xxandi20 (4:34:16 PM): *CALLS*
cass ass master (4:34:40 PM): *YAY*
xxandi20 (4:34:46 PM): *WOOHOO PARTAY*
cass ass master (4:34:56 PM): [[lmfao do you want to rp it]]
xxandi20 (4:35:07 PM): [[lmfao sure
xxandi20 (4:35:08 PM): ]]
xxandi20 (4:36:37 PM): [[and laffy taffy is on again]]
cass ass master (4:41:00 PM): [[lmfao!!!!]]
xxandi20 (4:41:05 PM): [[lmfaoooooooo]]
cass ass master (4:41:07 PM): [[i cant get nooo..satifaction]]
cass ass master (4:41:19 PM): cas answered the phone and laughed. "andreaaaaa" she greeted
xxandi20 (4:41:24 PM): [[ooh! i know what andrea is going to get two people for the holidays]]
xxandi20 (4:41:29 PM): "cassieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee."
cass ass master (4:41:30 PM): [[lol yay]]
cass ass master (4:41:34 PM): she laughed. "you called mee! yay."
xxandi20 (4:41:47 PM): she laughed. "yes i did, you lazy bitch."
xxandi20 (4:41:51 PM): [[lol CASSIE and jake]]
cass ass master (4:42:40 PM): [[lmao :dances:]]
xxandi20 (4:42:45 PM): [[lmao]]
cass ass master (4:42:51 PM): she laughed. "i can't help itttt! don't be calling me a lazy bitch. foo"
xxandi20 (4:43:06 PM): "you called yourself a lazy bitch, you lazy bitch," she said laughing. "on a comment."
xxandi20 (4:44:39 PM): [[LMFAO.
http://triggur.org/dearsanta/?uname=xxdarcyyy ]]
cass ass master (4:45:43 PM): she laughed. "soooo? you can't be calling me that! only i can."
cass ass master (4:45:45 PM): [[lmfao!!!!]]
xxandi20 (4:46:01 PM): [[lmfaooo]]
xxandi20 (4:46:11 PM): "i can call you whatever i want. now i am going to call you dwayne."
cass ass master (4:46:29 PM): she made a face. "why DWAYNE? i mean c'mon. at least choose something hot."
xxandi20 (4:46:44 PM): she laughed. "it's either dwayne or..dun dun dun..MISCHA."
xxandi20 (4:48:00 PM): [[
http://www.livejournal.com/users/superxw0man/9923.html teeeheehee]]
cass ass master (4:49:04 PM): "ahhhh!" she laughed. "you did NOT!"
xxandi20 (4:49:14 PM): "i'm pretty sure i did!"
xxandi20 (4:58:12 PM): "did you die, dwayne?"
cass ass master (5:03:40 PM): [[lmfao oops]]
cass ass master (5:03:42 PM): "almost." she nodded
xxandi20 (5:03:46 PM): [[lmfao]]
xxandi20 (5:04:05 PM): she made crying noises. "if you die, i'd never stop crying. then i'd drown everyone."
cass ass master (5:06:07 PM): "fine, fine, i won't die!" she laughed. "jeeez."
xxandi20 (5:06:22 PM): "promise?"
cass ass master (5:07:14 PM): she nodded her head. "ill tryyy."
xxandi20 (5:07:39 PM): "yay." she turned on the radio and started dancing around while on the phone
xxandi20 (5:07:42 PM): [[ this is a random question, but please answer honestly. do you think i make a good andrea? because i really don't.. and if you have any suggestions, feel free.]]
cass ass master (5:08:18 PM): [[counting the last time you played or just this time]]
xxandi20 (5:08:25 PM): [[both]]
cass ass master (5:09:02 PM): she laughed. "what the freak are you doing?"
xxandi20 (5:09:11 PM): "dancing around to the radio."
cass ass master (5:10:12 PM): [[well i dont know much about andrea honestly..but from what i can tell, i think you play her well..like she can a playful/flirty side, like right now shes goofing out..yet she has that mature side as well..i think andreas immature for her age a little in real life, so i think you are]]
cass ass master (5:10:17 PM): she laughed. "wow..." she shook her head
xxandi20 (5:10:39 PM): [[thanks ]]
xxandi20 (5:10:46 PM): "well i need exerciseeeeee."
