Avengers Fic: Five Women Clint Barton Loved and the One Man He Loves Part 1 of 2

May 09, 2012 19:48

Title:  Five Women Clint Barton Loved and the One Man He Loves
Paring: Clint Barton/Phil Coulson, Clint Barton/Natasha Romanoff, Clint Barton/OFCs
Rating: T
Words: 6000+
Warnings: Minor Movie Spoilers

1. Leanne Miller

Leanne Miller is the woman that Clint considers his first love. He falls in love with her when he’s eight years old.  It is an innocent love, the type only a child can truly have.  She is the first adult that seems to actually care about Clint, who comes from an abusive father, a mother who never seemed to care that he was getting hit, and along with numerous other adults who saw the bruises and listened to his both his parents’ lies about their origins.

Leanne -- or as Clint knows her Ms. Leanne -- is in charge of the orphanage in which eight year old Clint finds himself following the death of his parents.  She was (and still is to a certain degree) overworked and underpaid, but the main difference between her and Edith Barton is that Leanne has a backbone, fights for what is right, and does her best to keep her kids (all of the children of the orphanage) out of trouble. Clint is an easy child, his grief making him quiet.  Barney is just angry, and therefore has no love of Ms. Leanne (almost always said with a sneer).

Ms. Leanne makes time whenever Clint needs someone to talk to or a shoulder to cry on.  Her kind nature slowly helps him to heal. Clint never doubts that she is trying to find someone to adopt him and Barney, because the brothers do not want to be separated.

For her part, Ms. Leanne tries to find someone to adopt both of them. However, Barney’s anger issues make it hard to find a family for them and as time goes on and Clint recovers (though Leanne sees it as Barney being a bad influence on Clint), he becomes more sarcastic. Most people looking to adopt, aren’t looking for smart-mouth children, so when she gets a family that is interested in adopting Clint, and Clint alone, she makes the difficult decision for the boys to be separated.

Clint is understandably betrayed when he finds out. He falls out of love and when Barney decides to run away, Clint goes with and doesn’t look back until Barney betrays him.

2. Laura Jenkins

Clint meets Laura when the circus is in her hometown as part of the Fourth of July’s celebration.  The circus was open during the day with carnival games and Clint worked one of the booths before it was show-time. She visited every day and always had a couple kids in tow that happened to love the game. Clint makes use of the time to flirt with her while they both watch the kids play the game, because Laura is cute and the smile on her face never seems to leave.  Clint has always flirted with the female customers that come without dates (because the dates tend to get pissed at the carnie flirting with their girl).  Not very many flirt back with Clint, Laura is one of the few that does and actually asks if Clint can get free.  He finds someone to cover him and spends the day with her.  He quickly discovers that not only is she pretty, she is also smart, kind, and curious about his life.  They exchange phone numbers and addresses at the end of the day and Clint steals a kiss.

Over the next year, they write to one another and have a few sporadic phone calls. Clint saves every letter. She writes about her friends and school, Clint writes about where he is now and what he’s doing. She eagerly informs him each time she gets a college acceptance letter, Clint offers his congratulations.

The next Fourth of July, the circus returns to Laura’s hometown. Clint spends the weeks beforehand, counting down the days until he gets to see Laura again. Just like last year, Laura comes with kids in tow, but she goes and comes back, talking to him as he warms up. Clint gets the night of the fireworks off and makes plans to spend it with Laura. They get dinner beforehand and ice cream as the sun starts setting, most of it spent talking.

Laura is just finishing telling him about where she plans to go to college and the classes she’s planning on taking, when she she at him smiling and asks, “Where are you going?”

“Um, we’re going to Des Moines next,” Clint answers, trying to remember their schedule.

Laura pauses, giving him a funny look, “I meant for college.”

“I’m not planning on going,” Clint replies.  “I have a job I love already.”  (At this point, he truly can’t imagine doing something besides the circus)

“Really?” Laura asks, gesturing toward where the circus is located. She looks torn between laughing and being being upset. “That’s what you want to do with your life?”

Clint has already met people that are dismissive toward the circus, but he is taken aback by Laura’s sudden dismissal of it.  “Yeah,” he says, defensively.

Laura looks at him sadly, “You just seem like you could do better than this is all.”

“What could be better?” Clint asks.  “I like what I’m doing, I get to go places, meet new people.  You want to do that.”

“I want to travel the world and help people, that’s a bit different than traveling with a circus,” Laura argues.

“Only difference is helping people,” Clint points out. “I could travel with another circus and go out of the country.”

“There’s still a big difference,” Laura replies.  “I just... I just think you could do a lot of good, if you put your mind to it.”

