Post enough away messages for a fire, and eventually you get fire.
Exterior Shots [ Defensive Mode]
Interior Shots [Offensive Mode]
Big Sky [Hard to explain -- more overwhelming than usual]
I made all photos 800 x 600 for XTREME ARTICULATION. The fire started somehow, it started at some time, and personally, it doesn't intrigue me at all. As JR says, I'm a "Jake". I pull hose to the fire, I fight fire, I go home. I don't pump, I don't investigate, and I don't tell people what to do. Jakes for the most part are happy with their position.
"Jake" is a northern firefighting term, made by Italian firefighters in NY. Northern departments have tremendous community pride, especially in New York and Massachusetts. It really makes me envious. Locals in the fire department jurisdictions in said areas always refer to the departments as "my department" and not "the department". Just really cool. A lot of respect, and as a result a lot of effort put forth on the fire department's side as reciprocation for that appreciation. Here, no one really appreciates us too much, although occasionally they do. That's fine, I'll do my job the same regardless.
We were on that fire scene from 6:30 Am til 1:30 PM, so 7 hours. Long enough to still be tired as hell, especially after cleaning and loading 200 feet of 5 inch hose with only three people back at the fire house. And then we ran three calls during the night, so I amassed 3.5 hours of sleep. Strange day.
Gonna nap now, and do some errands when I wake up. Hopefully I'll have time and motivation to work out. =] Later.