xxandi20 (5:11:38 PM): [[
mindthejake: and I think with the way she was being mean to Mel on the anonymous comments was something I coudl see her doing
xxandi20 (5:11:53 PM): xxandi20: lmfao that wasn't shenae
xxandi20: well it ws
xxandi20: was*
xxandi20 (5:11:58 PM):
xxandi20: because.. well it's hard to explain]]
xxandi20 (5:12:26 PM): [[i g2g help my mom bake cookies]]
xxandi20 signed off at 5:12:28 PM.
xxandi20 signed on at 5:19:45 PM.
xxandi20 (5:19:54 PM): [[back]]
xxandi20 went away at 5:20:33 PM.
cass ass master (5:20:56 PM): [[kk]]
Auto Response from xxandi20 (5:20:56 PM): I am away from my computer right now.
xxandi20 returned at 5:35:44 PM.
xxandi20 (5:35:52 PM): [[lala]]
xxandi20 (5:36:20 PM): [[mmm COOKIE DOUGH]]
cass ass master (5:36:21 PM): [[llllllllllll]]
cass ass master (5:38:21 PM): [[poo]]
cass ass master (5:38:38 PM): she shook her head. "you do not!"
xxandi20 (5:39:40 PM): "yuh HUH."
xxandi20 (5:40:22 PM): [[for her plot, i think one of her parents should become an alcoholic or something]]
cass ass master (5:41:21 PM): [[oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooh]]
xxandi20 (5:41:30 PM): [[do you think that's good?]]
cass ass master (5:43:50 PM): [[yess i really like it..it hasnt been done yet either]]
cass ass master (5:43:55 PM): "NOOO!" she said simply
xxandi20 (5:43:57 PM): [[ooh!]]
xxandi20 (5:44:21 PM): "well... i like dancing." STICKWITU came on. "ooh i like this song." she started singing. "see the way we ride in our private livesssssss."
cass ass master (5:46:58 PM): she slapped her head. "you're freaky." she laughed
xxandi20 (5:52:33 PM): she laughed. "i got it from you."
cass ass master (5:55:15 PM): she laughed. "HEYY!!" she shook her head
xxandi20 (6:03:31 PM): she smiled. "hey nothing!"
cass ass master (6:05:26 PM): she laughed. "you're mean." she sniffed
xxandi20 (6:05:59 PM): "fine if you think i'm so mean, i will return your christmas present!"
cass ass master (6:06:42 PM): "you're the greatest ever yo!"
xxandi20 (6:07:09 PM): she laughed. "you get to keep it!"
cass ass master (6:08:03 PM): "hells yes babay!" she laughed
xxandi20 (6:08:24 PM): she laughed. "you'll like it, too."
xxandi20 (6:08:42 PM): [[ xxandi20: no, you go first, or no deal
ReDxHeadeDxFuN: I don't like this deal. I like Shane. Now you lol.
xxandi20: OOH I KNEW IT ]]
xxandi20 (6:09:43 PM): "cassie, whatcha gonna do with all that ass, all that ass up in yo' jeans?"
cass ass master (6:16:01 PM): [[lmfao!!!!!!!!!!!!!!]]
xxandi20 (6:16:07 PM): [[lmfaoooooooooo]]
cass ass master (6:16:21 PM): "i'm gonna shake it, shake it, oh yes shake ittt." she laughed
xxandi20 (6:16:33 PM): she laughed. "you don't know that song, do you?"
cass ass master (6:17:55 PM): she laughed. "well duh i do. that's just my version of it. durr."
xxandi20 (6:18:32 PM): lmfao lots of laughing going on, so she laughed. "and now fall out boy is on. this is a very diverse radio station." ew, earlier the station played freaking AVRIL: THE EARLY YEARS
cass ass master (6:19:09 PM): [[lmfao..why'd you have to go and make me so consipated]]
xxandi20 (6:19:17 PM): [[LMFAO that was the song]]
xxandi20 (6:19:31 PM): [[well different lyrics, but still]]
cass ass master (6:19:36 PM): [[lmfao!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!]]
cass ass master (6:19:54 PM): she laughed. "oooh yay." she paused and glanced around. "i say that andrea&cas need to hang out. ASAP."
xxandi20 (6:19:55 PM): [[lmfoa]]
xxandi20 (6:20:23 PM): she smiled. "i say that you're right."
cass ass master (6:22:27 PM): "well, i say that we should meet up somewhere. sooooon."
xxandi20 (6:23:08 PM): "i say.. where?"
cass ass master (6:24:33 PM): "i say i dont know." she laughed
xxandi20 (6:24:50 PM): "hm we should go to the mall and shop till we DROP.'
xxandi20 signed off at 6:25:08 PM.
xxandi20 signed on at 6:25:20 PM.
