What time is it? 7:43 PM
Name: Riand Marie Souther
Nicknames: Ran-Ran
Age: 14
Sex: Female
Star Sign: Taurus
Birthday: April 20
Area/State: Hawaii
Country: USA
Birthplace: Kona, Hawaii
Hospital you were born: Kona Hospital
School/Job: KHS
Hobbies: Reading, computer, photography, being freakish, daydreaming…
Pets: A cat and a dog.
Parent's names: Michelle and Roger
Siblings: Jenna (sister, 11), Mia (sister, 10 mothes)
Girlfriend/boyfriend: Nope
Hair color: Brown
Hair style: About mid back. Kinda frizzy and wavy.
Natural hair color: Brown
Height: 5’5” -ish
Weight: 105 lbs.
Eye color: Brown
Ethnic group: Irish, American Indian, German, etc.
Piercings: Two in each ear.
Piercings you want: I always thought that getting the whole side of your ear would be cool like Cleopatra. I won’t get it though. Everyone does that now, and piercings don’t impress me much.
Tattoos: None
Tattoos you want: None
Shoe size: 8 ½ I think.
Glasses/contacts: Nope
Braces: Sadly
What are you wearing right now? A Tim Burton voodoo heart tank top. Zipper pants. The usual necklaces and whatnot…
What do you like most about your body? I hate my body.
And least? My hair is too frizzy, my boobs are too small, I hate my arms, I hate my skin, I'm just plain ugly...I can go on for hours…
How many fillings do you have? None
Do you think you're good-looking? No
Do people often tell you that you're good-looking? Certain weird people do.
Do you look like any celebrities? I don’t think so.
Do you wear a watch? Nope
Most expensive item of clothing? Don’t know. I don’t really have very expensive clothes.
What kind of shoes do you wear? Well my shoes right now are Converses.
Describe your style in one word: Casual?
Type of Music: I like rock but I don’t listen to a lot of music.
Bands: Dunno.
Sports: Don’t like sports.
Drink: Milk, Dr. Pepper, rain water?
Salad Dressing: …wtf?
Color of socks: Most of my socks are black.
Numbers: 9
Day of the week: Saturday, I guess
Songs: …
Toothpaste: TOOTHPASTE?! What the fuck?…
Flowers: Roses
School subject: Art.
Acholic drink: Don’t drink.
Type of ice: Um…crushed?
Food: Chocolate and er….I dunno.
TV Show: I don’t watch very much TV.
CD: Dunno.
Color: Blue and red
Season: Winter and fall. Depending on where I am. I wish we seasons here…
Month: October?..
Holiday: Halloween
Cookie: Chocolate chip I suppose
Ice cream: Coffee
Shampoo/conditioner: Pantene
Website: Dunno
Relative: I hate my family.
Grade in school: None
Teacher: Dunno.
Clothing brand: I don’t really care so much about the brands. I just find stuff that looks good.
Shoes: Just regular shoes. I like barefoot too. But that depends on where I am. Don’t wanna be stepping in weird stuff.
Quote: This one’s cool. “Down the hill I went and then I forgot the way of men for night-scents, heady, and damp and cool wakened and ecstacy in me” -Tithe.
Movie: No favorite.
Magazine: Don’t really read magazines.
Candy: I like Dum Dums and chocolate.
Gum: Big Red and mint
Scent: Coffee, roses, after you put out a match, that feral smell that comes when it rains, clean laundry, night air…
Thing in your room: I don’t have a room.
Place to be: In my little computer corner, Borders, laying on the cool grass at night, somewhere with little or no people
Radio station: No favorite. I don’t really know my radio stations.
TV channel: Comedy Central, Travel Channel, Food Network, HBO…
Junk food: Ice cream?
Shoe brand: No favorite. Whatever’s comfy and looks good.
Fast food: Taco Bell, sometimes Wendy’s. McDonald’s has the best fries.
Restaurant: Dunno.
Shape: Triangles and crescents maybe
Time of day: Between 3 am and 5 am.
Country: Europe
State: Not this one
Boy's name: Dunno. Never thought about names before…
Girl's name: Dito
Mall: Haven’t been to that many/.
Car: …
Word: Llama, fuck, scarlet, rain, ash, whisper, whimsical, engulf, asylum, ferret, spork etc.
Disney character: Alice and Sally
Books: Harry Potter, Sabriel, Lirael, Abhorsen, Go Ask Alice, Tithe, The Da Vinci Code, etc.
