i REALLY dont like michael jackson
ok i hope that marquee worked. So man i know this is kind of late to be writing about this, but i havnt been able to get on and write about it till today. So michael jackson getting off free. I think thats a load of fat bullshit. Theres soooo much proof that he did it. And the only thing that caused doubt was the fact that the mother had done something like this - but much smaller - years before to get a bit of cash. But the efing 14 year old boy had been molested and every sign pointed to michael jackson!!! And im srry to anybody who thinks that hes inocent, and loves him. But i TRUELY efing think that he did what he was accused of!! And i doesnt help his case in my eyes that hes gone and completly changed his face like that. He looks completly ugly, and hes a sick, sick, sick man. He needs help and now hes not going to get any. That sounds like im sorry for him in that way, and in truth i am. But more upset that the efer is now out walking on the streets and little innocent kids are still alone with him in his house. He is obsessed in an unnatual way with kids. The idiot hung his little baby over a cliff so the PAPPARAZZI COULD SEE HIM! Who in their right mind would do that???!!!?!? There is absolutly NO way i would put my percious baby in danger of slipping outta my arms, just so efing annoying people could get a glimpse of him on camara!!!! And i hate him. Hes only off because he keeps all the right peopels pockets well patted.!! Ha!!! Geez, ok srry i needed to say that. Have a good day good bye!