1. Did you have a new year's resolution this year? No - I don't make resolutions.
2. If so, did you go through with it? READ.
3. Does it snow where you live? yes
4. Do you like hot chocolate? yes
5. Have you ever been to times square to watch the ball drop? Every New Years :P Through the power of television I'm there!
6. Do you or anyone you know have a birthday in this month? I know of 3. Jane's is the 2nd, My brothers is the 20th, Bethany's in the 22nd.
1. Did you have a valentine this year? no.
2. Did you WANT a valentine? well - YEAH. Honestly every girl wants to feel appreciated.
3. Did you play in the snow? no.
4. Do you have February break? .....no?
5. When you were little, did you buy valentines for your whole class? Yep I sure did.
6. Do you or anyone you know have a birthday in this month? Yup. Chad's (sis-in-law's brother) is on the 14th, and Linda's is on the 23nd.
1. Are you Irish? nope
2. Do you wear green on St. Patty's Day? nope
3. Do you believe in leprechauns, four leaf clovers and all that stuff? a little to make life fun.
4. Do you or anyone you know have a birthday in this month? 3rd - Meaghan's birthday, Uncle Dan's birthday - 19th, Julie's Birthday - 30th.
1. Do you like the rain? Yes
2. Do you celebrate easter? Yes
3. Do you get tons of candy on easter? I buy the chocolate after easter 50% off :P
4. Have you ever danced or kissed in the rain? danced? yes. kissed? no.
6. Do you or anyone you know have a birthday in this month? 1st - My birth mothers' birthday 3rd - Amanda's birthday, 4th - Grandpa W's birthday, 5th - Nicole
Nico_chan's birthday, 9th - Mom's birthday, 19th - Stephanie's birthday
1. What's your favorite kind of flower? Lilac
2. Do you love your mommy? Yes
3. Do you like the spring? of course
4. Finish the phrase: April showers bring May flowers, but what do May flowers bring? SUMMER!
6. Do you or anyone you know have a birthday in this month? 3rd - Melanie's birthday/her and uncle Dons' wedding anniversary, 4th - Uncle Lew's, 5th - Trisha's son Gregory, 6th - Mine and my Uncle Larry's day of passing (he died same day I was born), 7th - Steve and Noreen Shaw's daughters birthday and also Fran's birthday, 8th - Danielle's birthday and Darren Hayes' birthday, 15th - Cameron's birthday, 16th - Toby and Crystals' wedding anniversary, 17th - Lora's
klutz_chan birthday.
1. What's the last grade you graduated from? 12?
2. What day do you graduate school? dunno - I think it was the 22nd.
3. Do you love your daddy? Yes
4. Do you or anyone you know have a birthday in this month? Karens birthday is the 22nd, and mom and dads' anniversary is the 28th.
1. Do you have any special occasions on 4th of July? Not really cause us Canucks do it 3 days before and wear lost of red and white - WOOO! but yes I also celebrate the 4th of July.
2. Consider yourself patriotic? yeah
3. Do you go on any vacations during this month? no - that's June!
4. Ever gotten really drunk on 4th of July? no
5. Do you or anyone you know have a birthday in this month? Crystal's birthday is the 7th, and Uncle Don and Kacee's birthday is the 10th.
1. Do you do anything special to end off your summer? nope
2. Does school start during this month? At the end of the month of mom it does. She has to 'prepare'.
3. Do you go swimming a lot in the summer? no - I wish I did though
4. Do you like swimming? YEEES!
5. Do you go to the beach a lot? no - ever though there's a lake nearby, why would I wanna go by myself?
6. Do you or anyone you know have a birthday in this month? 12th - Alyson, 21st Alysons' brother Kendall
1. Does school start during this month? yep
2. Do you like school? yeah - I want to go back
4. Who's your favorite teacher? Dean Miles was hilarious to have as a teacher. X3 He also paired me up with the smartest guy in class so I wouldn't fail.
5. Do you like fall better than summer? hell no.
6. Do you or anyone you know have a birthday in this month? 6th - Alex's
shaman_alex birthday, 14th - Ash's
littlejedi birthday, 13th - Skky's birthday.
1. What was your craziest halloween costume ever? I went as a mime.
2. What are you gonna be this year? A cat.
3. Do you or anyone you know have a birthday in this month? 11th - Grandma Woodard, 19th - Jake's birthday.
1. Whose house do you usually go to for thanksgiving? The Canadian Thanksgiving is in October, and we usually stay here and 'THE CLAN' comes over.
2. Do you like stuffing? yeah
3. What are you thankful for? My parents, and that my birth mother gave me up so I could have a better life, My friends, and of course - family.
4. Name everyone who's at your family dinners? That's easy - THE CLAN.
5. Do you or anyone you know have a birthday in this month? 1st - Grandma Sommerfeldt/Bestest Cousin Liz, 7th - Dad's birthday, 29th - Grandpa Sommerfeldt's birthday.
1. Do you celebrate Christmas? Yes
2. Hannukah? Nope
3. Do you get presents? Yeah - I just hope I don't get too many cause I can't afford getting anyone presents this year. :(
4. What's your favorite present you ever got? When I found out I was gonna be an auntie (mind you I was too dumfound to say anything so I went to set up my N64)
5. Do you like cold weather? FUCK NO!!
6. Do you or anyone you know have a birthday in this month? 10th - Lindsay
radicallindsay, 21 - Brad's birthday, 23rd - Ryans birthday.