Authors: Holly Black, Garth Nix, Stephen King, JRR Tolkein, Anne Rice, J.K. Rowling, more…
Store: ?
Animal: Cats, owls, wolves, thestrals, etc.
Place to go on a date: Haven’t been on too many dates. Somewhere without too many people, somewhere we can act like idiots…
Stuffed animal: I only have one. An elephant.
Video game: Don’t get the chance to play too many of them
Comic book: JTHM
Cereal: I like the granola that has the little bits of razzberries in it. Lucky Charms are good. Cinnimon Toast Crunch. Frosted Mini Wheats…
Cartoon: South Park, Angry Beavers, etc.
[ DO YOU... ]
Play an instrument? Nope
Watch TV more than 60 hours a week? No
Like to sing? Yeah, but I suck.
Have a job? Nope
Have a cellphone? No
Like to play sports? Nope
Have a boyfriend/girlfriend? No
Have a crush on someone? Not really.
Live somewhere NOT in the United States? Negatory
Have more than five TVs in your house? We have one that is rarely used.
Have any special talents/skills? I am talentless.
Exercise daily? Lol.
Like school? Not really. It’s okay I guess…
Smoke? Ew
Love to shop? No
Love to talk on the phone? No
Sleep with a stuffed animal? No
Like this survey? No. But that’s just how bored I am.
Like cows? …m00?
Write poetry? Yes. But as with singing, I suck.
Consider yourself lucky? Sometimes.
Feel pity for people who commit suicide? Sometimes
Wear tight pants? No
Have a best friend? I have a few pretty close friends. I don’t think I’d pick one to be my best friend
Have more guy friends or girl friends? Girls
Like the moon? I love it. One of the most beautiful things we could ask for.
[ CAN YOU... ]
Sing the alphabet backwards? Nope
Stand on your tiptoes without wearing shoes? Yeah. I had to for ballet.
Speak any other languages? No, I don’t have that kind of patience.
Go a day without food? Yeah. I do it all the time.
Stay up for more than 24 hours? Yeps
Read music? No
Roll your tongue? Yeah
Eat a whole pizza? Never tried. I probably could…
[ MISC ]
Are you a fan of fashion? Not that big of a deal to me…
What is your ideal day off? I just like to be around my friends, hanging out…being lazy.
Anything you wish to moan or shout about: No. I complain too much already.
How much do you love your job? I don’t have one yet. I wish I did though. Probably soon.
What color is your bedroom carpet? Well I don’t have a bedroom, but my carpet is this weird mixture of colors…
Where do you see yourself in 10 years? I can’t see that far ahead.
What do you do most often when you're bored? Get online
What words or phrases do you overuse? Shut up, like whoa, meef, and such, etc.
Name the person you are friends with that lives farthest away from you: I have a friend in England.
Bedtime: Don't have one. I usually go to bed around 11-ish and lay there until 2:00
If you could go out with anyone in the world, who would it be? I don’t know. I don’t really like anyone…
Memory you miss the most: Can’t think of one.
If you could go back in time, where would you go? Can’t tell you.
Who did you first kiss? No comment.
When did you last shower? Earlier today
How long were you in the shower? Probably 15 minutes or so…
If you were a crayon, what color would you be? Midnight blue.
How many buddies do you have on your buddy list? I don’t count them.
How many pillows on your bed? Two
How do you eat a Reese's peanut butter cup? Um… I eat it.
What does your screenname mean? UnseelieShye- Long story you have to know about these old myths. ThirteenThornes- I just made it up… firefly0420- I’m a little pyro and my birthday is 420 (April 20)
What is on your mousepad? A stupid dolphin thing.
What's under your bed? Books and boxes.
How many languages do you know? English and the words I make up.
Are you still in school? Yep
Did you drop out? Nope
What was your most embarrassing moment so far? I can never think of an answer to that question…
Can you ski? Never tried
Do you own a hot pink shirt? I hate pink
How about orange pants? I hate orange
Isn't Britney a whore? No shit
Are you secretly from another planet? Who’ve you been talking to?!?!?!
Who do you think you'll still be friends with in 5 years? Don’t know. It seems like my friends change a lot.
Do your friends really know you? I don’t think anyone really knows me. I don’t even really know me.
What do they tend to be like? Weird, individual, funny, nice…? That’s a dumb question.
