Shane Kipps (8:20:21 PM): He looked down at Stacey and shrugged then sat down next to her.
canadianidol96 (8:20:22 PM): "You're not gonna die you over-exaggerator." He laughed.
Adamo loves YOU (8:20:26 PM): Adamo was laughing too much to continue hitting Dea so he leaned in and whispered to get Stacey. Since she was just sitting onthe middle of the floor.
dayyyummm Sammm (8:20:34 PM): she started dancing with her beer.
xsweetxdea (8:20:44 PM): [[woah I was Kelsea Graham WAY before you.]]
ReDxHeadeDxFuN (8:20:44 PM): [[ahah.. i was gonna go to boston for that too. and then i found out they were going to md... so i switched, and made my trip to md]]
cass ass master (8:20:47 PM): she laughed. "i am tooooo!"
cass ass master (8:21:08 PM): [[i like sarah but that was kind of stupid of them]]
ReDxHeadeDxFuN (8:21:10 PM): "Yawn." Stacey said, like, actually, saying the word yawn.
canadianidol96 (8:21:16 PM): "Are not." He said simply before putting her down.
cass ass master (8:21:23 PM): [[to go from 2 of the most popular to 2 of the most unpopular]]
dayyyummm Sammm (8:21:30 PM): [[i went anyways..and sat behind jake and screamed "I want your kids toby." for an hour.]]
xsweetxdea (8:21:31 PM): She nodded and put the pillow behind her. "Stacey..." She said walking towards her.
cass ass master (8:21:34 PM): "YAAAAYYYY!!!" she did a dance. "i'm free, i'm free!"
canadianidol96 (8:21:39 PM): [[LMFAO]]
ReDxHeadeDxFuN (8:21:44 PM): [[that's gay. shane's so hot in person.]] "Deanna."
cass ass master (8:21:51 PM): [[lmfaooooooo nice]]
Shane Kipps (8:22:03 PM): He looked at Deanna and laughed. He slowly moved away from her.
Adamo loves YOU (8:22:14 PM): Without another word he started attacking Stacey with his pillow. All the while laughing like a madman.
xsweetxdea (8:22:27 PM): She looked at Adamo and nodded. She started hitting Stacey with pillows
ReDxHeadeDxFuN (8:22:30 PM): "Ow." Stacey curled up into the fetus position.
canadianidol96 (8:22:45 PM): He laughed at her before looking over at Stacey just sititng in the middle of the room with Adamo and Deanna were hitting her. He laughed. "Wow... its a three-some there."
cass ass master (8:23:06 PM): she followed his eyes and laughed. "oh you know you wanna join."
Shane Kipps (8:23:12 PM): He looked at them attacking Stacey laughing. "She's going to kill you guys."
Adamo loves YOU (8:23:13 PM): He caught Shane moving away and then began to attack him with the pillow. Laughing oh too much.
xsweetxdea (8:23:16 PM): [[that sounded wrong rhi.]]
canadianidol96 (8:23:34 PM): He looked at her. "Well then it'd be a gang-bang." He smirked.
xsweetxdea (8:23:38 PM): She continued to hit Stacey.
canadianidol96 (8:23:38 PM): [[it was intended to, lol]]
ReDxHeadeDxFuN (8:23:47 PM): "I'm going to kill you." She said, tackling Deanna.
Adamo loves YOU (8:23:47 PM): | ahaha. gang-bang. thats priceless |
xsweetxdea (8:23:50 PM): [[i know lol]]
cass ass master (8:24:03 PM): ((RYAN IS AN EMO KID))
ryansxcooler (8:24:18 PM): ((NO HE ISN'T.))
cass ass master (8:24:21 PM): ((is to.))
xsweetxdea (8:24:22 PM): She fell to the floor and used her pillow for a shield. "Adamo!"
ReDxHeadeDxFuN (8:24:29 PM): Cellphone: 59.99
ryansxcooler (8:24:32 PM): ((no way.)) he was still drinking
cass ass master (8:24:40 PM): ((damn hes slow))
ReDxHeadeDxFuN (8:24:42 PM): Degrassi TNG Season 1: 40 something
cass ass master (8:24:44 PM): she laughed. "oh jeez." she put her hands back over ears
dayyyummm Sammm (8:24:44 PM): she just sat and drank her beer on the floor
Shane Kipps (8:24:46 PM): He moved away and grabbed a pillow and started hitting Adamo back.
ReDxHeadeDxFuN (8:24:53 PM): RPing and using words like gang-bang: priceless
xsweetxdea (8:25:05 PM): [[lol]]
Adamo loves YOU (8:25:10 PM): "Hey!" He stopped killing Shane with his pillow and started to tickle Stacey, trying to get her off. Saying 'ow' every now and then from Shane hitting him.
canadianidol96 (8:25:12 PM): [[LMFAO]]
ReDxHeadeDxFuN (8:25:32 PM): "Okay... Please... Stop." Stacey said to Adamo.
canadianidol96 (8:25:41 PM): He laughed and walked over to Mel. "Now this is certainly different then most of the parties I'm used to."
cass ass master (8:25:44 PM): [[lmfao!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!]]