cass ass master (6:25:36 PM): she laughed. "and why is that?"
xxandi20 (6:26:02 PM): she shrugged, even though cas couldn't see her. "because i haven't gone shopping in FOREVER, and i'm going into withdrawal."
cass ass master (6:26:44 PM): she laughed. "too bad for you."
xxandi20 (6:27:27 PM): "aw you don't want to go shopping?"
cass ass master (6:30:38 PM): [[ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh]]
cass ass master (6:31:06 PM): she laughed. "i don't care. whatever you want to do, i'm just not the shopping person. i have bad experiences with shopping." she shuddered
cass ass master (6:32:50 PM): [[lol!!!!!!]
xxandi20 (6:33:06 PM): [[hahaha]]
xxandi20 (6:33:46 PM): [[SHE GOT ME MIRIAM
xxandi20 (6:33:47 PM): AND STACEY ONES
xxandi20 (6:33:52 PM): AND SHE'S BIDDING ON JAKE FOR ME]]
cass ass master (6:35:49 PM): [[lmfao..ebay?]]
xxandi20 (6:36:31 PM): [[yes]]
xxandi20 (6:36:37 PM): [[they're pretty too, i will take pictures]]
cass ass master (6:37:06 PM): [[ooohlala]]
xxandi20 (6:39:27 PM): [[tresemme, tresemme, ooh la la.]]
cass ass master (6:40:19 PM): [[lol]]
xxandi20 (6:40:26 PM): [[lol]]
xxandi20 signed off at 6:43:17 PM.
xxandi20 signed on at 7:23:47 PM.
xxandi20 went away at 8:47:00 PM.
xxandi20 returned at 10:56:55 PM.
xxandi20 signed off at 10:57:06 PM.
xxandi20 signed on at 10:57:08 PM.
xxandi20 went away at 2:47:32 AM.
xxandi20 returned at 2:55:55 AM.
xxandi20 went away at 2:56:10 AM.
xxandi20 (7:24:54 PM): cassssssss.
xxandi20 (7:43:20 PM): aglllllll
xxandi20 went away at 7:55:40 PM.
xxandi20 returned at 8:06:58 PM.
xxandi20 signed off at 8:24:48 PM.
xxandi20 signed on at 8:28:35 PM.
xxandi20 went away at 8:39:02 PM.
xxandi20 (11:17:19 PM): cassssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss.
cass ass master (11:18:28 PM): andiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii.
xxandi20 (11:18:32 PM): hello
cass ass master (11:18:39 PM): mines longer =]
cass ass master (11:18:40 PM): hello there
xxandi20 (11:18:49 PM): well fine then
xxandi20 (11:18:50 PM): hello
xxandi20 (11:19:00 PM): [[i'm happy, it just started today, and we already have like five or six members]]
cass ass master (11:19:31 PM): [[awwww awesomeness]]
cass ass master (11:19:33 PM): i win!!
xxandi20 (11:19:40 PM): [[ooh i know]]
xxandi20 (11:19:50 PM): cassssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss
xxandi20 (11:19:51 PM): now i win.
cass ass master (11:21:38 PM): [[ahhh
cass ass master (11:21:39 PM):
http://viewmorepics.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=viewImage&friendID=34199325&imageID=371813685&Mytoken=13E1A8B1-A8E8-4F6D-16CA7D9337B80C389676922cass ass master (11:21:40 PM): ]]
cass ass master (11:21:43 PM): pooface =[
xxandi20 (11:21:47 PM): no
xxandi20 (11:21:51 PM): i have a prettyface.
xxandi20 (11:22:10 PM): [[AHHH]]
cass ass master (11:27:39 PM): [[lollllllllll]]
cass ass master (11:27:40 PM): true true
cass ass master (11:27:41 PM): but STLL
cass ass master (11:27:43 PM): *still
cass ass master (11:27:44 PM): sniff
xxandi20 (11:27:49 PM): ha your keyboard doesn't like you
cass ass master (11:38:57 PM): it never likes me
xxandi20 (11:39:02 PM):
cass ass master (11:39:11 PM): now im going to go in my emo corner
xxandi20 (11:39:14 PM): aw
cass ass master (11:39:40 PM): and write emo songs
xxandi20 (11:39:43 PM): ooh
xxandi20 (11:39:45 PM): emo songs
cass ass master (11:40:22 PM): lol
cass ass master (11:40:23 PM): yess!