Are there any traits in you that are universally liked? I don’t think so.
How many people do you tell everything to? No one
Can you play any instruments? Nope
Pick one word to describe how you feel most often: Lonely
Have you ever gone a week without a shower? Ew
Are you a member of the Makeout Club? No
Are you too shy to ask someone out? There’s never anyone I want to ask out. I probably would be though…
Is the glass half-empty or half-full? Both?
How much time do you spend on the computer? Too much
How many friends do you have? Uh…I dunno. I guess the people I would really call my friends…there’s about 5 maybe?
Have you ever been to an amusement park with a friend? Yes
What's an inside joke between you and a friend? SEDATION [Although most people know about that one already…]
Have you ever gotten in a big argument with a friend? Yes
What friend have you known the longest? Ariel and Paige
How often do you spend time with your friends? Pretty much everyday…
What's the dumbest thing you've done with a friend? We do stupid shit all the time.
What do you think your friends think of you? How the fuck should I know? Ask them dumbass.
How much money do you have right now? The change in my bag.
Are you hungry? Hungry? No. Do I wanna eat? Yes.
Isn't cup a funny word when you repeat it over and over? Heheh. Yeah I guess…
If you could have any magical power what would it be? Flight or telekinesis. Just being able to cast spells like Harry Potter or something would be the best though…
Have you s. ever had a picnic? Not that I can remember.
[ ARE YOU ... ]
Vegetarian? No way. Although I do care about animals.
A bitch? Yeah
Artistic? Well if you mean that I’m good at art, then no. If you mean that I like art and make art, then yes.
A fast runner? No
British? No, but that would be cool
Straight? Yeah
Stupid, insane, or otherwise handicapped? VERY stupid. And as for insane…I just broke out of the asylum.
Fat? I don’t think so.
Short? Average height I suppose.
Tall? Dito
Evil? I can be…
You were tied down in a room full of rats, snakes, huge spiders, mothes, and bats? Freak out.
You saw a lion running towards you? Get the fuck out of there. Duh…?
You won a million in your currency? Go buy things
Someone put a gun to your head? Close my eyes and hope he dosen’t draw it out for a really long time. Panic and try to untie myself.
Been in love? Meh
In love now? Not really
Love at first sight? No
Been to Africa? Nope
Been too drunk to see? Negative
Loved somebody so much it made you cry? Nah
Been in a car accident? Not really
Been convicted of a crime? Not that I can remember
Been on a plane? Yep
Cried in public? Yes
Climbed a tree? Many times
Fallen asleep in the middle of a movie? No
Met a celebrity? Yeah
Been scared to get a shot? When I was little it scared me. It still kinda creeps me out. But it’s not that big of a deal.
Gotten a cavity? No
Shopped at Abercrombie and Fitch? No, it always looked lame from the outside so I never went in
Gone skinny-dipping? No
Skipped school? Heh…today as a matter of fact…
Pictured your crush naked? Nah. I don’t get crushes that often anyway…
Actually seen your crush naked? No
Cried when someone died? Yeah
Drank alcohol? Yeah
Lied? Yeah, but I try not to. I hate dishonesty.
Steal a friend's boyfriend/girlfriend? No, that’s mean
Lie to the police? Well I lied to my dad when he was a cop, does that count?
Run from the police? Hm…depends
Lie to your parents? All the time. Actually I just kinda twist the truth. Not straight out lying though
Walk up to a stranger and kiss them? HAH No
Walk out of a restaurant without paying? No
Flashed someone? Pfft. No. I don’t have that much to flash anyway….well it’s true
Told the person you liked how you felt? Yeah.
Gone to jail or juvi? Nope
Stolen anything? Only once. I think stealing’s stupid.
Kicked someone's ass? My sister’s heh
Broken a beer bottle? Yeah
Gotten into a bar, under-aged? Yeps
Kissed someone of the same sex? Nope
Gone on a road trip? Nuh uh
Gone on a vacation without adult supervision? No, but I’d like to
Been to a concert? Yeah. Crappy ones…
Been to another country? I wish…
Talked back to an adult? Of course. But only when they deserve it.
