I'm attempting to figure out some order to the Player's Guide, and I secretly suspect that writing about it here will somehow help.
But, I shall put it behind an lj-cut:
Section I: Chronicle Introduction
This is sorta like a splat sheet. It's the back of the book information. Nothing really deep here, but it sets up the background of the game.
- Setting Details (perhaps history?)
- Mood and Theme
- Character Limitations
- Events Cost
- Website for Game
- Organizer Contact Information
- Experience
Section II: Chronicle Details
This is a much more detailed look at some of the game setting, specifically at DUSB: Deep Umbral Station Brainerd.
- Setting: Deep Umbral Station Brainerd
- Forums (OOC and IC)
Section III: Character Sheet Overview
This basically looks at the character sheet in general, detailing out the sections we made specific changes to. It doesn't go into the details of those changes.
- Traditions
- Traits
- Abilities
- Backgrounds
- Influence
- Rank
- Merits and Flaws
- Position (I am considering moving this)
Section IV: The Traditions
This has been shown on here before. Basically, it's an overview of each Tradition, what it's new Tradition advantage is, and other relevant details.
- Akashic Brotherhood
- Celestial Chorus
- CoX
- Dreamspeakers
- Euthanatos
- Order of Hermes
- SoE
- Verbena
- Adepts
Section V: Traits/Attributes
We went with the TT rules for Attributes, did attribute caps, and gave bonuses depending on how many of each Attribute you had. For example, someone with Strength 5, you deal one additional damage with brawl or melee. We haven't play tested these rules, and intend to when I get home.
- Physical Traits
- Social Traits
- Mental Traits
Section VI: Abilities
We have two lists here: Abilities that have been altered from Laws of Ascesnion, and Abilities that are allowed from Laws of Ascesnion: Companion.
- Awareness
- Computers
- Do
- Instruction
- Linguistics
- Empathy
- High Ritual
- Security
Section VII: Backgrounds
This is a list of allowed backgrounds, plus clarifications for the ones that have been changed.
- Arcane
- Avatar
- Chantry
- Dream
- Familiar
- Lab
- Sanctum
- Library
- Node
- Wonder
Section VIII: Influence
Because of the nature of the game, we changed influence. Having Street Influence when you live on a space station doesn't make a lot of sense. Plus, we want the game to be more political, so having influence within your Tradition is important.
- Sleeper Influence
- Specific Tradition Influence
- General Tradition Influence
Section IX: Rank
We didn't use Rank in any other game, so it's just here for clarification of what it means. We aren't using reputation.
Section X: Merits and Flaws
Just the list of allowed Merits and Flaws, plus any clarification of them.
Section XI: Positions
There are positions on the Station that each character can apply for. This is just the details on each position.
- Primary Positions
- Secondary Positions
Section XII: Acolytes
Quick rundown of the differences between Acolytes and Mages, as well as the advantages of playing an Acolyte in the game.
Section XIII: Familiars
Quick rundown of the advantages and disadvantages of playing a familiar.
Section XIV: Rules Clarifications
A list of all rules that have been changed, and how they have been changed.
- Attributes (refers back to Traits earlier)
- Magick
- Counter Magick
- Forums related Magick
- Abilities + Magick
- Experience
- Resonance
- Health Levels and Recovery Times
- Do (refers back to Abilities earlier)
- Blue-booking
- Seekings
- Optional Rules
Section XV: Game Play Rules
These are the OOC rules.
- Misconduct
- Weapons Rules
- Disagreements
Section XVI: Two to Tango (GM and Player Responsibiltiies)
Basically, we included Johanna Mead's entire essay here, with a brief introduction as to why.
Section XVI: FAQ
Mostly things we suspect will come up.
- Setting
- Character Creation
- Rules
- Game Events - OOC Rules
I was right, that did help.
If you have any suggestions about changing order of things, please feel free to give them. I'm going to reread the whole thing tonight, and then I will be looking for volunteers to read sections of it. (I would never be so bold as to ask anyone to read the whole damn 49 pages straight.)