ReDxHeadeDxFuN (8:25:59 PM): [[what are we laughing at?]]
cass ass master (8:26:17 PM): she glanced at everyone and just laughed, putting her hands back down. she walked over to ryan. "you drink slow." she nodded
Adamo loves YOU (8:26:28 PM): "Get off of Dea!" Adamo said, still tickling Stacey and flinching every now and then from the pillow attack.
canadianidol96 (8:26:32 PM): [[I'm laughing at your "rping and using words like gang-bang: priceless"]]
cass ass master (8:26:34 PM): [[". Saying 'ow' every now and then from Shane hitting him."]]
Shane Kipps (8:26:39 PM): He kept hitting him. "You don't attack me and expect me to not hit back" he laughed again.
ReDxHeadeDxFuN (8:26:44 PM): [[oh... im so lost lmao]]
dayyyummm Sammm (8:26:45 PM): "best party ive ever been at." she laugh, sipping her beer
xsweetxdea (8:26:50 PM): She squirmed away, her hair was all messed up. "Okay it's personal now." She attacked Shane with a pillow.
ReDxHeadeDxFuN (8:27:08 PM): "Okay, Shane and I, are gonna kill you guys." Stacey said, alternating between hitting Dea and Adamo with a pillow.
dayyyummm Sammm (8:27:12 PM): laughed*
Adamo loves YOU (8:27:31 PM): "Ahhh!" He stopped tickling and hitting and just fell to the floor. Out of breath. "whoo!"
Shane Kipps (8:27:44 PM): He started hitting Dea also. "You guys are going down."
cass ass master (8:27:50 PM): ((ryan is sleeping))
ryansxcooler (8:27:59 PM): ((sorry seena died.))
Adamo loves YOU (8:28:12 PM): He couldn't let Dea get hit. He picked up his pillow again and started hitting Shane & Stacey with his pillow, while laying down on the floor.
ryansxcooler (8:28:25 PM): he was still drinking and watching everyone.
cass ass master (8:28:27 PM): ((lol its okay. :brings back tolife ))
canadianidol96 (8:28:27 PM): He shook his head. "Yeah. It's bringing me back to my youth."
cass ass master (8:28:35 PM): ((oops i cant type))
xsweetxdea (8:28:35 PM): She tried to get out of this insane pile of pillow fighters and looked through the mayhem.
ReDxHeadeDxFuN (8:28:43 PM): Stacey continued attacking them. "Okay, I'm tired." She said, lying down on the floor.
ryansxcooler (8:28:43 PM): ((haha))
dayyyummm Sammm (8:29:11 PM): she finished her beer "mel sad, mel verrry sad." she said in a baby voice.
ReDxHeadeDxFuN (8:29:16 PM): [[omg.. i think i'm getting a degrassi ringtone lol]]
Adamo loves YOU (8:29:23 PM): His hits started to get softer and softer until he was just laying on the floor again, pulling Deanna with him so she was also laying on the floor.
dayyyummm Sammm (8:29:24 PM): [[i have one.]]
ReDxHeadeDxFuN (8:29:33 PM): [[haha.. i want one]]
Shane Kipps (8:29:37 PM): He hit Dea and Adamo one more time before throwing the pillow behind him.
ryansxcooler (8:29:39 PM): ((i want one.))
dayyyummm Sammm (8:29:42 PM): [[its so annoying.]]
Shane Kipps (8:29:43 PM): [[oh i have one too]]
canadianidol96 (8:29:49 PM): [[I recorded Jake's final song from TF and its my ringer]]
ReDxHeadeDxFuN (8:29:53 PM): [[that's great]]
ryansxcooler (8:29:56 PM): but uhm. drinking and he looked at cas sometimes. but then went back to drinking.
ReDxHeadeDxFuN (8:30:05 PM): [[lol... TF sucked monkeys]]
canadianidol96 (8:30:06 PM): "Awww poor Mel." He laughed.
cass ass master (8:30:14 PM): she just glanced around at everyone and laughed. she went to the food/drink section and grabbed a drink. she took a sip
dayyyummm Sammm (8:30:27 PM): she tried to get up and fell, laughing.
xsweetxdea (8:30:40 PM): She grabbed onto Adamo as they got attacked. There was no escape.
ReDxHeadeDxFuN (8:30:44 PM): "Alright, you guys win. Shane and I forfeit." [[why is there an e in forfeit?]]
Adamo loves YOU (8:31:17 PM): Still tired he managed to raise his hands and say "Victorious!" even though that was hard enough.
Shane Kipps (8:31:36 PM): He looked at her. "We we're supposed to win."
