Title: Hell Will Melt Like Snow- chapter three (interlude)
grassleRating: PG-13
Wordcount: 197 words (this chapter)
Pairing: Sherlock Holmes/John Watson (can be seen as gen for now)
Chapter index on AO3 //
chapter three on AO3 Andrew Scott: A pin-up who is hard to pin down
It's good to keep reinventing yourself, he tells Alice Jones
Unpredictable is a good word for Scott. He sprang up seemingly out of nowhere last year in the adaptation of Ibsen’s epic three hour and nine minute long Emperor and Galilean at the National Theatre. You may even have caught him in The Hour, BBC2s sharp new 1950s drama.
Scott studied drama at Trinity College, Dublin, though he is cagey about the details. “I dropped out. It wasn’t working for me; I wanted to get into work,” he says before going tight lipped on the matter. He won’t even say when he studied there; instead he changes the topic, waving his hands around as he talks about his upcoming project Sea Wall.
“It’s a short film by Simon Stephens, written for me to perform, and it was fantastic to do. I’m incredibly proud of it.”
Intense and highly strung on stage, off it he's witty and laid-back. "I don't think I'm intense in life. This must be where it comes out. I don't really like anything to be too serious. Then you lose the humanity of it."
[Headline and photo taken from
http://www.independent.co.uk/arts-entertainment/tv/features/andrew-scott-a-pinup-who-is-hard-to-pin-down-6288320.html article mainly written by me with a few lines from the Independent’s article. Image from the trailer for Sea Wall available here
http://www.seawallandrewscott.com/ ]
If anyone has any suggestions or ideas for other films or situations they want me to write in with 'Benedict' and John's response to it, then please let me know.
The title comes from Nick Dear's adaptation of Frankenstein. The passage is "I'll clothe her in lace and velvet. I'll give her skills and pearls. I will walk in the garden with my fair angelic Eve! I will be Adam, she will be Eve! And all the memory of hell will melt like snow."
The inspiration for this story came from reading some tags on tumblr. I apologise for I cannot remember who wrote the tags that prompted me to write the ficlet. That ficlet written on tumblr has morphed into this.