the divine right of kings

Aug 10, 2011 20:06

snippet from 'duty' by narsus to stimulate my decomposing mind:

the good, the bad, and the indifferent )

books/poems/writing/fic, sherlock bbc, recs

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Comments 2

catskilt August 10 2011, 16:07:38 UTC
Western fandom fanfic has ruined me forever for Asian fandom fanfics.


ununoriginal August 10 2011, 17:24:11 UTC
to be fair, i think it has more to do with the nature of the fandom rather than which part of the world it originates. i find rps fandoms in general more limiting in scope. whereas with fiction-based fandom, writers can come up with incredibly far-ranging ideas tat still seem plausible and fitting. some of my favouritest will-forever-keep-and-treasure-and-polish-like-a-gollum fics are from anime/gaming fandoms like g-wing and final fantasy.


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