ReDxHeadeDxFuN (8:31:52 PM): "Oh man... that.. made me sleepy."
cass ass master (8:31:57 PM): she glanced around and randomally walked over to ryan. she poked him. "you drink slow."
canadianidol96 (8:32:02 PM): He laughed. "Do you need help?"
ryansxcooler (8:32:15 PM): ((ugh i gotta go for now. i officially hate parents. i'll bbl.))
cass ass master (8:32:24 PM): ((lol okay.))
xsweetxdea (8:32:29 PM): She sat up and fixed her hair. "I need water." She got up and walked to the water place.
ryansxcooler (8:32:31 PM) has left the room.
cass ass master (8:32:43 PM): *ryan left for the time being to go some more ice with andrea LMFAO*
ReDxHeadeDxFuN (8:32:46 PM): "Umm... we suck. That's why we didn't win." She laughed and looked over at him. "Sorry."
dayyyummm Sammm (8:32:56 PM): "no...i gotta do this on my own." she laughed, getting up slowly
cass ass master (8:32:57 PM): she watched him go before walking back to everyone. she just shook her head and laughed. she took another sip from her drink
Adamo loves YOU (8:33:28 PM): He stood and joined Deanna at the water place thingy and got himself some water. "Attacking people with pillows is some tiring stuff.. Wooh!"
Shane Kipps (8:33:53 PM): He laughed and nodded. "We do suck. It's okay I guess."
xsweetxdea (8:34:04 PM): She nodded and drank the water like it was a shot. "You're telling me?"
canadianidol96 (8:34:19 PM): He laughed and watched her, leaning against the wall. "That's right, just take is slow."
ReDxHeadeDxFuN (8:34:29 PM): Stacey went and got some water, then came back and poured some on Adamo and Dea. "Victorious!" She shouted.
xsweetxdea (8:34:54 PM): [[remember in Shrek 2 when puss drank the milk and was like "I hate Mondays." LMAO]]
ReDxHeadeDxFuN (8:35:18 PM): [[omg.. puss... in booots]]
Adamo loves YOU (8:35:21 PM): Adamo was about to say something to Dea when water was poured on him. He turned to see Stacey there and threw his drink onto her. "Hah!"
xsweetxdea (8:35:40 PM): She screamed when she got hit with water and laughed. "Stacey!"
cass ass master (8:35:52 PM): she glanced around. "im bored." she frowned. "SOMEONE SHOULD ENTERTAIN MEEEE" she yelled
dayyyummm Sammm (8:35:58 PM): "dont make fun of trixi, epstein." she gave him a grr look, laughing.
ReDxHeadeDxFuN (8:35:58 PM): "Ugh." She poured the rest of her water on both of them, and then ran.
Adamo loves YOU (8:36:47 PM): "Maybe we shouldn't get Andi's house all wet.." Of course, Adamo was already in the midst of getting some more water so he could wet Stacey some more.
ReDxHeadeDxFuN (8:37:16 PM): Stacey went and sat down next to Shane. "We won."
canadianidol96 (8:37:30 PM): He laughed harder. "Trixi shouldn't make up lies."
xxandi20 (8:37:43 PM): [[baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack]]
cass ass master (8:37:46 PM): she frowned. "i see how it is. no wanting to entertain me."
ReDxHeadeDxFuN (8:37:54 PM): [[umm. her house is wet lol]]
xxandi20 (8:37:59 PM): [[huh?]]
Adamo loves YOU (8:38:04 PM): | lol |
dayyyummm Sammm (8:38:06 PM): "im telling the truth." she winked, sitting on a couch.
ReDxHeadeDxFuN (8:38:09 PM): [[andrea's house lmao]]
Shane Kipps (8:38:15 PM): He looked at her and held out his hand for a high five. "Nice job Pimp." he laughed.
xsweetxdea (8:38:15 PM): She grabbed her water cup and was about to hit Stace when Adamo ruined the fun. "You're right." She said. She put the water down and walked over to Jake/Mel still wet. "Hey." she said calmly.
canadianidol96 (8:38:16 PM): [[Jake didn't do it! lol]]
xxandi20 (8:38:19 PM): [[i know, but why?]]
canadianidol96 (8:38:40 PM): He looked at D. "What happened to you?" He laughed.
ReDxHeadeDxFuN (8:38:44 PM): "Thanks whore." Stace laughed and high fived him.
cass ass master (8:38:48 PM): [[lmfao cas didnt do anything either]]
dayyyummm Sammm (8:38:53 PM): she laughed "its time for swimming Dea."
xsweetxdea (8:38:57 PM): [[well there were some pillows and puss in boots and a war.]]
xxandi20 (8:38:57 PM): [[what didn't they do?]]
ReDxHeadeDxFuN (8:38:59 PM): "Oh snap!" Stacey jumped up. "You've gotta see my tattoo."
ReDxHeadeDxFuN (8:39:10 PM): [[umm. they didn't have any hot make out sessions yet]]
canadianidol96 (8:39:31 PM): [[lmfao... yet]]
Shane Kipps (8:39:43 PM): [[who didnt? I'm so confused lol]]
Adamo loves YOU (8:39:45 PM): | I found the Marco & Craig kiss pic.. ahahah |
ReDxHeadeDxFuN (8:39:57 PM): [[*kicks george w. bush* <--- okay, that was my political moment. i just saw something that pissed me off.. nobody didn't in general lol]]
xsweetxdea (8:40:00 PM): She nodded expecting the remarks. "Stacey and Shane on my list."
