(no subject)

Dec 19, 2005 20:37

ReDxHeadeDxFuN (9:20:50 PM): [[britt hates cassie steele's myspace.. i can't wait till she breaks up with andrew]]
dayyyummm Sammm (9:21:09 PM): [[anytime, i stalk degrassi peoples myspaces.]]
ReDxHeadeDxFuN (9:21:18 PM): [[lol]]
cass ass master (9:21:31 PM): [[lmao]]
ReDxHeadeDxFuN (9:21:43 PM): "Shane, I wish we had pizza right now." She laughed.
dayyyummm Sammm (9:21:52 PM): [[daniel clarks is hot.]]
cass ass master (9:21:58 PM): she just looked at the mirror and shook her head before opening the door. she grabbed her drink and walked back downstairs
ReDxHeadeDxFuN (9:22:05 PM): [[omg... *hasn't seen his lol*]]
Shane Kipps (9:22:08 PM): He laughed. "We could order one." he looked at her.
Adamo loves YOU (9:22:10 PM): Adamo swallowed the last bit of the food.. or maybe it was something else. That hand patted Jake's shoulder once more. "Alright, let's go.." Adamo walked over to the closet and got out his coat and Jake's.
canadianidol96 (9:22:12 PM): [[lol yeah, send Daniel's]]
dayyyummm Sammm (9:22:27 PM): [[ http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewprofile&friendID=9222286&Mytoken=A79FC4B1-2D2B-4BCF-90499E53E8AA822A592863500 lmfao]]
Shane Kipps (9:22:27 PM): [[lmfao]]
ReDxHeadeDxFuN (9:22:43 PM): [[wtf.. cassie's is taking a bajillion years to open]] "Yeah, let's order one." She said, pulling out her cellphone.
Shane Kipps (9:22:56 PM) has left the room.
canadianidol96 (9:23:34 PM): He followed him and took the coat. He put it on and opened the door. He looked at Adamo. "You sure you wanna go out there, you're soaked."
Shane Kipps (9:23:58 PM) has entered the room.
ReDxHeadeDxFuN (9:24:00 PM): [[ew that degrassi ringtone sounded gay]]
Shane Kipps (9:24:15 PM): [[can you send the daniel link again lmfao please]]
dayyyummm Sammm (9:24:22 PM): http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewprofile&friendID=9222286&Mytoken=A79FC4B1-2D2B-4BCF-90499E53E8AA822A592863500
cass ass master (9:24:28 PM): she glanced around before walking over to the drink/food place. she grabbed herself another drink, setting the other one down. she sat down in a chair and slid down a little
dayyyummm Sammm (9:24:43 PM) has left the room.
Adamo loves YOU (9:24:44 PM): "Yea, man.. I'm fine.." He shrugged and then put on his coat. He tried to fix it as he opened the door and held it open for Jake. Aww. So nice.
xswe (9:24:45 PM) has been invited.
Invitation result for buddy xswe : xswe is not available.
xsweetxdea (9:24:50 PM) has been invited.
ReDxHeadeDxFuN (9:25:00 PM): [[ who i'd like to meet: your mom! damn cassie steele, stealing my lines]]
xsweetxdea (9:25:04 PM) has entered the room.
dayyyummm Sammm (9:25:10 PM) has been invited.
dayyyummm Sammm (9:25:13 PM) has entered the room.
dayyyummm Sammm (9:25:21 PM): [[dang got kicked.]]
ryansxcooler (9:25:26 PM) has been invited.
cass ass master (9:25:46 PM): [[lol i hate AIM.]]
ryansxcooler (9:25:47 PM) has entered the room.
Shane Kipps (9:25:56 PM): [[is that really miriam who commented on the first pic?]]
xsweetxdea (9:26:07 PM): [[okay i feel stupid. now i gtg. uggh peace. sorry raq]]
xsweetxdea (9:26:12 PM) has left the room.
canadianidol96 (9:26:12 PM): He walked out and onto the porch. He took a deep breathe in and rubbed his hands together, trying to warm up.
dayyyummm Sammm (9:26:31 PM): [[no not miriam.]]
ReDxHeadeDxFuN (9:26:32 PM): [[most likely yes.. awe dan. is awesome]]
dayyyummm Sammm (9:26:40 PM): [[she has a myspace though.]]
Shane Kipps (9:26:52 PM): [[cause she sounds stupid there]]
dayyyummm Sammm (9:27:05 PM): [[her and shenae have one. lol]]
Adamo loves YOU (9:27:05 PM): Soon as he walked out, Adamo regretted it. He couldn't let Jake see that so he just shoved his hands into his pockets and began to walk. Damned Canada.