cass ass master (11:40:30 PM): thats what i said
cass ass master (11:40:38 PM):
http://viewmorepics.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=viewImage&friendID=34199325&imageID=371842053&Mytoken=7E1B6539-CE0C-1524-5932E879E419331A11185328xxandi20 (11:40:38 PM): danclrkownsyou: she needs to get off her lazy ass
danclrkownsyou: tell her
xxandi20 (11:40:42 PM): [[LMFAO IGNORE THAT
xxandi20 (11:40:48 PM): i was c&ping something, and it came up]]
cass ass master (11:40:49 PM): [[lmfao same up there]]
cass ass master (11:40:56 PM): [[the viewmore pics thing]]
xxandi20 (11:40:58 PM): [[haha]]
cass ass master (11:41:37 PM): boo
xxandi20 (11:41:41 PM): hoo.
xxandi20 (11:42:14 PM): [[i'ma ge ge ge git you drunk, git you love drunk off mah humpss.]]
cass ass master (11:43:05 PM): [[hells yes *gets drunk*]]
cass ass master (11:43:08 PM): koo
xxandi20 (11:43:19 PM): [[lmfao]]
xxandi20 (11:43:20 PM): moo.
cass ass master (11:44:19 PM): ummm
cass ass master (11:44:21 PM): joo
xxandi20 (11:44:41 PM): too
xxandi20 (11:44:42 PM): [[MackaliciousStac: *screamsss* cause of my hump my hump my hump my hump, my lovely lady lumps check it out
hotpinkbaby43: no, i have my own to check out, thanks
xxandi20 (11:44:46 PM): AND NOW LAFFY TAFFY IS ON.]]
cass ass master (11:47:20 PM): [[lmao!!!!]]
xxandi20 (11:47:22 PM): [[lmfaooo]]
cass ass master (11:47:28 PM): loo!!!!
cass ass master (11:47:31 PM): i win i win i win
xxandi20 (11:47:33 PM): GOO
xxandi20 (11:48:04 PM): [[ReDxHeadeDxFuN: I'm gonna marry Shane, and then the law and order guy will get jealous.]]
cass ass master (11:49:07 PM): [[lmfao!!!!!!!]]
xxandi20 (11:49:10 PM): [[lmfao]]
cass ass master (11:49:12 PM): NOO
xxandi20 (11:49:41 PM): ZOO
cass ass master (11:53:25 PM): i win
xxandi20 (11:53:27 PM): no.
cass ass master (11:53:35 PM): YES!
xxandi20 (11:53:57 PM): nuh freaking uh.
cass ass master (11:57:21 PM): yes huh
cass ass master (11:57:23 PM): i win
cass ass master (11:57:25 PM): and you know it
xxandi20 (11:57:31 PM): [[yay rhi will be on soon! i have to tell her something]]
xxandi20 (11:57:33 PM): you lose
xxandi20 (11:57:38 PM): cause you're a loooooooooooooser.
cass ass master (12:00:22 AM): [[yup shes on right now yozzzzz]]
cass ass master (12:00:26 AM): how dare you!!!!!
xxandi20 (12:00:28 AM): [[no]]
xxandi20 (12:00:49 AM): gah i g2g, i'll be back in an hour
xxandi20 went away at 12:01:00 AM.
cass ass master (12:05:43 AM): [[kk]]
Auto Response from xxandi20 (12:05:43 AM): I am away from my computer right now.
xxandi20 returned at 12:59:14 AM.
xxandi20 (12:59:36 AM): [[back]]
cass ass master (1:02:16 AM): [[yay]]
xxandi20 (1:02:18 AM): [[yay]]
cass ass master (1:02:22 AM): [[:dance:]]
xxandi20 (1:02:25 AM): [[haha]]
cass ass master (1:02:37 AM): [[im bored.]]
xxandi20 (1:02:46 AM): [[me too]]
cass ass master (1:07:11 AM): [[entertain me]]
xxandi20 (1:07:19 AM): [[by doing what?]]
cass ass master (1:09:23 AM): [[i dont know. anything.]]
xxandi20 signed off at 1:11:31 AM.
xxandi20 signed on at 1:11:44 AM.
xxandi20 went away at 1:54:59 AM.
cass ass master (2:41:19 PM): ANDIANDIANDI!
xxandi20 (2:41:32 PM): CASSCASSCASSCASS
cass ass master (2:41:41 PM): how are youuuu
xxandi20 (2:42:03 PM): i am very good, and you?
cass ass master (2:42:19 PM): i'm..i'm doing fine, thanks
xxandi20 (2:42:37 PM): that's good.. why were you hesitating?