Shane Kipps (8:40:00 PM): He looked at her. "I've already seen it." he rose an eyebrow.
canadianidol96 (8:40:02 PM): [[LMFAO]]
ReDxHeadeDxFuN (8:40:16 PM): [[ NEW YORK (Reuters) - A New York woman threw her one-month-old son from the third floor of a burning building and the baby was caught by an amateur baseball player standing outside, media reports said on Thursday. ]]
xxandi20 (8:40:17 PM): yeah so um andi came back with the ice?
Adamo loves YOU (8:40:21 PM): | hottness |
ReDxHeadeDxFuN (8:40:24 PM): "Yes, you have."
canadianidol96 (8:40:34 PM): "Why are they on your list?" He rose an eyebrow. "And why are you wet?"
ReDxHeadeDxFuN (8:40:46 PM): "And why is everybody raising eyebrows?"
Adamo loves YOU (8:40:51 PM): | Hey! Adamo just poured cold water down Stacey's back! |
cass ass master (8:40:54 PM): "because they want to." she said simply
xsweetxdea (8:41:21 PM): [[YES! I'm so using that pic.]]
ReDxHeadeDxFuN (8:41:37 PM): [[wait, when did he do that?]]
xxandi20 (8:41:48 PM): "i'm back...did i miss anything?" she did.. something.. with the ice.
Shane Kipps (8:41:54 PM): He laughed and shrugged. "I don't know."
Adamo loves YOU (8:42:20 PM): He ran into Andi while in the middle of running away from Stacey. "Hey, Andrea.. Can I help you with that ice?"
ReDxHeadeDxFuN (8:42:26 PM): [[*is lost*]] Stacey gets up and chases after Adamo. She fills up a cup with ice, and pours it down his back.
xsweetxdea (8:42:55 PM): "They won the war and poured water on me and Adamo." She got a brillant idea. She hugged Mel and got her all wet. "Mel I didn't get to say hi."
xxandi20 (8:42:55 PM): she shook her head. "no, i got it. thanks though." she got out a punch bowl and filled it up with ice. idk why, she just did.
Adamo loves YOU (8:43:05 PM): Speak of the devil. Ice went down his back. Now he was completely wet and shivering.
ReDxHeadeDxFuN (8:43:17 PM): Then, she calmly goes back, and sits down nexts to Shane.
ReDxHeadeDxFuN (8:43:25 PM): "I'm wet."
canadianidol96 (8:43:25 PM): He saw her hug Mel and quickly walked away. "Ok then..." He laughed and walked over to Cas.
ReDxHeadeDxFuN (8:43:32 PM): [[ew.. that came out wrong lmao]]
xxandi20 (8:43:32 PM): "wow.. what is going on? and why is everything and everyone all.. wet?"
Shane Kipps (8:43:39 PM): He laughed. "I see that. Are you cold?"
Shane Kipps (8:43:44 PM): [[lmfao ewww]]
ReDxHeadeDxFuN (8:43:48 PM): "That too."
dayyyummm Sammm (8:43:56 PM): "wow...if i had something to hit you with, i would hit you." she laughed
Adamo loves YOU (8:44:01 PM): "Now! I'm really gonna strip because I am freezing my Italian ass off!!"
xxandi20 (8:44:13 PM): "what happened?"
cass ass master (8:44:18 PM): [[i see my name]]
ReDxHeadeDxFuN (8:44:23 PM): "See, I'm cold, and wet, and it sucks."
Shane Kipps (8:44:38 PM): He laughed. "I bet Andi has towels."
dayyyummm Sammm (8:44:44 PM): "im wearing wet t-shirt contest." she laughed
cass ass master (8:44:53 PM): she looked up at jake and just shook her head. "i swear.." she laughed
Adamo loves YOU (8:44:55 PM): "Me, Dea, & Stacey got into a water fight.. And now I'm freezing.. "
xsweetxdea (8:45:01 PM): She laughed and saw Jake leave. "Oh no you don't." She gave him a huge hug from the back getting him all wet.
xxandi20 (8:45:24 PM): " guys are weird."
cass ass master (8:45:35 PM): "HA HA!" she laughed. "jake is weettt."
ReDxHeadeDxFuN (8:45:38 PM): "I'm sure she does. Andi, where are your towels?" Stacey asked.
canadianidol96 (8:45:41 PM): He smirked, hearing Mel. "Wow... we're here with a bunch of-" He felt D against him. "crazy people" He said through clenched teeth. "Thanks D... thanks." He shook his head.
xxandi20 (8:46:10 PM): "towels? i'll get them." and that she did. she handed a few to stacey
dayyyummm Sammm (8:46:12 PM): "do i win the contest?" she shook her chest, or whatever.
xsweetxdea (8:46:27 PM): She tried to keep from laughing and rung her hair out on his shirt. "You're welcome."