Shane Kipps (9:27:25 PM): [[ive seen theres]]
cass ass master (9:27:34 PM): [[Orientation:Straight yeah dude obviously she isn't bi]]
ReDxHeadeDxFuN (9:27:34 PM): [[yeah they do... ugh.. that fake miriam needs a life]]
Shane Kipps (9:27:50 PM): [Damn boi whyd u leave degrassi again!? cuz i wouldve loved to be hooked back up with you on the show! shh dont tell ur girlfriend on me now! <<< retarded]]
dayyyummm Sammm (9:28:07 PM): [[thats retarded hahahaha.]]
cass ass master (9:28:13 PM): [[lmao]]
ReDxHeadeDxFuN (9:28:19 PM): [[lol.. dan clark = hotness..]] Stacey ordered the pizza and then hung up her phone. "Pizza's on it's way."
canadianidol96 (9:28:25 PM): [[I love Shenae's myspace, lol I stalk it everyday]]
cass ass master (9:28:30 PM): "oooh pizza." she muttered and laughed a little
Shane Kipps (9:28:36 PM): [[yeah you freaking are in love with her lmfao]]
ReDxHeadeDxFuN (9:28:50 PM): [[jt, did you try to kill yourself *cries* <--- this is why my friend doesn't take degrassi seriously]]
Shane Kipps (9:29:00 PM): He looked at her. "Good, I'm hungry."
canadianidol96 (9:29:18 PM): He walked with Adamo, being able to see his breathe. "This makes me miss the Carribbeans." He laughed.
canadianidol96 (9:29:23 PM): [[I do love her, lol]]
ReDxHeadeDxFuN (9:29:52 PM): [[dan's brother = teh sex. god i love them both]]
ryansxcooler (9:29:59 PM): ((he's hot.))
Shane Kipps (9:30:06 PM): [[oh robby is so hot]]
ReDxHeadeDxFuN (9:30:18 PM): [[robby clark aka bobby buds. he's why i watch strange days lol]]
Adamo loves YOU (9:30:31 PM): | I actually confused them both.. They look like almost identical.. they should like do a double mint commercial cuz they hott |
ReDxHeadeDxFuN (9:31:09 PM): "You and me both. Hungry, cold, Canadians. What awesome lives we lead."
Shane Kipps (9:31:54 PM): He laughed and nodded. "Except you won't let me be Jewish."
dayyyummm Sammm (9:32:07 PM): [[shane is jewish.]]
Adamo loves YOU (9:32:16 PM): | LMFAO |
Shane Kipps (9:32:22 PM): [[lmfao really? i know nothing]]
dayyyummm Sammm (9:32:30 PM): [[and so is lauren.]]
dayyyummm Sammm (9:32:37 PM): [[basically everyone.]]
ReDxHeadeDxFuN (9:32:40 PM): [[wow... lmfao... okay, it's easier to list who isn't jewish]]
ReDxHeadeDxFuN (9:32:48 PM): [[umm.. andrea and cassie]]
Shane Kipps (9:32:48 PM): [[lmfao yes]]
Adamo loves YOU (9:32:52 PM): Adamo laughed. "I wanna visit during like winter.. heard it's still eighty degrees in the middle of January.."
Shane Kipps (9:32:58 PM): [[adamo...]]
ReDxHeadeDxFuN (9:33:02 PM): "Shane, you're Jewish. So shut up." She laughed.
dayyyummm Sammm (9:33:26 PM): [[i know to much...im a loser.]]
Shane Kipps (9:33:44 PM): lmfao. "I know. So now we're both Hungry, cold, Jewish, Canadians."
canadianidol96 (9:33:50 PM): He laughed and nodded. "It was great in October, nice and hot. I imagine its still 80 now."
ReDxHeadeDxFuN (9:34:12 PM): [[im looking for fake christmas presents lmao]] "Psh, we suck man." She laughed and laid down on the rug.
cass ass master (9:34:17 PM): [[lmfaooooooo]]
ReDxHeadeDxFuN (9:34:53 PM): [[psh.. that's why laur gets the bestest present biznatch]]
Adamo loves YOU (9:35:01 PM): He nodded some and then began to blow his breath out so he looked like a train or something. Then laughed. "The entire cast should go to the Caribbean some time.. It'd be a kick-ass vacation.."
Shane Kipps (9:35:34 PM): He nodded and looked at her. "You tired too? Or just bored. Cause if you bored. I am too." he laughed.
canadianidol96 (9:35:35 PM): He nodded. "That would be a nice vacation." He smiled. "Hard to get everyone together though."
dayyyummm Sammm (9:35:56 PM): "boo im bored...im going to drive around in circles like a loser."
ReDxHeadeDxFuN (9:36:02 PM): "I'm bored. Not tired, just bored." She smiled.
dayyyummm Sammm (9:36:53 PM): [[ahh i just choked on ice, thank goddd it melted!]]
ReDxHeadeDxFuN (9:37:08 PM): [[wow... that's some deep shniz]]
Shane Kipps (9:37:15 PM): "This party died after the water fight." he nodded and layed down too.
ReDxHeadeDxFuN (9:37:46 PM): "Yeah it did. The water fight was alot of fun. Of course, I'm still wet, and cold." She laughed.
Adamo loves YOU (9:38:14 PM): | what's deep? >> |
ReDxHeadeDxFuN (9:38:34 PM): [[choking on ice that melted]]
Adamo loves YOU (9:38:41 PM): | Lol |
Shane Kipps (9:39:03 PM): He laughed and nodded. "Yeah it was good, except for the wet and cold part."
cass ass master (9:39:34 PM): she took a sip of her drink. sip sip.
ryansxcooler (9:39:46 PM): he was still drinking i guess.
dayyyummm Sammm (9:39:48 PM): she grabbed her keys. "be back soon..." she walked to her car, getting in and blasting the music like a loser. she started driving slow, being weird.