cass ass master (2:43:11 PM): i don't know. at times i feel great, other times, i feel completley horrible. right now, i'm kind of in the middle, i guess
xxandi20 (2:43:25 PM): aw, anything you want to talk about?
cass ass master (2:44:01 PM): well..okay..you know at your party the other night, when you were laying down?
xxandi20 (2:44:25 PM): [[lmfao i confused this between our other convo, and i was all "wait? i didn't have a party?]] yeah
cass ass master (2:44:43 PM): ((lmfao!!!!! nice.))
xxandi20 (2:45:06 PM): [[lmfaooooooooo]]
cass ass master (2:48:11 PM): well, yeah..miriam was still over for awhile..and..it was the most awkward thing, ever. like we were just literally, sitting there..it was so quiet..then miriam left...jake and i continued to just sit there for awhile, before i was trying to give him back this like..necklace type thing he gave me awhile back, when we went to the caribbeans..and he wouldn't take it..we had this seriously, really, really, really, long conversation..but i ended up getting rid of it..and i feel really bad..i mean, he doesn't know i did, but i just..i don't know. he said, to him, it symbolized our friendship..
xxandi20 (2:49:50 PM): oh.. wow. that's...that's really sad, and i'm sorry to hear that. do you not want to be his friend anymore?
xxandi20 (2:50:04 PM): or is it more of, you're getting rid of all the bad memories?
cass ass master (2:50:13 PM): it's not like that. it's just, you know, we had memories together in the caribbeans..and it just doesn't feel right anymore.
xxandi20 (2:50:25 PM): oh. i understand completely
cass ass master (2:50:28 PM): i mean, we got together in the caribbeans..
xxandi20 (2:50:53 PM): yeah, i get it. i think i would do the same thing.. how did you get rid of it?
cass ass master (2:51:39 PM): i flushed it down the toilet..((lmfao.))
xxandi20 (2:52:11 PM): [[LMFAO THAT'S ADAMO'S HOUSE. it probably hit him on the way down]]
cass ass master (2:52:30 PM): ((lmfao!!!!!))
xxandi20 (2:52:32 PM): aw! but like i said, i perfectly understand, and if jake doesn't understand, then he's an idiot
xxandi20 (2:52:34 PM): [[lmfaooooooooo]]
cass ass master (2:53:37 PM): see, everyone keeps on saying he's an idiot, and all that..but i don't know, i can't believe it..i mean, he was amazing to me..i just keep on thinking, and well..i've been more of an idiot than he has..
xxandi20 (2:53:38 PM): [[LMFAO ON THE RADIO:
xxandi20 (2:53:45 PM): "what you see will have your head spinning six ways from sunday!"]]
cass ass master (2:54:08 PM): [[lmfao!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!]]
xxandi20 (2:54:09 PM): you really haven't. if i was hurt like that, i wouldn't want memories of it at all, either
xxandi20 (2:54:22 PM): [[lmfao i know, it cracks me up every time]]
cass ass master (2:55:20 PM): i know, but we actually had good times in the caribbeans..but i..i don't know..
cass ass master (2:55:29 PM): and then there's that whole ryan situation..
xxandi20 (2:55:45 PM): well those are good memories. keep that in your mind and never, ever let go of them. because good memories like that don't happen all that often
cass ass master (2:57:29 PM): then why'd i get rid of it? that's why i'm trying to ask myself..i mean, he's with miriam now, and it just..i don't know, it hurt when i would think of all the good memories..so, basically..all the good memories turned into bad
xxandi20 (2:58:05 PM): there's two kinds of memories in this world, and i know that first hand:
xxandi20 (2:58:17 PM): great memories that you never ever want to get rid of. those, you want to keep in your memory until the day you die
xxandi20 (2:58:42 PM): the others are horrible memories, of when you get hurt, or ones that hurt too much to remember.. and those overcome the need to want to keep the good ones. so you threw it away
xxandi20 (2:58:47 PM): [[wow does that even make sense?]]
cass ass master (2:59:08 PM): ((yup it makes sense.))
xxandi20 (2:59:26 PM): [[alright]]
cass ass master (3:00:03 PM): well, i mean..that makes perfect sense..but i just feel bad feeling this way, for ryan's sake..
xxandi20 (3:00:31 PM): [[why for ryan's sake? i'm lost]]
cass ass master (3:00:47 PM): ((just ask and you'll get it. hopefully.))
xxandi20 (3:01:09 PM): [[alright]]
xxandi20 (3:01:11 PM): ryan's sake?
