground interlocking criminal operation.
So he's amazing. And I love him. You know who I love more? Sherlock. Sherlock is fabulous too. Very ambiguous, especially BBC!Sherlock Sherlock. It's weird to see all these awesome interpretations of such a ground breaking character, and I'm so glad they made Watson the intelligent counter-part he's supposed to be. Watson is not a bumbling idiot; Sherlock wouldn't keep him around if he were.
Now, if we combine these two people to make one ultimate ship, it becomes... the ultimate ship. So guess who's shipping it? I AM. As well as John and Sherlock, thanks to my John who has enabled me into loving that ship too. What a wonderful triangle of epic.
Martin Feeeman is the most adorable thing to ever adorable. I want to write him a letter saying that I love him and then I would ask him to marry me.
OH ALSO the other day I found out that Benedict Cumberbatch went to a school I used to hang out by in my ~teenage years~. That's pretty cool, right? It's like... 10 minutes away from me by train. /bounces