ReDxHeadeDxFuN (9:40:08 PM): "Of course. That part kind of sucked." She shrugged. "Mel left. So now it's me, you, Cas, and Ryan."
canadianidol96 (9:40:21 PM): [[omfg... why am I tired?!]]
ReDxHeadeDxFuN (9:40:39 PM): [[omfg..... i don't know]]
Shane Kipps (9:40:40 PM): He looked around and saw Cassie and Ryan drinking. "Yeah where'd everyone go?"
Shane Kipps (9:40:59 PM): [[maybe because you get like no sleep lmfao]]
cass ass master (9:41:02 PM): she shrugged. "i don't know." she laughed
ReDxHeadeDxFuN (9:41:21 PM): "Jake and Adamo went outside. Mel disappeared. And umm... The rest of them are lost." She laughed.
canadianidol96 (9:41:25 PM): [[lol no I fell asleep last night at like 10:30 and yeah, lol]]
Shane Kipps (9:41:49 PM): He nodded. "Oh, well they suck."
ReDxHeadeDxFuN (9:42:15 PM): "You suck." She joked, hitting him.
Shane Kipps (9:42:44 PM): He looked at her and pushed her lightly away from him.
dayyyummm Sammm (9:42:58 PM): she started driving, she saw adamo and jake, lowering her window. "hey, are you two on that show...uhm degrassi. didn't you guys make out?." she laughed
ReDxHeadeDxFuN (9:43:20 PM): "Fine." She turned away from him.
canadianidol96 (9:43:28 PM): He laughed and shook his head. "We didn't make out!" He smirked.
Shane Kipps (9:43:42 PM): He laughed. "Oh come on, you hit me first."
Adamo loves YOU (9:43:58 PM): He pushed Jake slightly with his elbow. "Yea.. he kissed me! I didn't kiss him back though!" Adamo laughed then.
ReDxHeadeDxFuN (9:44:14 PM): "I'm not talking to you." She said, trying not to laugh.
canadianidol96 (9:44:19 PM): He laughed. "You're such a liar." He shook his head. "That was all you."
dayyyummm Sammm (9:44:25 PM): she laughed. "you guys are stupid, its like zero degrees."
Shane Kipps (9:45:08 PM): He turned towards her. "Yeah, I bet that will last long too."
Adamo loves YOU (9:45:22 PM): "Who's the one driving around in a car for no apparent reason?" Adamo started to push Jake toward the car. "C'mon.. I bet it's warmer in there then it is out here.."
canadianidol96 (9:45:38 PM): [[does anyone know if Kelsea is coming back tonight or not? lol she's Jake's ride]] "So? Fresh air is good." He laughed then walked towards the car.
ReDxHeadeDxFuN (9:45:41 PM): "Psh, I'm being serious. I'm not talking to you, anymore. Starting now."
ReDxHeadeDxFuN (9:45:55 PM): [[lol.. jake's rideless]]
dayyyummm Sammm (9:46:21 PM): "you wanna go get your medication?..i feel like driving anyways."
Shane Kipps (9:47:00 PM): He shrugged and got up. "Fine I'll go talk to someone else." He walked over to Cassie and Ryan. "Hey."
canadianidol96 (9:47:13 PM): He shrugged. "I guess." He got into the backseat, letting Adamo get passenger seat.
ryansxcooler (9:47:17 PM): ryan looked at shane. "hey."
ReDxHeadeDxFuN (9:47:45 PM): "Fine." Stacey sat up and waited for the pizza guy.
Adamo loves YOU (9:47:50 PM): Adamo wished people would stop it with the medication thing. If Jake said he was alright, he was alright. But whatever, Adamo wasn't Jake. However, he gave a sigh of grief as he climbed into the passenger seat. "Thanks, Mel."
dayyyummm Sammm (9:48:50 PM): "buckle up ladies." she said, driving towards his place.
Shane Kipps (9:48:56 PM): He glanced at Stacey then turned back to Ryan. "You guys having fun?"
ryansxcooler (9:49:20 PM): he shrugged. "not really."
ReDxHeadeDxFuN (9:49:34 PM): Stacey just sat there, because, there was nothing else to do but wait for the pizza guy.
Shane Kipps (9:49:36 PM): [[nobody hugged ryan.. he was gone for the waterfight lmfao]]
ryansxcooler (9:49:46 PM): ((lmfao aw that sucks.))
Shane Kipps (9:49:58 PM): [[RACQUEL!!!!]]
Shane Kipps (9:50:32 PM): He nodded. "I was til Stacey decided to be a loser." he said the last part loud so she could hear him.