cass ass master (3:03:50 PM): well i mean, i guess for both ryan&i's sake..i mean, we defintley have a history..and i know he does/used to like me..and awhile back, we were talking..and he was just saying that it hurts him to like, see me with other guys..and i know that i do have feelings for him..and then having feelings for jake, it just..i don't know. it doesn't make sense..i was all "well, i don't think i want a relationship with you, ryan"..i ust feel like i led him on
xxandi20 (3:05:57 PM): aw but you didn't lead him on! you had no idea where this was going to go.. and if ryan is really the one for you, he'll understand and wait, and you and him will get together one day. don't worry your pretty little head, if he really cares about you, he'll understand. as the saying goes, "if you really love someone, you'll let them free"
cass ass master (3:07:21 PM): well a few entries back, i was all worried about this, like i am now..and he commented with, "i won't move on, but i won't wait forever"
xxandi20 (3:08:10 PM): he was probably upset, but he'll understand, just give him time sweetie.
cass ass master (3:08:57 PM): i mean..i know he can't wait forever..i just don't know how long it's going to take for me..to get over all this
cass ass master (3:09:15 PM): and then with jake cheating on me, reminds me of ryan&i's relationship..it just, i don't know, sucks..
xxandi20 (3:10:00 PM): hon [[EW PAIGE EW]] ...you can't blame yourself. it's not your fault that guys are dicks. it's in their nature
cass ass master (3:10:28 PM): ((lmfao!!!))
xxandi20 (3:10:36 PM): [[lmfao]]
cass ass master (3:11:35 PM): but it's happened two times..it's not like it's only been once, or something..it happened two times, so obviously there's something wrong with me, not them..
xxandi20 (3:12:02 PM): [[crap i g2g, we'll continue later]]
cass ass master (3:12:09 PM): ((kk))
xxandi20 (3:12:20 PM): no. all guys are jerks, it isn't your fault, trust me. i KNOW guys are jerks.
xxandi20 went away at 3:12:27 PM.
xxandi20 returned at 4:39:34 PM.
xxandi20 signed off at 4:39:38 PM.
xxandi20 signed on at 4:39:39 PM.
xxandi20 (4:39:48 PM): [[bbbbbbbback]]
cass ass master (4:40:02 PM): ((yaaaaaaaaaaaay))
xxandi20 (4:40:08 PM): [[woowoo]]
cass ass master (4:40:11 PM): ((do you need the last IM?))
xxandi20 (4:40:17 PM): [[nope]]
cass ass master (4:40:22 PM): ((kk))
cass ass master (4:40:27 PM): how do you KNOW guys are jerks?
xxandi20 (4:41:33 PM): because people in my family are jerks
cass ass master (4:41:58 PM): like? i mean if you don't mind telling.
xxandi20 (4:42:03 PM): [[Deanna Rocks You: I like people with iq's over 100 thanks
hotpinkbaby43: then you don't like me!?]]
xxandi20 (4:42:05 PM): um. like my dad.
cass ass master (4:42:21 PM): ((lmfao))
cass ass master (4:42:24 PM): what'd he do?
xxandi20 (4:42:25 PM): [[lmfao]]
xxandi20 (4:42:32 PM): he's just coming home drunk all the time
cass ass master (4:42:41 PM): oh, um..
cass ass master (4:42:49 PM): i can't say much. honestly
xxandi20 (4:42:55 PM): yeah.
xxandi20 (4:42:58 PM): [[LMFAO SHE'S ALL HAPPY
xxandi20 (4:43:15 PM): hotpinkbaby43: so miss dea, you never answered me last night. do you like anyone?
Deanna Rocks You: Maybe.
xxandi20 (4:43:17 PM): hotpinkbaby43: IS IT DAN IS IT DAN IS IT DAN IS IT DAN?!]]]]
cass ass master (4:43:37 PM): are you okay?
cass ass master (4:43:43 PM): ((lololololololololololllllllll.))
xxandi20 (4:43:53 PM): yep.. [[andi is such a liar.]]
cass ass master (4:44:12 PM): um..are you sure?
xxandi20 (4:44:22 PM): mhm
cass ass master (4:44:39 PM): okay, well..if you say so. just lettin' you know, you can talk to me whenever you want. about anything.
xxandi20 (4:44:59 PM): okay, thanks
cass ass master (4:45:03 PM): you're welcome.
xxandi20 (4:45:22 PM): =]
cass ass master (4:46:14 PM): yup..so
xxandi20 (4:46:24 PM): so what are you going to do for the holidays?