Got pulled over? Nope
Broken a law? Duh
Given money to a homeless person? No, fuckers can get their own booze money dammit…
Tried to kill yourself? A long time ago. I think it’s stupid now…
Cried to get out of trouble? No
Kissed a friend's brother or sister? No
Kissed a brother or sister's friend? No
Snuck out of the house? Yeah
Gotten lost in your own city? No
Seen a shooting star? Many times
Been to any countries besides the United States? Unfortunately no
Had a serious surgery? No
Stolen something important to someone else? Nope
Solved a rubiks cube? I hate those things. So pointless…
Gone out in public in your pajamas? Yeah. Just the other day actually…
Cried over a boy? …
Cried over a girl? Wtf? No
Kissed a random stranger? Lol. No
Hugged a random stranger? Nuh uh
Been in a fist fight? No
Been arrested? No
Done drugs? Drugs are bad, m’kay?
Laughed and had milk come out your nose? Lol. No
Pushed all the buttons on an elevator? Who hasn’t. Loosen up people
Gone to school only to find you had the day off because of a holiday/etc.? Once
Swore at your parents? Yeah. I was in so much shit after that
Kicked a guy where it hurts? Accidentally
Been to a casino? Nope
Ran over an animal and killed it? Yeah. Lol
Broken a bone? Nope
Gotten stitches? Nope
Had a water balloon fight in winter? Yeah but it dosen’t really matter since we’re in Hawaii
Drank a whole gallon of milk in one hour? No. But I do like milk
Made homemade muffins? Yep
Bitten someone? Not as much as Ariel
Been to Disneyland/Disney World? Twice…
More than 5 times? No
Been to Niagra Falls? Nope
Burped in someone's face? Yeah
Gotten the chicken pox? Yeah
Played strip poker? No
Run away from home? Yeah. That was dumb
Cursed at a teacher? Yep
Asked someone out? Nope
Lied to someone to make them think better of you? Only in chat rooms sometimes, to fuck with peoples’ minds -mischievious grin-
Gone scuba diving? Nope
Wrote a book? Yes. But just a little kids’ book for English.
Suicide: Against
Love: for
Drunk drivers: against
Airplanes: for
War: against (it’s so fuckin lame)
Canada: wtf?
United States: meh….
Rock music: for
Gay marriage: for
School: I hate it, but it is neccisary
Surveys: don’t really care…
Parents: grr
Cars: why should I be against cars?
Killing: depends….
Britney Spears: against
Coffee: for
Pants: FOR
Abortion: depends
Croutons or bacon bits? croutons
2 doors or 4 (on a car)? dunno
Coffee or coffee ice cream? either
Blankie or teddy bear? blankie
N*Sync or Backstreet Boys? Neither
Peanut butter or jelly? Um…I dunno
Coke or Pepsi? Pepsi
Boxers or briefs? Boxers
Matt Damon or Ben Affleck? Neither
MTV or VH1? Neither
Apples or oranges? Neither
Britney or Christina? Neither
Flowers or candy? Flowers
Kisses or hugs? Both
Romantic, comedy, or horror? Comedy and Horror
Phone or AOL? If we’re trying to be productive, phone. If we’re just chatting and goofing off, IM (not AOL).
Dog or cat? Cat
Blue or red? Both
Chocolate or vanilla? Chocolate!
Pencil or pen? Either
Rock or rap? Rock
Rock or pop? Rock
Rock or R&B? Rock
Rap or pop? Pop
Rap or R&B? Neither
Rap or metal? Metal
Pop or R&B? Pop
Pop or metal? Metal
R&B or metal? Metal
Hot or cold? Cold
Selena or J-lo? Neither
Winter or summer? Winter. I hate it when it’s hot
Spring or fall? Fall
Shakira or Britney? We should kill them both
Football or basketball? Football
Skiing or snowboarding? Never done either of them. Snowboarding?
Rollerblading or skateboarding? Skateboarding!
Black or white? Black
Orange or red? Red
Yellow or green? Green
Purple or pink? I hate both, but purple I guess…
Inside or outside? Outside at night, inside during the day…
Weed or alcohol? Neither
Cellphone or pager? Cellphone
Powerpuff Girls or Charlie's Angels? Neither
Scooby Doo or Dino? Scooby
Tattoos or piercings? Neither
Tall or short? I like being short but I don’t really care
Long hair or short? Long
Me or you? You
AOL or AIM? …
Jeans or khakis? Jeans
Car or truck? Car
Lunch or dinner? Either
Lipstick or lip gloss? Either
Silver or gold? Silver
Many friends or one best friend? A few good friends…
Fruits or vegetables? Fruits
Lights on or lights off? Off
TV or movie? movie
Body spray or lotion? Don’t care
Cash or check? cash
Pillows or blankets? Blankets
Headache or stomach ache? Why would I want any of them?