ReDxHeadeDxFuN (9:50:37 PM): [[guys.. there's an svu marathon on... i've been watching since 12]]
Adamo loves YOU (9:50:48 PM): "Very funny.." Adamo clicked the seatbelt into the other little thingy mah bobber. He rested his head against the window and was this close to falling asleep.
canadianidol96 (9:50:55 PM): [[lmfao!!!]]
cass ass master (9:50:59 PM): [[yes'm?]]
ryansxcooler (9:51:05 PM): he nodded. "that's cool."
Shane Kipps (9:51:12 PM): [[cassie needs to hug ryan]]
ReDxHeadeDxFuN (9:51:42 PM): Stacey looked at Shane and rolled her eyes. "You're the loser." She said under her breath.
canadianidol96 (9:51:50 PM): He sat back there, not buckling up because the seat belt hurt his chest. He nodded his head to the music.
dayyyummm Sammm (9:52:18 PM): "wake up little italian boy." she sang.
cass ass master (9:52:58 PM): [[lol why's that?]]
canadianidol96 (9:53:01 PM): [[MAKE ME STOP YAWNING]]
Shane Kipps (9:53:05 PM): He heard the doorbell ring and ran to the door for the pizza just so he could beat Stacey.
Adamo loves YOU (9:53:12 PM): "Ahh! I'm not asleep.. Not anymore.." He sat up straight leaning over slightly to push the side of Mel's face. He smiled to himself slightly before looking back to Jake. "You okay, man?"
Shane Kipps (9:53:14 PM): [[because hes the only one not wet lol]]
cass ass master (9:53:19 PM): [[lol!!!]]
ryansxcooler (9:53:36 PM): he stood there and put his hands in his pockets.
ReDxHeadeDxFuN (9:53:38 PM): Stacey got up and walked to the door, standing behind Shane.
canadianidol96 (9:53:45 PM): He nodded. "Yeah I'm fine." He continued to bob his head to the music.
cass ass master (9:53:55 PM): she glanced over at ryan and smirked. "awww ryan needs a hug." she sat on his lap and gave him a big hug, so he was wet [[there ya go yo]]
Shane Kipps (9:54:43 PM): He took the pizza and looked at Stacey. "You can pay him since I have my hands full" he smiled and laughed a little.
ryansxcooler (9:54:45 PM): "oh thanks." he said as he hugged her back, and was all wet.
Shane Kipps (9:54:49 PM): [[aw yayayayyy!]]
dayyyummm Sammm (9:55:00 PM): she glanced at him in her mirror "you're really rocking out back there." she smirked, getting closer to his place.
canadianidol96 (9:55:10 PM): He laughed. "I try, I try."
cass ass master (9:55:36 PM): she laughed. "you were the only one not yet! otherwise, i still find you unforgiveable."
ReDxHeadeDxFuN (9:55:49 PM): Stacey grabbed the pizza out of Shane's hands. "I'll take that. Now you can pay." She smirked and walked into the kitchen.
canadianidol96 (9:55:52 PM) has left the room.
Adamo loves YOU (9:55:58 PM): Hands fell to his lap and he began to tap his tumbs to the beat of the music and then started singing out loud with the song. Oh yea.
ryansxcooler (9:55:59 PM): he laughed. "how about i agree to be unforgivable, and you don't hate me anymore."
Shane Kipps (9:56:44 PM): He laughed and then turned around and gave the pizza guy the money and then shut the door when he left. He turned around and followed Stacey.
cass ass master (9:56:54 PM): "whoever said i hated you?" she said simply and laughed. "i love my ryan." she teased and gave him a kiss on his cheek
ryansxcooler (9:57:13 PM): he smiled. "well your ryan loves you too." he said nodding.
canadianidol96 (9:57:35 PM) has entered the room.
cass ass master (9:57:54 PM): she laughed. "well good." she paused. "did you hear stacey earlier?" she rose an eyebrow
ReDxHeadeDxFuN (9:57:56 PM): Stacey put the pizza on the counter and opened the box, putting her slice on a plate.
ReDxHeadeDxFuN (9:58:18 PM): [[make out in the closet!!!!! that was waaaaayyy earlier lmao]]
Adamo loves YOU (9:58:27 PM): "How far is your huose, man?"
cass ass master (9:58:46 PM): [[lmfao]]
dayyyummm Sammm (9:58:49 PM): an old lady drove right infront of her, causing her to stop slightly. "fucking ass fucker. bitch." she started driving again. "i hate elderly people.
ryansxcooler (9:59:04 PM): he shook his head. "no what did she say?

Shane Kipps (9:59:23 PM): He walked over and grabbed himself a slice. "So, I owe you money and I pay for the pizza?" he asked Stacey taking a bite of his pizza.
canadianidol96 (9:59:24 PM): He rose an eyebrow. "Dang, curse enough?" he laughed.
cass ass master (9:59:26 PM): "she said she wouldn't be surprised if she caught us making out in the closet." she shook her head
ReDxHeadeDxFuN (9:59:52 PM): "I'm not talking to you." She said, trying to keep a straight face.
Shane Kipps (9:59:54 PM): [[cassie wants it to happpen!!!]]
ryansxcooler (9:59:55 PM): he laughed a little. "oh i see."
