Nill is a mute girl who expresses her every emotion very clearly on her face. Because she doesn't speak, she uses her facial expressions and her body posture to get her messages across. She is very easy going, and always tries her hardest at everything she does. She is a very timid little thing who scares easily, however, and always seems to be getting into trouble. She is easy to manipulate, and easy to take advantage of, and is so fearful of being harmed that she'll do whatever others ask of her in order to stay safe. She is intimidated by grown men, and comes across as afraid of them if they are ever alone. She's about fifteen or sixteen, but comes across as being half of her age, a lot of the time. She has a very innocent and childish air about her, and is prone to making childish gestures or expressions. Most people pass her off as being simple minded, but Nill is very observant. And because she isn't very wordly, she a lot of things do go over her head, but she gets things that matter. She uses her silent nature to her advantage, in order to be a fly on the wall and hear and see things, with no one ever knowing she's around.
Nill's greatest hope is to just belong. She wants a family, and she wants to be around people who love her. She wants to be a useful member of society, and although she knows it isn't possible, she just wants to feel normal. She often thinks about what it would be like if she could go to a school and make friends, but knows that without a voice and with her wings, normal things are slightly out of her reach. Not that she minds that much, to be honest. She is perfectly happy and content with the life she currently has, because its hers, and she's getting a chance to live it.
Abilities/Strengths: Nill's strength does not lay in any means of fighting. She probably couldn't even hold a knife properly if she needed to. Nill is much more of a supporting role, and truly lives up to her angelic image. She has endless amounts of faith, and a great deal of hope to go along with it. She knows that despite how terrible things look, that things will always get better. She has lived through downright terrible times, and Haine rescued her from them. She has experienced the turnover from tragedy to happiness, and can reassure others that it will eventually happen to them. She is a very hardworking girl who knows that she just can't sit around and wait for good fortune to find her. She keeps herself busy with keeping the church clean, and with attempting to learn how to sew. She isn't good at sewing, not by a longshot, but she still tries. I think this shows the best aspect of Nill's character, and her greatest stregnth: no matter what, the girl keeps trying, and keeps going on.
Her devotion to the few that she cares for is unbreakable, and her trust in them is complete. She knows that they would do anything to protect her, and these individuals she cares for are probably her second greatest stregnth. Haine would fight for her until he was killed, he would protect her until he couldn't, as would Badou, Bishop, and Naoto. She knows this, and takes comfort in the fact that she doesn't have to learn how to fight. She is too small to be strong, and by putting her faith and trust in very strong people, she is potentially a very wrong person to ever mess with. And despite the fact she can't fight, Nill can run. She isn't incredibly fast, but she isn't slow, either, and she can be pretty good at hiding most of the time. She just has to kick herself out of panic mode, and get over the deer caught in headlights thing she does quite often, and then she can propel herself into motion and get out of harm's way.
Nill also knows how to be a fly on the wall, and thanks to the fact that she is silent, she can slip in and out of the shadows without anyone ever noticing her. She picks up a lot of good information this way, and she knows a great deal more about situations than anyone would ever give her credit for. She uses the fact that she doesn't have a voice to her advantage, although it can be quite frustrating and tiresome sometimes, to try and communicate with others.
Weaknesses: Nill is not a physically strong person. She is beyond tiny, and is probably the weakest person you will ever meet. She can't fight, even if she tried. A wind could blow too strong, and she would fall over. She is easy to just pick up and toss around, and doesn't put up much of a fight when she is cornered or in danger. She simply doesn't know how to fight, and is more prone to running away. She runs away when upset, or scared, or angry. It's what she was used to doing, when she was held in captivity before, and it's how she deals with her problems since she can't speak and tell others. Her lack of voice is also a huge weakness, due to the fact she can't scream if she's in trouble, and she can't tell someone what she is currently thinking. Her only means of communication is through her body posture and gestures, although she also writes letters into people's hands, to spell out small words and simple phrases.