Paint or charcoal? Paint
Chinese food or Mexican food? Mexican
Rain or snow? RAIN
Meat or vegetarian? MEAT (mm…flesh)
Boy or girl? What do you mean….?
Sprinkles or icing? Sprinkles
Cake or pie? I <3 pie.
French toast or French fries? Fries
Strawberries or blueberries? Strawberries
Ocean or swimming pool? I hate salt, I hate chlorene….
Cookies or muffins? Cookies
Wallet or pocket? Either
Window or door? Window
Long sleeve or short sleeve? Long sleeve
Pants or shorts? Pants
Clouds or clear sky? Clouds during the day, clear skies at night
Moon or Mars? Moon
Yesterday: Went to Borders and then Ariel’s house. Fun.
Last birthday: Sat at home…
Last weekend: Borders, town, just hanging out with friends and being stupid…
Christmas: Um…presents…and such
Thanksgiving: Food all day long
New Year's: Blew shit up.
Halloween: Went to a party. Stayed the night at friend’s house.
Easter: Ate
Valentine's Day: Watched everyone walking around with flowers they bought for themselves. Lol.
[ THE LAST... ]
Thing you said: Meh
Song you listened to: Tool - Sober
CD you bought: Can’t remember
Thing you ate: KFC
Thing you drank: Dr. Pepper
Thing you wore that you took off: My shirt
Place you went: To my little corner
Thing you got pierced/tattooed: Double piercings on ears
Person you saw: My dad
Person you kissed: Nevermind
Person you fucked: Nobody
Person you talked to: Dad
Person you hugged: Dunno
Person you instant messaged: Alexa
Person you laughed with: Ariel
Person you talked to on the phone: Randy
Time you brushed your teeth: This morning
Time you went to the bathroom: Maybe an hour ago…wtf? Why do you care…?
Movie you saw in the theaters: Without a Paddle
Book you read: .hack
Time you had a snow day: Never
Time you had a party: Well I never have parties but I went to Paige’s going away party.
Time you had a slumber party: A long time ago... Paige and Ariel I think…
Curse word you used: FUCK
Angels? Nah…
Aliens? Yeah
Heaven and hell? No
God? No
Yourself? Wtf do you think?
Lolly: Pop
Love: stinks
South Park: You killed Kenny. You BASTARD
Boy bands: shudder
Death: Goodbye
Pop music: Ew
Slippers: Feet
Hat: Head
Hard: …….. I have a naughty mind -grin-
Free: finally
Space: planets
Taste: yum
Good Charlotte: stfu
Red: blood
Deep: end
Heart: broken
Cord: phone
Cheese: mm cheese!
Rain: -glee-
Work: hard
Pedal: bike
Head: face
Bed: sleep
Fluff: cloud
Race: track
Knife: slice
Jump: higher
I want: Too much
I wish: I had someone…
I love: rain
I miss: Atlantis (you won’t get it, kind of a long story, I have a lot of those.)
I fear: Being hurt
I hear: Water
I am: Stupid
I need: my computer
I crave: Chocolate
I hate: myself?
I did: uh…nothing?
I feel: lonely and bored
I wonder: what will happen
I am annoyed by: ignorance and dishonesty (although I’m pretty ignorant)
I would rather: disappear
I am tired of: my family
I will always: be stupid
How do you know it's love? I don’t know. You just do.
If you had to eat one thing for the rest of your life, what would it be? Food…
Do you remember your dreams? Sometimes. Usually just the bad ones though
Do you dream in color or black and white? Both
Do you admit when you need help with a problem? No
Can people read you like a book? No
What's your biggest fear? Losing it
Do you talk a lot? Yeah, too much
Are you afraid of clowns? No. I hate them though
Do you like spiders? They’re okay…
Can you drive? I can. Not legally…
Are you spoiled? Probably
Are you anti-social? I dunno. Ask someone who would notice
Do you see dumb people? -whispers- all the time…
Do you see dead people? Yes
How many CDs do you have? Not many at all
How many posters do you have in your room? I have a calendar and that’s it.
Now that this is over, what are you going to do? Go star at the wall.
Any last words? No
What time is it now? 9:35 PM