Adamo loves YOU (10:00:21 PM): "Hey, Mel.. Calm down, eh?" He rose an eyebrow. Canadians and their eh's. Adamo sat up a little straighter and watched the rode a little more intently then before.
dayyyummm Sammm (10:00:33 PM): "they should take all old people and put them in a home." she laughed, turning into his driveway.
ReDxHeadeDxFuN (10:00:35 PM): [[she so does]]
Shane Kipps (10:00:42 PM): He looked at her. "You know what? I don't owe you money anymore. I'll get you cheap jewelry for christmas." he laughed and took another bite.
SparkleSpazz2004 (10:00:47 PM) has entered the room.
Shane Kipps (10:01:02 PM): [[miriams hereeeeeeeeee]]
canadianidol96 (10:01:12 PM): He rose his eyebrow. "Mel, are you sure you're alright to drive?"
cass ass master (10:01:31 PM): [[lmfao whatever you fools]]
ReDxHeadeDxFuN (10:01:31 PM): "You know what, you do that then. And I won't get you... Whatever I was gonna get you for Christmas."
dayyyummm Sammm (10:01:41 PM): "yes, now we're here."
cass ass master (10:01:45 PM): she laughed. "oh fine. no invitation to the closet." she crossed her arms
canadianidol96 (10:02:06 PM): He nodded. "I know but to go back..." He sighed. Glad I have no beer at my house.
ryansxcooler (10:02:16 PM): he laughed. "i never said i didn't want to go." he said looking at her and raising an eyebrow.
Adamo loves YOU (10:02:37 PM): Adamo laughed and unbuckled his seatbelt. Sliding out into the cold and started walking to Jake's front door.
dayyyummm Sammm (10:02:54 PM): "oh...yeah, im fine. its not like im drunk...i wouldn't drive if i was." she got out, following adamo.
cass ass master (10:03:08 PM): she laughed. "but you didn't even invite me to it! jerk." she hopped off his lap and grinned, putting her hands on her hips
canadianidol96 (10:03:22 PM): He got out and walked towards the door. He opened up and went to the elevator, because well he lives in a studio apartment, lol. He pressed the elevator button.
dayyyummm Sammm (10:03:42 PM): "ughh i hate elevators."
ryansxcooler (10:03:44 PM): he laughed. "well then, do you want to go to the closet?"
cass ass master (10:04:01 PM): she laughed. "i don't know. mayyybe." she smirked
canadianidol96 (10:04:17 PM): He nodded. "They tend not to like me." He laughed. "I get stuck in them alot... but this elevator does like me." It opened and he went in.
ryansxcooler (10:04:22 PM): he laughed. "oh really now."
ReDxHeadeDxFuN (10:04:30 PM): [[go to the damn closet!]] "Are you really gonna get me cheap jewelry?" Stacey asked.
cass ass master (10:04:32 PM): she laughed. "yes really now." she said simply and grinned
cass ass master (10:04:34 PM): [[lmfao!]]
ryansxcooler (10:04:53 PM): ((lmao))
canadianidol96 (10:04:53 PM): [[I have to ask... why isn't Andrea at her own party? lol]]
dayyyummm Sammm (10:04:54 PM): she got in, sitting on the floor. "god...please be good to me."
ryansxcooler (10:05:04 PM): he smiled and shook his head. "you confuse me." he said getting up.
cass ass master (10:05:07 PM): [[she had to get more ice, lmfaoooo]]
Adamo loves YOU (10:05:08 PM): "I love elevators..They're fun" Adamo followed Jake into the elevator. Leaning against the side of the elevator and watching the numbers light up.
ReDxHeadeDxFuN (10:05:09 PM): [[umm... good question lmao]]
cass ass master (10:05:11 PM): she laughed. "how so?"
ryansxcooler (10:05:23 PM): he shrugged. "you just do i guess."
ReDxHeadeDxFuN (10:05:25 PM): [[vanilla ice ice baby]]
cass ass master (10:05:26 PM): [[xxdelovelyx (9:12:47 PM): lol i think i'm going to leave the chatroom
xxdelovelyx (9:13:01 PM): i'm just letting you know ahead of time, so you don't think i don't want to be in there
xxdelovelyx (9:13:17 PM): it's just that i have no idea what's going on, and everybody's talking with each other and stuff]]
cass ass master (10:05:39 PM): she shook her head. "no. explain." she said simply. she leaned her body against a wall nearby
canadianidol96 (10:06:08 PM): He stood there and waited until they got to his floor. He laughed slightly. "They are fun... but they like me too much. They like to keep me in them." They got to his floor and he stepped out and walked towards his door.
ryansxcooler (10:06:13 PM): he shrugged. "i honestly just don't know. i'm just confused i guess." he said looking at her
Shane Kipps (10:06:25 PM): He looked at her and shrugged. "Are you talking to me now?"
cass ass master (10:06:34 PM): "what can i do to make you unconfused?"
canadianidol96 (10:06:35 PM): [[erm... I'm confused... my thing isn't showing]]
cass ass master (10:06:42 PM): [[your thing, lmfao]]
Adamo loves YOU (10:06:45 PM): | what thing? |
dayyyummm Sammm (10:06:53 PM): she crawled out "thank you god."
canadianidol96 (10:06:58 PM): [[nevermind, AIM was being retarded and slow]]
ReDxHeadeDxFuN (10:07:11 PM): "Just to ask if you're getting me cheap jewelry." She said with a smirk.