cass ass master (4:48:04 PM): um honestly? i'm not too sure. i think my mom&dad want to do something, but yeah, that's a big no no
xxandi20 (4:48:21 PM): why?
cass ass master (4:48:28 PM): i'm not too fond of them.
xxandi20 (4:48:40 PM): oh
cass ass master (4:48:45 PM): yeah..
cass ass master (4:48:47 PM): what are you doing?
xxandi20 (4:48:56 PM): i actually don't know
cass ass master (4:50:31 PM): i really want to get together with the cast or something..but i figure everyone's busy.
xxandi20 (4:51:15 PM): well i honestly don't want to go anywhere with my dad, so you can go somewhere with me
cass ass master (4:52:13 PM): sure, that sounds good. any ideas?
xxandi20 (4:53:50 PM): [[lmfao this is really random, but my cousin's half sister called mcdonalds "the fancy restaurant"]]
xxandi20 (4:53:52 PM): eh.. no
xxandi20 (4:54:02 PM): i'm not very imaginative right now
cass ass master (4:54:18 PM): ((lmfao!!! it's anything BUT fancy.))
cass ass master (4:54:22 PM): heh..me either.
cass ass master (4:54:31 PM): well, we still have some time to figure things out.
xxandi20 (4:54:37 PM): [[LMFAO I KNOW]]
xxandi20 (4:54:39 PM): yeah, true
cass ass master (4:54:58 PM): um, but one question: would it be okay if i brought alex along, wherever we went? i just want to make this christmas good for her.
xxandi20 (4:55:59 PM): that's perfectly fine
cass ass master (4:58:20 PM): okay. thank you soooo much.
xxandi20 (4:58:20 PM): hotpinkbaby43: 1, 2 step, mir, 1, 2, step
hotpinkbaby43: [[HAHA i put 1, 2, 3step]]
xxandi20 (4:58:24 PM): [[]]]
cass ass master (4:58:26 PM): ((lmfao))
xxandi20 (4:58:28 PM): you're welcome
xxandi20 (5:03:28 PM): [[hotpinkbaby43: mir, whatcha gonna do with all that ass, all that ass inside yo' jeans?
devilxtoxme: i'm gonna make make make you scream make you scream make you scream
hotpinkbaby43: no you have to say it ghetto-y!]]
cass ass master (5:04:14 PM): ((lmfao!!!!!))
xxandi20 (5:04:38 PM): [[devilxtoxme: i'ma gonna make make make ya scuh-ream make ya scuh-ream make ya scuhream
hotpinkbaby43: i'ma gonna? hon.. i need to give you a lesson in ghetto]]
cass ass master (5:05:18 PM): ((lmfao!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!))
xxandi20 (5:05:23 PM): [[lmfaoooo]]
xxandi20 (5:10:29 PM): [[xxmissdarcyxx: "yes, and you wanted this too.." she kissed him, but on the cheek
Holden Up: "Thanks, but I wanted one on the lips" he said jokingly
xxandi20 (5:10:34 PM): xxmissdarcyxx: she nodded and started to lean in to kiss him on the lips, but then realized what she was doing, blinked, and pulled away]]
cass ass master (5:12:13 PM): ((whoa there fella))
xxandi20 (5:12:20 PM): [[LMFAO]]
cass ass master (5:12:24 PM): ((lol))
xxandi20 (5:12:34 PM): [[fella, haha]]
xxandi20 (5:12:40 PM): [[it sounded like you were talking to a horse]]
cass ass master (5:13:38 PM): ((lmfao!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)))
xxandi20 (5:13:46 PM): [[lmfaoo]]
xxandi20 (5:14:52 PM): [[LMFAO. lovely x k: lindsay smiled and opened it up, she took out the necklace and 'awed'.]]
cass ass master (5:15:41 PM): ((lmfao, awed. nice))
cass ass master (5:15:43 PM): ((seena?))
xxandi20 (5:15:50 PM): [[lmfao. no
xxandi20 (5:15:58 PM): her name is sasha]]
cass ass master (5:15:59 PM): ((wow..that sounds like her too))
xxandi20 (5:16:04 PM): [[haha]]
xxandi20 (5:17:50 PM): [[WTF?
xxandi20 (5:17:51 PM): Holden Up: ((it keeps freezing, yes but I have to go, we WILL finish this later!))
xxandi20 (5:17:54 PM): we WILL. or ELSE.]]
