Title: A Cold Bed and Cheap Coffee (Part 1)
Author: untapdtreasure
Flavor: Law & Order: Criminal Intent
Pairing: Goren & Eames
Word Count: 92
Rating: K+
A/N: this is written for the 'lame' prompt at lawandorder100
Bobby took one look at the cheap coffee and bagel that sat on his partner's desk and knew it was a lame attempt at an apology. He'd totally run off that morning and left her in bed all because he'd figured out something on their current case. And it had paid off, so maybe that would make up for it. He rubbed his neck and looked at the clock then at the coffee and bagel again. Then at the doorway into the bullpen. He'd soon find out.
Title: A Cold Bed and Cheap Coffee (Part 2)
Author: untapdtreasure
Flavor: Law & Order: Criminal Intent
Pairing: Goren & Eames
Word Count: 97
Rating: K+
A/N: this is written for the 'lame' prompt at lawandorder100
Alex came strolling in looking chipper as ever. "Did you crack the case, Sherlock?" She picked up the coffee and sipped it. A smile appeared after she lowered it back to the desk. She'd forgive this lame excuse for coffee just this once. Or was it the one hundreth time?
He gave her his signature eat your heart out grin. "Eat and run?" He nodded, gesturing toward the bagel and coffee as she scooped it up. "We need to be on the ferry..."
She groaned. "Staten Island again? That's three days this week..."