Adamo loves YOU (10:07:16 PM): | Ohh.. okay |
ReDxHeadeDxFuN (10:07:45 PM): [[my aim did that earlier... ugh]]
Adamo loves YOU (10:07:51 PM): He helped Mel to her feet. "Gosh, Mel.. You're such a drama queen.." He put a hand around her waist, because he can and followed Jake to his apartment.
canadianidol96 (10:08:12 PM): He got to the door and took his keys out to unlock it, but noticed it was unlocked. "Mir's home." He said simply and walked in. He held it open for them to come in.
Shane Kipps (10:08:34 PM): "I will if your not going to talk to me." He said keeping a straight face and took a bite of his pizza.
dayyyummm Sammm (10:08:42 PM): she laughed, walking in. "im so taking the stairs down."
ReDxHeadeDxFuN (10:09:00 PM): "Alright, I'm talking to you now." She smiled. "See, talking."
SparkleSpazz2004 (10:09:18 PM): Miriam heard the door open, and stepped out of a room she was in to see who ut was.
ReDxHeadeDxFuN (10:09:25 PM): [[they're not in the closet yet? lmao... trapped in the closet...closet...closet..]]
ryansxcooler (10:09:31 PM): ((lmao))
canadianidol96 (10:09:57 PM): He smirked at Mel. "You have fun with those stairs." He looked up and saw Mir. "Hey." He smiled.
dayyyummm Sammm (10:10:14 PM): "miriam!" she smiled
canadianidol96 (10:10:15 PM): [[the first times the worst time then you become so uncomfortably numb]]
Shane Kipps (10:10:40 PM): He looked at her. "Yeah, only to see if I'm buying you cheap jewelry."
cass ass master (10:10:57 PM): [[lol]]
SparkleSpazz2004 (10:11:00 PM): "Hey," she smiled making her 'im confused' face. "What's going on?" she asked seeing them three there.
ReDxHeadeDxFuN (10:11:10 PM): "Are you buying me cheap jewelry?" Stacey asked.
Adamo loves YOU (10:11:18 PM): Adamo just laughed at the whole thing and walked in. "Hey Mir" He smiled and gave the girl a hug.
Shane Kipps (10:11:25 PM): He laughed and shook his head. "Probably not."
cass ass master (10:11:38 PM): "what can i do to make you unconfused?" she repeated
Shane Kipps (10:11:39 PM): [[cassie and ryan need to go in the closettttt]]
ReDxHeadeDxFuN (10:11:56 PM): "Good, I'm back to not talking to you then." She laughed.
canadianidol96 (10:12:00 PM): He closed the door. "Party at Andrea's." He nodded. "Came to get my medication." He walked towards the bathroom where it was.
ReDxHeadeDxFuN (10:12:07 PM): [[closet...closet...closet...]]
canadianidol96 (10:12:23 PM): [[I think you just want them in the closet so Stacey and Shane can make out]]
ryansxcooler (10:12:31 PM): he shrugged. "i don't know. probably, nothing?"
ReDxHeadeDxFuN (10:12:48 PM): [[oh yeah! that's it lmao. take your medication biznatch lmao]]
dayyyummm Sammm (10:13:01 PM): "no jake lies...me and adamo are getting married....i want you to be my maid of honor, the priest will be here soon." she said, trying not to laugh
Shane Kipps (10:13:07 PM): He shrugged. "When I said probably not it could have meant I wasn't getting you anything at all." He said then took another bite of his pizza.
ReDxHeadeDxFuN (10:13:35 PM): "If you get me nothing... Oh well. I'll live."
SparkleSpazz2004 (10:14:06 PM): She hugged Adamo back with a smile, and then let go. She nodded watching Jake walk to the bathroom, "Um okay?" She looked at Melissa and tried not to laugh. She looked at Adamo. "To many drinks?" she said softly.
Adamo loves YOU (10:14:07 PM): Adamo shook his head and stood by the door, walking a little aimlessly. "Don't listen to her, Mir.. I'm married already to like three different people.."
Shane Kipps (10:14:07 PM): "You suck." he joked and walked away from her to eat his pizza.
cass ass master (10:14:28 PM): [[lmfao shut up people. jeezile]]
SparkleSpazz2004 (10:14:36 PM): "Three different people?" she chuckled. "Who's that?"
cass ass master (10:14:45 PM): she laughed. "well fine. it's your fault."
dayyyummm Sammm (10:14:46 PM): "am i like the group alcoholic now?" she laughed
canadianidol96 (10:14:57 PM): He laughed and shook his head at Mel. He walked in and opened the medicine cabinet. He opned the bottle and took 2 out then grabbed a paper cup and put water in it. He took the pills, yadda yadda.
