I am insanely tired. Those are the only words that seem to spring to mind as I sit here and stare at this empty, empty text box. Today we went down to the boat to check on it, and get it ready for winter. We literally just got back, I just rolled my way up the stairs and fell into my bed, because it is time for Charlie time. I'm going to have a shower soon - it's winterland everywhere out here. Well, it was near the boat, anyway - it was so cold/snowy that the canal was actually frozen over! It was so bizarre to see, all of that snow packed down on top of some ice. I could literally put my foot on the stuff (not that I trusted it, I don't want to add falling into freezing ice water to my daily itinerary). In a few hours, mum and I are going to my sister's to stay the night - we're house sitting at her place tomorrow, and I'm quite excited. I get to see Lily, their new cat (I named her!), and she's a lovely, sweet little kitten so I'm excited about that.
The last two weeks have been utter electronic fail. My laptop decided to stop seeing the Internet after my latest reformat about two months ago. So, I was like, okay. I reformatted again. It worked for a day or so, but then it the wireless receiver was nowhere to be seen again - in the end, I had to get my dad to check it out (downstairs is where the Internet is, so we used an Ethernet cable whilst reformatting and reinstalling), and about eight or so hours later, my computer was all better! Great, right? Well, no. Then my Internet decided that lol I'm not working for you. So I would get booted off for hours at a time, and whenever I could get on, it would be patchy at best. So slowly going insane without my Internet working the way it should, I decided to fix the signal receiver I have in my room. It boosts the signal. So. That was a good idea. Only, well, not so much, since one of the arms for the plastic plug had snapped off when I pulled it out of the plug socket ... line thing. IDK what they're called. Great. That lead to a night of playing with super glue and running to the tap on and off to make sure the stuff hasn't stuck to my fingers (did you know that the entire reason they created super glue was for skin during the first [i think?] world war? They wanted to use it instead of stitches, and that's why the stuff is so damned sticky with skin!), and then I had to leave it to dry for the whole night (just in case). My dad tried it out during the day for me, to make sure that it worked ... and when he unplugged it, it snapped again. So yet another night of playing with super glue and running to and from the sink! I think I finally peeled the last of it off just yesterday, so it was pretty ... super sticking stuff. Hence super glue, I suppose. Anyway. That's not all. I plug the signal receiver and YES MY INTERNET IS WORKING. So now I have a steady connection and it's not booting me off every five minutes!
But then there was the issue with my xbox. The live connection wouldn't work, and it wouldn't connect to my PC, and it was just driving me insane. I'd restored it to factory settings, I'd pinned in our Internet and its pass code several times over, I'd moved the signal receiver around but it just wasn't having it. I'm not sure what made it work, in the end, but I did get it working - which is probably bad news, because if it happens again, I won't know how to fix it. :| Oh well, it's working for now, and I think that's awesome. Oh, randomly, does anyone know if Bomberman Live works internationally? I'd love to play one of my friends but she's in America, and we were wondering if it would work. :(
NEXT TECHNO!FAIL: my laptop's screen decided it doesn't like its hinges any more. Now, whenever I position it just SLIGHTLY on a side where gravity can grab it, falls backwards. There's only one spot it can sit still in, and even then, it will randomly tilt back all the way, so nine times out of ten I'm writing with the screen completely flopped back with me squinting. Great image, right?
I really hope this ends my techno!fail streak, I've really had enough. :( Everything seems to be in working order (knock on wood), so I hope it'll be okay now.
I'm not sure what else to say, I've TL;DR'd to you all already. I'm rereading Harry Potter, which is actually very refreshing; even though I'd read the first book so many times as a kid, it's just nice to go back to the thing that got you into reading in the first place. I think since getting my Kindle, my reading has sped up - I mean, I'm still a slow reader, but I don't think I'm AS slow. I do read every day, either in the form of logs or whatever, so I'm sure that helps too. I should grab Philip Pullman's 'His Dark Materials', too, since those books are great (and imagining the idea of having my own daemon is such a lovely feeling. I wish we were in that universe. You'd never be lonely. :( ).
Also, I'm genuinely getting better with my art. God, this is the first time in YEARS that I've felt like I've been stepping in the right direction again. It feels so good to be able to draw again, and not just drawing the same poses over and over again, new things, with new characters and new expressions. Benedict Cumberbatch is the hardest face to draw - it's all awkward lines and high cheekbones - but I think that's actually helpful, because with drawing such an angular face as often as I am, I'm learning more and more things about facial structure and such. Which is refreshing.
Liz is the best ever (AND YOU ARE, DON'T DENY IT). ♥ She's did something very sweet and very unexpected the other day, and it completely made my year (this year, and the next)! It sort of made me have faith in humanity, because I was feeling quite down and was likely a very boring person to listen to at the time. So thank you for picking me up, Liz, you're the sweetest and don't let anyone tell you any different.
Martin Freeman is still the most adorable man to adorable. He always will be. This week, I had some awesome time in the RP anon meme (a stranger and I started RPing Sherlock - it was pretty fucking epic), and I think we got some other anons interested, which is lovely. ♥ Sherlock is the best, guys, and if you haven't seen it, then please do!
I really need to end this. I mean, really. It's, what, 1300 words? Pretty ridiculous. I think when I'm tired, I can ramble for days. Oh! Speaking of rambling, I had my last meeting with my psychologist lady, and it was... actually quite depressing. I had one of those cognitive tests, and when I next saw her, my IQ results were very, very disheartening (88), though friends and relatives have pushed that it isn't true. I hope not, I had a couple of days there feeling very stupid and simply crying about it, because it was just... I don't know, shocking, I suppose. My dad and I joke about it every now and then, but it was still a horrible feeling - sort of like 'if I'm that stupid, I don't have much of a chance at life, anyways', but I have cheered up since then and I feel better about myself and my smarts (and I really hope that I'm not just 88!). She was lovely, though, but she couldn't offer the things I wanted (ADHD test, among other things), so I have to find a new one, which is quite daunting, really. I'll find one, though, because she has been a positive influence on me, and I do feel like I'm in a better place lately.
Gosh, it's really relaxing listening to Jack Johnson. I'm just chilling here, half asleep, typing my way through this post. I have typed quite a bit, here, so I'm just going to stop now. :| I need to write my Damned tags, seriously, this is getting ridiculous.