Nill's biggest weakness is the fact that she is a walking target. Her pale blonde hair, her wings, her adorable looks; they all attract people to her. Just not the right kind of people that a girl would want to be around. She is constantly being sought after by shady people who want to get their hands on her, men who think they have a right to take her and do with her as they please. She is terrified of these men, and doesn't stand up to them, and instead freezes up and just stands there while someone else protects her. She lacks the courage to stand up for herself, but once she is prompted to have a bit of courage (by watching Haine or Naoto), she can put on a bit more of a strong front and will run away from danger. But she is constantly getting into trouble, which makes it a very good thing she lives inside the church, so Bishop can always keep an eye on her.
She also relies heavily upon her interaction with Haine. She very clearly cares for him, and is seen in the manga as the only person who Haine will let touch him and be affectionate torward. As adorable as her dependance upon him comes across, it is very much so a negative thing. He wants to keep her locked up and away from the world, in order to keep her safe. And she abides by both his and Bishop's words, listening to what they tell her to do without a single question. While she does need to be protected, she also needs to get out into the world, and see the world, and experience more. I think that she would be a much stronger person if she experienced more of life, and had to handle more situations on her own.
History: Not much is known about Nill, due to the fact she isn't entire sure of her heritage. She is a teenage girl with white angel-like wings (fused to her flesh through an unknown body altering surgical process), who was saved from child prostitution by Haine, and was brought into the care of a man named Bishop. Due to the process of being given wings, Nill's vocal chords have been taken away. She can't speak, even if she wanted to. The only sounds she makes are through breathing, and she tries to communicate as best as possible through facial expressions and gestures. She lives at the church with Bishop, and tends to chores around the church. She doesn't leave the church very often, unless it is to go out and get new dresses with Bishop. She is trying to learn how to sew, in order to be more useful and fix bullet holes that appear in Haine's clothes. She doesn't get to see Haine as often as she'd like, and views him as being her protector, her hero. She looks up to him, and wants to be able to repay him for saving her, somehow.
She can't remember her early years, or how she even knows how old she is, for that matter. She doesn't recall any parents, or how she came to get her wings. Her earliest memories are waking up and being in the care of the men who would sell her. Because of these events, she is afraid of sex, and things relating to it. She knows all too well the horrors of the world, and that someone as weak as she is can't escape them. Which is why she is glad that she has been living in the church. Because it is one of the last safe places left, even if sometimes, the less desireables come in and attempt to take her.
During her time at the church, she's met quite a few interesting individuals. Haine's friend Badou is someone that she is still apprehensive about, if only for his loud nature and the fact that she doesn't get to see him all that often. Someone new that Nill has met, and is quite fond of is a woman named Naoto. Nill and Naoto met when the woman entered the church, around the same time men came to retrieve Nill. Picked up and rescued by Naoto, Nill is very grateful to the woman and wants to repay her kindness. She is very curious about Naoto, because she hasn't really met other women before. She seems to look up to the woman, and is trying to learn from her, to pick up cues on how she is supposed to act. And it is shown that she cares for Naoto, in the way that she touches and is worried about the scar across Naoto's chest, and by how she attempts to sew and repair Naoto's clothes after a fight. Of course, no one can even come close to touching her devotion to Haine or Bishop, but Badou and Naoto are two people that Nill is curious to learn more about.
Also, as a note about the way Nill speaks. Well, she doesn't ever speak, but she will type over the computers and into her journal. She does speak in third person 98% of the time. It isn't because she is stupid, or because there is something terribly wrong with her, or because she is trying to be cute. She spent an untold amount of time in a place where she was sexually and most definitely physically abused. She doesn't have the capability to speak, and I doubt that where she was being held, she has the ability to pick up on proper grammar. It has been shown that she knows how to spell her own name, at least, and I have taken the liberty of allowing her to have learned how to spell during her time she's spent at the church. Due to the fact her background is unknown, and she hasn't ever spoken a word in the manga, it really is unknown how she'd speak. So I'm taking a huge creative liberty. Yay.