cass ass master (5:20:37 PM): ((ugh i hate when people have to go))
cass ass master (5:20:47 PM): ((it just annoys me))
cass ass master (5:20:57 PM): ((like earlier with you, w/e, that was fine..but i dont know))
cass ass master (5:21:05 PM): ((i guess its just certain people))
xxandi20 (5:24:02 PM): [[gah sorry, it wasn't blinking
xxandi20 (5:24:05 PM): yeah, i hate it too]]
cass ass master (5:26:54 PM): ((its fine))
xxandi20 (5:27:14 PM): [[alright. lmfao on the radio:
clerk: how about one of our 10 dollar gifts?
girl: cool! how much are they?
clerk: um.. ten dollars?]]
cass ass master (5:30:14 PM): ((lmfaoooooooooooooo))
xxandi20 (5:32:26 PM): [[lmfao
xxandi20 (5:32:30 PM): HEY I GOTS A CANDY CANE]]
cass ass master (5:32:41 PM): ((i want one.))
xxandi20 (5:33:26 PM): [[you can have a lick of mine! *hands*]]
cass ass master (5:33:58 PM): ((:eats the whole thing)
xxandi20 signed off at 5:34:10 PM.
xxandi20 signed on at 5:34:27 PM.
xxandi20 went away at 5:41:12 PM.
xxandi20 returned at 5:41:14 PM.
xxandi20 signed off at 5:41:21 PM.
xxandi20 signed on at 5:43:12 PM.
xxandi20 went away at 5:44:14 PM.
cass ass master (6:10:40 PM): ((wtf it says that you're typing.))
Auto Response from xxandi20 (6:10:41 PM): I am away from my computer right now.
xxandi20 returned at 6:27:22 PM.
xxandi20 went away at 6:27:49 PM.
xxandi20 returned at 6:41:29 PM.
xxandi20 signed off at 6:41:52 PM.
xxandi20 signed on at 6:41:59 PM.
xxandi20 went away at 6:42:09 PM.
xxandi20 signed off at 8:53:37 PM.
xxandi20 signed on at 8:53:43 PM.
xxandi20 went away at 9:17:39 PM.
xxandi20 returned at 9:17:42 PM.
xxandi20 went away at 9:17:44 PM.
xxandi20 returned at 9:23:10 PM.
xxandi20 went away at 11:03:17 PM.
xxandi20 returned at 11:11:35 PM.
xxandi20 went away at 12:58:41 AM.
xxandi20 returned at 1:14:22 AM.
xxandi20 signed off at 1:14:33 AM.
xxandi20 signed on at 1:14:38 AM.
xxandi20 (1:28:35 AM): cassandra <3
cass ass master (1:30:38 AM): ahhhh!
xxandi20 (1:30:42 AM): hmm?
cass ass master (1:32:38 AM): do not call me that foo!
xxandi20 (1:32:45 AM): why?
cass ass master (1:33:16 AM): because
xxandi20 (1:33:22 AM): because why?
cass ass master (1:35:54 AM): becauseeeee
xxandi20 (1:41:34 AM): [[gahhhhhhhhh enter the chat!]]
cass ass master (1:41:43 AM): [[i didnt get an invite]]
xxandi20 (1:41:46 AM): [[hm]]
xxandi20 (1:41:56 AM): [[did that work?]]
cass ass master (1:42:43 AM): [[no]]
xxandi20 (1:42:56 AM): [[ chat38123509683570452238 ]]
xxandi20 (1:42:58 AM): [[invite yourself then]]
xxandi20 (1:43:08 AM): [[except for i didn't mean for that to be mean]]
cass ass master (1:43:16 AM): [[lol, it wasnt mean]]
xxandi20 (1:43:22 AM): [[lol okay]]
xxandi20 (1:43:51 AM): [[did it work now?]]
xxandi20 (1:44:46 AM): [[or you start one and invite me]]
cass ass master (1:45:33 AM): [[erm why do we need a chat]]
xxandi20 (1:45:53 AM): [[we don't]]
xxandi20 (1:46:16 AM): [[i was just thinking that like.. if the person is stupid, we could knock some sense into them]]
cass ass master (1:46:24 AM): [[lol]]
xxandi20 (1:46:29 AM): [[lol]]
xxandi20 (1:46:33 AM): [[LMFAO my dog is snoring]]
cass ass master (1:47:42 AM): [[lol!!!]]
xxandi20 (1:47:49 AM): [[haha and he snorted like a pig]]
cass ass master (1:47:59 AM): [[lollololololllllllllllllllllllllll]]
xxandi20 (1:48:04 AM): [[haha]]