Adamo loves YOU (8:46:46 PM): "Can I have a towle too, Andi? Please.. "
ReDxHeadeDxFuN (8:46:54 PM): "Thanks." Stacey said, attempting to dry herself off. "Shaneeeee" She hugged him, still wet. "Now you're wet too." She laughed.
xxandi20 (8:47:05 PM): "yeah, i gave a few to stacey though, so ask her."
canadianidol96 (8:47:12 PM): He stood there, his mouth wide open. He turned to D. "You're so dead." He grabbed her and started tickling her.
cass ass master (8:47:12 PM): she laughed a little and didn't say anything. she just shook her head
xsweetxdea (8:47:21 PM): [[stacey is such a copier! dea started that.]]
cass ass master (8:47:25 PM): "he likes to tickle people." she noted and notted
ReDxHeadeDxFuN (8:47:43 PM): [[oh yeah she is... lol. don't hurt me.. *hides*]]
ReDxHeadeDxFuN (8:48:03 PM): [[umm stacey started something earlier that i can't remember that somebody stole so umm.. oh well lmao]]
Adamo loves YOU (8:48:06 PM): "Mkay" But before he went over to Stacey, he hugged Andrea getting her all wet. "ahah.. Now you're wet" He laughed and then went to Stacey to ask her for a towel.
xsweetxdea (8:48:13 PM): She tried to get free. "I'm sorry!"
canadianidol96 (8:48:24 PM): While he was tickling her he whispered in her ear "get Cas, she's the only non-wet one left." He let her go
xxandi20 (8:48:24 PM): she made a "=-o" face. "you did NOT just do that!"
dayyyummm Sammm (8:48:33 PM): " the one who needs a towel, im showing my girls off to the world." she said, crossing her arms over her chest
Shane Kipps (8:48:48 PM): He laughed and grabbed one of the towels out of her hands and started trying to dry off.
ReDxHeadeDxFuN (8:48:53 PM): "Everybody's wet." She laughed, and handed Adamo a towel.
Adamo loves YOU (8:49:17 PM): Adamo turned and then laughed.. Still walking to Stacey when she handed him a towel. "Hell yea!" He high-fived her then, cuz it was the cool thing to do.
cass ass master (8:49:19 PM): "that's what you get, dea." she laughed. "don't upset him, you get tickled." she didn't notice him whispering
xsweetxdea (8:50:06 PM): Deanna ran over and tickled Cas.
ReDxHeadeDxFuN (8:50:11 PM): "I'm cold now, like, seriously." [[no, i am lol]]
xsweetxdea (8:50:18 PM): [[gtg. dea went to potty.]]
xsweetxdea (8:50:23 PM) has left the room.
Adamo loves YOU (8:50:44 PM): He hugged Stacey in some effort to warm her up. "I know, I'm wet but I still give off body heat.." Oh yea, Adamo's a pimp.
canadianidol96 (8:51:03 PM): He laughed and watched D attack Cas before she ran off to the potty. He glanced over at Mel, noticing she was all wet in the front. He smirked then looked around.
cass ass master (8:51:04 PM): [[LMAO]]
Shane Kipps (8:51:14 PM): He looked at her. "Well thanks to you I'm cold too." he laughed a little.
cass ass master (8:51:16 PM): [[well d attacked cas then ran off]]
cass ass master (8:51:27 PM): [[to the potty]]
cass ass master (8:51:28 PM): [[lmfao]]
ReDxHeadeDxFuN (8:51:31 PM): Stacey rolled her eyes. "Adamo, you're still wet. Body heat my ass." She laughed.
cass ass master (8:52:03 PM): she screamed. "i don't want to get weettttt!" lmfao then eventually d ran off to the potty. she glanced over at jake and shook her head. "you told her to attack me, didn't you?" she laughed
dayyyummm Sammm (8:52:40 PM): she walked to the closet and put on her coat. "burrrr."
canadianidol96 (8:52:41 PM): He looked over at her. "I did no such thing." He laughed and started to back away. "Ok... maybe.... maybe I did... just a bit..."
Adamo loves YOU (8:53:40 PM): Adamo laughed and then started to dry himself off.. But he was soaked. He was going to be cold the entire night. Oh well. Adamo then sat down on the floor beside the couch. Actually relaxing for a bit.
cass ass master (8:53:42 PM): she shook her head. "i do NOT like getting wet!" she walked toward him
canadianidol96 (8:54:04 PM): "So you don't like taking showers?" He smirked, backing away further.
ReDxHeadeDxFuN (8:54:21 PM): "It's cold. Canada is cold. The world is cold. Life is cold. I'm cold." She laughed. "No more water fights. Adamo, you have to see my tattoo."
cass ass master (8:55:09 PM): she laughed. "that's different!" she shook her head and continued to walk toward him, this time faster
xxandi20 (8:55:40 PM): she washed everyone and laughed
xxandi20 (8:55:43 PM): LMFAO, watched***
cass ass master (8:55:48 PM): lmfao!!!