Clint arches an eyebrow as he looked at her, “I’m nothing special though.”

“That doesn’t mean you can’t help people,” Laura argues. “And you are special, you’re the world’s greatest marksman.”

“And how would accurate shooting help people?” Clint asks, amazed that she seems to buy the hype the circus has surrounded him.

Laura smiles and shrugs, “I don’t know, I’m sure there’s a way though.”

Clint almost laughs, but at that moment the first of the fireworks went and Laura leans into him as she looks up at the sky.  Thoughts of anything besides her quickly fly out of his head.

The festivities end a few days later and despite an agreement to keep in touch, college and life intervene. Laura’s letters are even more sporadic and slowly taper off as the year goes on. When Clint calls to let her know that that he’ll be in town for the next Fourth of July, he finds out out that Laura is still at school. He gets it, she’s cutting a circus nobody out of his life.

It’s later that summer that his teacher and Barney betray him.  After he recovers, he joins the army and sends one last letter, letting her know he enlisted and that he was being deployed.

3. Private Camilla ‘Cami’ Townsend

Private Townsend is one of the few women on base when Clint enlists.  She had joined up with plans and is determined to be a top-class sniper. Her brothers are all snipers and she is determined to follow in their footsteps.  Clint and Cami bond at the range, they both prefer to spend their time there, and Clint refrains from flirting with her.  He may have joined up, because he didn’t know what else to do with his job, but he plans to do the very best he can.  She talks about what it takes to be a sniper when they’re at the range.  There’s something about being a sniper that appeals to Clint, he’s alway been a sharpshooter and he has a feeling he could do well as sniper. (Spending more time with Cami at this point is just an added bonus).

Cami is not love at first sight or even lust.  She is the first person that Clint actually falls slowly in love with.  It may happen slowly, but it does happen.  Clint actually realizes it one day on the outdoor range, when Cami makes a particularly difficult shot, she pulls back and announces her achievement at him with a wide smile, sunlight catching just right and Clint knows he’s gone.

The thing is he doesn’t do anything about it, he enjoys being her friend and doesn’t want to interfere with training. By the end of the training, they’re both selected for sniper training.  Its during the break between training that they start sleeping together.  Clint has nowhere to go while on leave and Cami would prefer to keep her skills up. Those days are perfect - sex, breakfast, range, lunch, range, sex, dinner, movie, more sex, bed.  Nothing could make it better. Of course, like everything in Clint’s life, it all falls apart.

It starts while at training and a bunch of marine snipers, boasting about their scores on the range.  This group has been making Cami’s life miserable, and hearing them brag about how much better marine snipers than army snipers. It’s a combination of these things that push Clint to finally responds, “I could beat your scores with a bow.”

Its just Clint’s luck that their CO is walking by along with Clint’s.  Clint’s CO by this time is ready to see Clint fail and well, if he makes the Marines look bad, that’s alright with him as well. It’s win-win, so of course he agrees to a little competition.

The marines go first, their highest score is what Clint has to beat. The odds are stacked against Clint, but he hardly cares. Clint lives up to his circus title as ‘World’s Greatest Marksmen’ down and ends his turn with splitting an arrow.

He ignores the muttered, “I thought Mythbusters proved that was a myth.” He smirks a little at it though, knowing he just blew the highest marines’s score out of the water.

Its later after the impromptu celebration in Clint’s honor has quieted down that Cami leans into him and asks, “Where did you learn how to shoot like that?”

“Circus,” Clint answers with an easy grin.  “I was billed as the World’s Greatest Marksman.”

Cami stills as she looks at him, “Really? The Circus?”  She is barely holding back her laughter.

“Yeah,” Clint says suddenly reluctant.

From then on Clint is referred to as ‘The Circus Freak’ whenever he makes a particularly good shot. He tries to ignore it, but there seems to be a slight sneer to it.  Clint tries to ignore, but he can’t, because she slowly starts doing it everywhere including a few times in bed. As sniper training nears its end, Clint wishes he never told her and starts feeling ashamed of his past.  He decides never to mention where he learned to shoot to anyone and he doesn’t for a long time.  It’s there in his file for anyone to find though and while Clint goes on to have a great career, a part of him never wishes he showed off and beat those marines.

What he doesn’t realize is that his showing off is what brings him to SHIELD’s and one Colonel Nick Fury’s attention. They contact his CO to have him go to more advanced sniper training, (which Clint takes, because he’s decided he’s going to be good at it).  They keep their eye on him as he goes through training and his deployment.  They put him through test after test until they decide to bring him on board.

Part 2
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