name: Jordan Martin
gender: female
height: 5'1
hair color: brown
eye color: blue/green
best friend: Brittany hughes...but now Colleen Walker
car: none
date: ...cant remember (or just dont want to)
screen name: angelgurl55166...hmm thats an interesting one
funeral: dont remember
enemy: umm...none?
crush: dont remember
memory: none
teacher: Mrs.Shook and Mrs.Mattox
pet: Smokin Joe...my cat
cry? last night
movie seen? starsky and hutch
beverage drank? water
food consumed? twisler
phone call? michael
annoyance? bordom
item bought? sunglasses
song you sang? take my breath away.
word you spoke? no
;;____Do you prefer
color or black? color
love or money? both?
sunrise or sunset? both are good
staying up late or waking up early? staying up late
Coke or Pepsi? pepsi
Salt or Sugar? sugar
TV or Radio? radio
left or right? right
carrots or broccoli? niether...
boys or girls? boys
;;____What do you want
DO you want to get married? yup.
where do you want to live? california
how many kids do you want? zero
To be your job? i want to be an actress...
color: pink/lime green
salad dressing: iltalian
candy: suckers
movie: pirats or the carribean
food: subway =)
finger: umm...i dont know
cuss word: bastard...it sounds funny
restraunt: olive garden
;;____Do you...
believe in god? yes
have a boyfriend? yes
like making new friends? UH HUH
like your hair? love it =)
have any weird/eating habits? umm...no
3 weird things about you: i dont like walking barefoot on grass. um i cant think of anything else.
3 things you wish people knew about yourself: umm idk...im shy around people i dont know and VERY NOT shy around people i do know. thats all. but i dont really care if people know that...
3 wishes: i wish...that i grow up and become a rich famous actress.
that i will keep in touch with all my friends forever. people didnt grow apart.
;;____Random Q's
Last shoes you wore? flippity flops
Last music video you saw? D12-how come
When's your birthday? april 30
How many pet's do you have? 2
Whose your favorite Simpson's character? none..i dont like that show
Dora the Explorer or Bob the builder? uh huh...who is that?
Bush or Kerry? umm..are those the guys running for president?
Did this suck? not really...i was bored
Favorite song? i have lots of favorites
Favorite band? TBS
Last tv show watched? TRL
Least-favorite song? anything sung by avril lavigne