ReDxHeadeDxFuN (8:55:55 PM): washing people now
xxandi20 (8:56:03 PM): hahahaha
Adamo loves YOU (8:56:10 PM): "Show it to me then.."
canadianidol96 (8:56:32 PM): He noticed her getting faster. "Ok so you don't like swimming? Or being caught in the rain?" He laughed and continued walking backwards, a little faster now. He ended up running into the wall, kinda hurting his ribs.
canadianidol96 (8:56:40 PM): He made a face and looked at her. "Don't kill me."
Shane Kipps (8:56:49 PM): He sat there still trying to dry himself off.
canadianidol96 (8:56:51 PM): His eyes were squinted.
canadianidol96 (8:57:07 PM): His nose was wrinkled up.
ReDxHeadeDxFuN (8:57:09 PM): "Okay..." Stacey stood up and lifted up the back of her shirt, showing Adamo her tattoo. [[south of nowhere makes me laugh]]
canadianidol96 (8:57:12 PM): and I'm done now, lol.
cass ass master (8:57:21 PM): [[lmfao!!!!!!!]]
ReDxHeadeDxFuN (8:57:22 PM): [[his nose was wrinkled up.. lmao]]
dayyyummm Sammm (8:57:37 PM): she sat on the couch, being cold.
ReDxHeadeDxFuN (8:57:50 PM): [[cause umm... the guys was like.. they took our waletts, our watches.. *guy whispers* my car... his car..]]
xxandi20 (8:57:59 PM): [[lmfao what happened to him being able to go through the wall?]]
ReDxHeadeDxFuN (8:58:02 PM): [[and the po-po goes, did you callit in?]]
cass ass master (8:58:11 PM): "being caught in the rain is cute." she said simply and laughed. she glanced at him and slapped her forehead. "nice one." she laughed and walked to where she was next to him
canadianidol96 (8:58:26 PM): [[lol thats only when he's able to see the wall]]
Adamo loves YOU (8:58:28 PM): He looked at the tattoo and nodded. "It's nice.. It's cute.. And oh my God I just said 'cute' "
xxandi20 (8:58:33 PM): [[ooh]]
Shane Kipps (8:58:55 PM): He looked at Adamo and laughed "She asked me if I thought it was cute. I said cool."
ReDxHeadeDxFuN (8:59:01 PM): "See, it's cute." Stacey turned and looked at Shane. "I said it was cute." She laughed
cass ass master (8:59:13 PM): [[lmfaooooooo stephanie]]
canadianidol96 (8:59:16 PM): He laughed slightly. "Yeah... I shoulda realized that a wall was behind me." He rubbed his back a bit.
ReDxHeadeDxFuN (8:59:38 PM): "It's cute... You guys know it is." She sat back down. "I can't wait to get dry."
canadianidol96 (8:59:40 PM): [[he hasn't practiced enough to be able to go through them without seeing the wall... he's slacking]]
cass ass master (8:59:48 PM): she looked at him and rose an eyebrow. "are you okay?"
xxandi20 (8:59:58 PM): [[lmfaooooooo]]
dayyyummm Sammm (9:00:03 PM): she crossed her eyes, looking at her nose "oh man, i can see my nose"
Adamo loves YOU (9:00:21 PM): Adamo laughed and then pushed Stacey, because he can. "Hey! Mel.. Have you seen Stace's tattoo?"
ReDxHeadeDxFuN (9:00:39 PM): "Ow..." Stacey frowned. "That hurt."
dayyyummm Sammm (9:00:41 PM): [[wtf! george bush!]]
ReDxHeadeDxFuN (9:00:53 PM): [[omg.. i kicked him like.. an hour ago]]
dayyyummm Sammm (9:01:15 PM): "no i haven't seen the tattoo."
cass ass master (9:01:23 PM): [[what about him]]
dayyyummm Sammm (9:01:27 PM): [[hes making me miss family guy, bastard.]]
cass ass master (9:01:42 PM): [[is he having a speech or something?]]
ReDxHeadeDxFuN (9:01:45 PM): [[ugh, he sucks... he's so.. ugh. okay.. i'm kicking him again]]
canadianidol96 (9:01:56 PM): He nodded slowly. "Yeah, I'll be fine."
dayyyummm Sammm (9:02:09 PM): [[yeah...talking about uhhh. things.]]
Adamo loves YOU (9:02:31 PM): "That did not hurt.." he said to Stacey before replying to Mel's comment. "Come see it.. "
canadianidol96 (9:02:37 PM): [[yeah I hate Bush... he's part of the reason I wanna move to Canada]]
canadianidol96 (9:02:42 PM): [[but its more than that, lol]]
dayyyummm Sammm (9:02:49 PM): [[lmao. he blinks too much]]
ReDxHeadeDxFuN (9:02:58 PM): "Umm, it definitely did." [[oh, i'm moving there, after graduation. cheaper college, no bush... and other stuff]]
cass ass master (9:03:00 PM): "are you sure?" she asked softly. she kept her eyebrows raised
cass ass master (9:03:05 PM): [[lmfaooo im not fond of him]]
dayyyummm Sammm (9:03:06 PM): she got up. "woohoo i wanna see."