ReDxHeadeDxFuN (10:15:04 PM): "You suck more." She stuck her tongue out at him. [[get in the closet...closet... oh my god a rubber...rubber...rubber lol]]
Shane Kipps (10:15:40 PM): He shook his head and turned away from her and finished his pizza.
ryansxcooler (10:15:54 PM): he laughed. "yes i know, but i guess it'll be okay."
cass ass master (10:16:20 PM): "you're a baby." she laughed and pushed him playfully
Adamo loves YOU (10:16:38 PM): "There's Dea.. Stacey.. Cassie.. And those are just the ones I can remember" He laughed at that. With that I'm-so-full-of-shit smile on his face.
ReDxHeadeDxFuN (10:17:07 PM): She saw a bowl full of popcorn, because, it was a party, and what's a party without popcorn. She threw some popcorn at the back of his head. [[i'm-so-full-of-shit smile.. wooo saaa]]
dayyyummm Sammm (10:17:11 PM): "you know you love me the best." she joked
SparkleSpazz2004 (10:17:29 PM): She laughed. "And I thought you and Cassie were getting some kind of divorce?"
Adamo loves YOU (10:17:34 PM): | Lol |
dayyyummm Sammm (10:18:20 PM): "epstein are you all medicated now?"
Adamo loves YOU (10:18:36 PM): "Of course, Mel.." At Mir's comment, he bursted out laughing. He hugged her once more. "You're great, Mir.. Cassie took all our emo babies away.. And now I have none.. It's sad.." He sniffled a
Adamo loves YOU (10:18:43 PM): little bit before laughing oncemore. "Wanna come with us back to the party?"
canadianidol96 (10:18:58 PM): He came out of the bathroom and walked towards them. "Yes, I'm medicated." He laughed. "McIntyre, are you sane?"
dayyyummm Sammm (10:19:21 PM): "no...but thats why they call me trixi." she winked, laughing
canadianidol96 (10:19:55 PM): He shook his head. "Yeah and the $500." He smirked. "You're a pathological liar."
Shane Kipps (10:20:13 PM): He felt the popcorn hit the back of his head and turned around and walked over and grabbed another piece of pizza and then grabbed some popcorn and threw it in her face.
ReDxHeadeDxFuN (10:20:16 PM): [[one time.. i really threw popcorn at my friend. and then she hit me, for talking about degrassi. she smacked me]]
ryansxcooler (10:20:19 PM): he laughed. "i am not. so, wanna go to that closet now." he asked semi-jokingly.
SparkleSpazz2004 (10:20:31 PM): She laughd with her hand on his back, "I know, I know." She smiled. "And those emo babies are my brother and sisters by the way."
SparkleSpazz2004 (10:20:32 PM): She chuckled. "Um..sure?" she shrugged. "I wasn't doing anything anyway."
ReDxHeadeDxFuN (10:20:46 PM): She picked up the whole bowl and dumped it over his head. "I win."
dayyyummm Sammm (10:21:05 PM): "you just wait....january sixteenth" she shook her head. "you'll regret saying that."
Adamo loves YOU (10:21:29 PM): "Great.." He turned to Mel and Jake.. "You guys ready or are you gonna exchange witty banter all night?" He laughed and started walking out of the apartment. "My friends are a bunch of crazy people"
Shane Kipps (10:21:32 PM): He shook his head. "We're through." he nodded and walked to the other side of the kitchen to eat his pizza.
ReDxHeadeDxFuN (10:21:52 PM): "That's like, the second time this week." She laughed.
dayyyummm Sammm (10:22:14 PM): she got her keys out of her pocket, following adamo. "damn elevator again."
canadianidol96 (10:22:16 PM): "See you are full of crap because it would be the 17th that it would happen, when I'm back in Montreal." He laughed and walked over to Mir, putting his arm around her.
SparkleSpazz2004 (10:23:01 PM): She grabbed her coat, and smiled at Jake as she began to walk out of the apt shutting the lights on the way out.
Shane Kipps (10:23:03 PM): "Oh well. Now its permanent." he smirked a little and took a bite of his pizza.
dayyyummm Sammm (10:23:29 PM): "i meant 17th.." she laughed
Adamo loves YOU (10:23:42 PM): "Oh c'mon, Mel.. It's not that bad..." He pushed the button and hugged Melissa to him. Adamo's a flippin pimp.
ReDxHeadeDxFuN (10:24:04 PM): "Yeah right. We're so not through." She smiled.
dayyyummm Sammm (10:24:22 PM): "oh who wants to hold my hand in the death transporter?"
Shane Kipps (10:24:23 PM): He laughed. "Well we have to be if you're not going to talk to me."
canadianidol96 (10:24:36 PM): He laughed at Mel. "She's a trip." He said softly.
dayyyummm Sammm (10:25:02 PM): "hey...be nice to your driver."
ReDxHeadeDxFuN (10:26:00 PM): "True... I guess I'll talk to you then."
Shane Kipps (10:26:40 PM): He nodded and walked back over to her. "Good, because I'm going to be the only person left as soon as Ryan and Cass go in the closet."
