Jun 03, 2011 12:24
[Video / Action for Route 29 near Cherrygrove]
[The tall grass parts uncovering the Sentret who thought it was hiding there. Reflexively it stands up on its tail to get a better look at just what had found it, giving the trainer more than enough time to bark an order.]
Astina, tackle attack.
[The Eevee doesn’t move.]
Astina… I said use tackle!
[Still nothing. The Eevee just sits back on his haunches fully prepared to do absolutely nothing. Eagle almost snarls at the Pokemon who has decided not to follow his orders… but there isn’t time for that now. The Sentret has recovered from the surprise and was now fully prepared for a tackle attack. ]
[The Mareep hops forward presenting no sign of the disobedience the other Pokemon had shown. ]
[While prepared for a normal attack even the fully on guard Sentret can’t shield itself when paralyzed by the electricity coursing through its body. ]
Now, use thundershock.
[The wild Pokemon shudders and almost in slow motion tips off its carefully balanced tail, face planting into the dirt. In an instant the Pokeball appears over the Sentret’s head drawing it inside. The ball wiggles, once, twice, and then it is still. ]
route 29,