Shane Kipps (9:03:16 PM): [[lmao he looks like a monkeyyyy]]
Adamo loves YOU (9:03:28 PM): "Whatever, Stace & show Mel your tattoo"
dayyyummm Sammm (9:03:37 PM): [[im moving there going to ryerson]]
ReDxHeadeDxFuN (9:04:04 PM): [[lol]] Stacey showed Mel her tattoo and then sat down on the floor. "It's been a long day." [[i don't know where i'm going yet]]
Shane Kipps (9:04:16 PM): [[woo hoo im moving there.. after sometime.. i think lol]]
canadianidol96 (9:04:23 PM): [[yeah, as soon as I get enough money I'm moving up there... a certain somebody said they would move with me too <3]] He nodded. "Yeah... I'll be fine." He moved his hand down to his pocket to grab his pain killers
canadianidol96 (9:04:29 PM): but realized he didn't have them.
canadianidol96 (9:04:35 PM): He sighed in frustration.
canadianidol96 (9:04:38 PM): and now I'm done.
dayyyummm Sammm (9:04:41 PM): "its cute." she walked around.
ReDxHeadeDxFuN (9:04:53 PM): [[*looks at ryerson*]] "Jake, are you okay?" Stacey asked, looking over at him.
cass ass master (9:05:13 PM): "looking for something?"
dayyyummm Sammm (9:05:22 PM): [[ryerson is going there for theatre-performance.]]
Adamo loves YOU (9:05:29 PM): | Lookit! & brb |
Shane Kipps (9:05:50 PM): [[yeah rhi that somebody is heatherrr! haha]]
canadianidol96 (9:06:04 PM): He heard Stace and nodded his head, kinda at both Cas and Stace. "I was looking for my medication, but I must have left it at home."
canadianidol96 (9:06:16 PM): [[lmfao... ok well then 2 somebody's that I love very much]]
cass ass master (9:06:22 PM): "maybe you should go get it.." she trailed off a little and bit her lip
canadianidol96 (9:06:29 PM): [[whoa... dude... I just said I loved him... lmfao]]
Shane Kipps (9:06:38 PM): [[aww heather and um.. andrew? is that his name lmfao]]
ReDxHeadeDxFuN (9:06:57 PM): [[im going to college for psychology]] "What she said." Stacey replied, nodding. [[whoa... lmao.. love... i loved this guy once... i think lmao... i wanna go to ryerson]]
dayyyummm Sammm (9:06:59 PM): [[ahhhh bush is on like every channel.]]
canadianidol96 (9:07:05 PM): [[aww yes... that is his name, lol... actually its his middle name, his first name is David... but he goes by his middle name]]
Shane Kipps (9:07:25 PM): [[weird.. im going to start going by frank]]
canadianidol96 (9:07:49 PM): [[I was in love with someone before... then I found out they're a big fat liar and I'm not gonna open that can of worms again because yeah that was a year ago that I found out so whateves]]
Shane Kipps (9:08:16 PM): [[heathers too cool to be in love]]
canadianidol96 (9:08:18 PM): He shook his head. "I have no way of getting them, I didn't drive and it would hurt more to walk there and get them then just letting this pass."
Shane Kipps (9:08:40 PM): He looked over his shoulder. "I could drive you to get them." he looked at Jake.
canadianidol96 (9:08:40 PM): [[first loves are great... but they usually hurt alot because something always goes wrong]]
ReDxHeadeDxFuN (9:08:58 PM): "Oh my god, I was just about to suggest that." She laughed. [[brb]]
Shane Kipps (9:09:13 PM): [[kk]]
cass ass master (9:09:13 PM): she looked over at shane and nodded before glancing back at jake. "there you go."
canadianidol96 (9:09:16 PM): He shook his head at Shane, he didn't want people fussing over him. "No, I'll be fine." He said simply.
Adamo loves YOU (9:09:22 PM): Suddenly was worrying over Jake, & since Adamo's a follower he suggested the same thing. "I have like Aspirin in my car, if you want.. "
Adamo loves YOU (9:09:33 PM): Suddenly everyone*
xxandi20 (9:09:51 PM): andi started singing quietly to whatever song was on the stereo
Shane Kipps (9:10:08 PM): "You sure?" he stood up and faced him now.
ReDxHeadeDxFuN (9:10:25 PM): [[my sis is trying to type for me lol]] "I think you should go Jake, and get it."
canadianidol96 (9:11:00 PM): He looked at everyone. "Guys, this is a party... party up." He said simply. "I'll be fine... I've been in worse pain then this."