Adamo loves YOU (10:26:55 PM): "I'll hold your hand.. Because those two over there.. Don't appreciate funny people.." The elevator doors opened and he walked in. Tugging Mel along. Holding her hand like he said he would.
canadianidol96 (10:27:29 PM): He laughed. "I never said I don't appreciate funny people." He said simply, grabbing onto Mir's hand and walking in.
cass ass master (10:27:37 PM): [[sorry about that]
dayyyummm Sammm (10:27:37 PM): "i feel like im five." she laughed
ReDxHeadeDxFuN (10:27:45 PM): "Closet...closet....closet." She laughed.
cass ass master (10:28:05 PM): she laughed. "you really want to go eh?" she rose an eyebrow
SparkleSpazz2004 (10:28:13 PM): She chuckles shaking her head holding onto Jake's hand. "Yeah, I don't remember saying that either. Refresh my memory will you." She laughed slightly.
Adamo loves YOU (10:28:16 PM): "Cuz you are.. " He bumped her slightly with his hip. "I'm kidding.. You're not five.. you're like six.. "
Shane Kipps (10:28:34 PM): He looked at Stacey and laughed.
dayyyummm Sammm (10:28:49 PM): "awwww. kisses for you adamo." she laughed, blowing him a kiss.
ReDxHeadeDxFuN (10:29:28 PM): "You wasted your money on this pizza."
canadianidol96 (10:29:40 PM): He laughed and pressed the button for the the lobby floor.
Shane Kipps (10:30:03 PM): He finished another piece. "You can take it home for breakfast." he smirked.
ryansxcooler (10:30:05 PM): he laughed and shrugged. "looks like shane and stace wanna be alone or something."
Adamo loves YOU (10:30:07 PM): "Yay. I feel loved.." He laughed at Mel's comment then at himself for not pushing the button for the lobby floor.
cass ass master (10:30:29 PM): "oooh la la." she laughed and grabbed his hand. she took him to the closet and shut it. "now they're alone." she said simply
ReDxHeadeDxFuN (10:30:45 PM): "If you don't eat it all now." She laughed. [[yes! closet...closet...closet]]
cass ass master (10:31:07 PM): [[lol ah jeez]]
ryansxcooler (10:31:13 PM): he nodded. "yeah, they are." he said leaning against the door.
dayyyummm Sammm (10:31:17 PM): "no wonder the world is fat...everyone rides these sick things instead of stairs."
Shane Kipps (10:31:28 PM): He shook his head. "I probably won't." he watched Cass and Ryan go in the closet and looked at Stacey and laughed
ReDxHeadeDxFuN (10:31:55 PM): "They really went in the closet?" She laughed.
SparkleSpazz2004 (10:32:06 PM): She laughed shaking her head slightly.
canadianidol96 (10:32:11 PM): He rose an eyebrow at Mel and laughed. "I'm not fat and I ride these." He said simply.
Adamo loves YOU (10:32:23 PM): "I hate using the stairs.. They take forever.." The bell dinged and the doors opened to the lobby. He walked out, still holding Mel's hand.
cass ass master (10:32:38 PM): she glanced at ryan and just shook her head. she laughd and leaned her body against the wall, before sliding down it. she sat there, with her knees hugged, and just glanced at him
Shane Kipps (10:32:39 PM): He nodded still laughing. "I guess they needed some alone time." he said going to the fridge and grabbing a drink. "You want anything?" he asked her.
dayyyummm Sammm (10:32:48 PM): "yes..god loves me today."
canadianidol96 (10:33:04 PM): He walked out after Adamo and Mel. He leaned over. "Should we drive seperate?" He whispered.
ReDxHeadeDxFuN (10:33:08 PM): "No thanks." She laughed. "The closet... It can't be too comfortable."
canadianidol96 (10:33:08 PM): to Mir.
ryansxcooler (10:33:09 PM): he looked down at her and sat down on the floor indian style. "so, how have you been?"
cass ass master (10:33:55 PM): "i've been okay." she nodded her head. "what about you?" she glanced around. she found it funny that they were talking normally, when they were just sitting in a closet lmfao
Shane Kipps (10:33:56 PM): He grabbed a pop and opened it and walked back over to the counter and took a sip.
SparkleSpazz2004 (10:34:14 PM): She looked up at him. "You worried?" she asked quietly looking around to make sure no one heard.
ryansxcooler (10:34:29 PM): lmfao yeah. he shrugged. "i've been okay." he said leaning against the wall and nodding.
ReDxHeadeDxFuN (10:35:00 PM): [[my sister is watching the weirdest movie. a fat guy is singing milkshake]] "I say, we go open the closet."
canadianidol96 (10:35:17 PM): He shook his head. "No, not really worried. Just don't want to make them have to take us home."
cass ass master (10:35:19 PM): "just okay?" she rose an eyebrow
ReDxHeadeDxFuN (10:35:19 PM): [[imr eading about the chapelle theory]]
Shane Kipps (10:35:32 PM): He laughed. "We should, but let's wait a few minutes." he said looking at the closet.
ryansxcooler (10:35:59 PM): he nodded. "yeah just okay." he said looking at her. and then since he heard shane because he's loud. "so i guess they're gonna come in here."

miriam, jake, shane, stacey, melissa, adamo, cassie, deanna, ryan

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