Adamo loves YOU (9:11:41 PM): "In that case.. I'm hungry" Adamo stood and walked over to the food and started munching out on everything. Being in a war does get you hungry like nobody's business.
cass ass master (9:11:46 PM): she sighed and looked down. "fine.." she said softly and shrugged a little. she walked off
dayyyummm Sammm (9:12:15 PM): "i want beer...i should go buy some."
canadianidol96 (9:12:42 PM): [[awwwwwww acoustic Mixtape <3]]
Adamo loves YOU (9:12:42 PM): "Beer tastes like piss!" He said over his shoulder and with a mouth full of chips.
ReDxHeadeDxFuN (9:12:51 PM): "Umm.. No, Mel. I don't think so." She said, looking at her.
canadianidol96 (9:13:30 PM): He rubbed his back a bit more before straightening up. He walked over to grab some water because he was thirsty.
dayyyummm Sammm (9:13:40 PM): "it does not." she laughed at adamo. "i feel like driving."
xxandi20 (9:13:43 PM) has left the room.
ReDxHeadeDxFuN (9:13:55 PM): [[omg.. i wanna go to ryerson lol... im talking to my guidance counselor]]
dayyyummm Sammm (9:14:15 PM): [[lmfao. seeeee its soo good. mike lobel's girlfriend goes there haha.]]
Adamo loves YOU (9:14:22 PM): "Don't buy beer.. It's a waste of money" And Adamo was still stuffing his face.
Shane Kipps (9:14:31 PM): [[lmfao im going to check it out now]]
canadianidol96 (9:15:03 PM): He just listened to them. He didn't think beer was a waste of money, but he wasn't going to speak up, since he wasn't allowed to drink any now anyways.
ReDxHeadeDxFuN (9:15:21 PM): [[lol]] "Don't drive. You're already drunk." [[if we all went to ryerson, that'd be awesome lmao. of course, i'ma sophomore so it'll be a while]]
dayyyummm Sammm (9:15:36 PM): [[im a freshmen. hahahaha]]
dayyyummm Sammm (9:15:52 PM): "im not drunk." she shook her head
cass ass master (9:15:54 PM): she glanced around and sighed. she still had her cup and headed upstairs to the bathroom. she walked in and set her cup down, closing the door. she just leaned her body against the wall and slowly slid down
ReDxHeadeDxFuN (9:16:14 PM): "Melissa McIntyre, you're not driving. End of discussion."
Adamo loves YOU (9:16:26 PM): After Adamo finished with his eating he began to walkover to Jake. Licking his fingers. The hand without the sticky residue went to Jake's shoulder. "You sure you alright, man?"
dayyyummm Sammm (9:16:43 PM): she rolled her eyes. "seriously im good...."
canadianidol96 (9:16:50 PM): [[lmfao I graduated high school last year so yeah if I went to Ryerson I'd like see you all when I'm a senior there, lol]]
ReDxHeadeDxFuN (9:17:10 PM): "Well, we don't need beer right now, so, let's just chill."
canadianidol96 (9:17:25 PM): He nodded his head. "Yeah, I'll be fine." He said quietly. "Just something ya gotta get used to."
Shane Kipps (9:17:29 PM): [[lmao it would be cool. but im a freshman lol]] He looked at Stacey. "yeah, no beer."
canadianidol96 (9:17:32 PM): [[Cas is emooooooooo]]
dayyyummm Sammm (9:17:32 PM): "i know...i just wanna go for a drive."
cass ass master (9:18:08 PM): [[lol]]
cass ass master (9:18:11 PM): [[i cant help it]]
Adamo loves YOU (9:18:36 PM): There was a look of actual worry on his face. "Ya wanna go outside, walk around a little? Get some fresh air or somethin'?"
dayyyummm Sammm (9:18:51 PM): [[dude, wtf. does everyone in the world have a myspace now?]]
ReDxHeadeDxFuN (9:18:56 PM): [[yeah]]
dayyyummm Sammm (9:19:08 PM): [[rofl. cassie is so gay, she got a new one.]]
ReDxHeadeDxFuN (9:19:16 PM): ""Exactly, Shane and I know what we're talking about."
cass ass master (9:19:25 PM): [[nuh uh are you rreal?]]
cass ass master (9:19:36 PM): [[*forreal, stupid AIM]]
ReDxHeadeDxFuN (9:19:36 PM): [[wait, cassie who?]]
dayyyummm Sammm (9:19:51 PM): [[yeah her display name is Vanessa, like that is gonna keep fans away.]]
ReDxHeadeDxFuN (9:20:03 PM): [[omg.. i wanna see it no wlol... send the link..]]
cass ass master (9:20:11 PM): [[lol send the linkkk i must agree.]]
dayyyummm Sammm (9:20:19 PM): [[ ]]
canadianidol96 (9:20:31 PM): He shrugged. "Yeah, that might help."
cass ass master (9:20:33 PM): [[thanks]]
dayyyummm Sammm (9:20:34 PM): [[no one knows about just a stalker lmao.]]
canadianidol96 (9:20:40 PM): [[lmfao thanks]]
Shane Kipps (9:20:44 PM): [[lmfao thanks]]