Six Reasons You Should Watch Fringe!

May 22, 2010 22:37

I love Fringe. A lot. (Obviously.) I think it deserves to have a much larger fandom given who created it and what it's about. If you've never tried it out here's 6 reasons why you should! I get overly wordy (as usual) but there are enticing images to look at, as well, while you read!

ONE. Fringe Science!

Screencaptures taken from the opening credits (season 1 and season 2) listing a few terms of "fringe sciences"
The simplest definition of it is "an established field of study that departs significantly from mainstream or orthodox theories, and is classified in the 'fringes' of a credible mainstream academic discipline."
The show itself is a sci-fi heavy investigative thriller with a mixed bag of action-filled mysteriousness along with a sprinkling of horror--depending on your definition of horror, anyway. And let's not forget the family drama! And there's comedic moments...which are purely situational but always a sure laugh. All wrapped up into one! Wacky stuff happens that is almost too out there to be real and yet it has a believability to it all. It's the main draw I think, when you first hear the show's title and the general synopsis. Yet even the less simplistic descriptions don't do the show justice in encompassing what it's all about. And so the only way to truly think if it's right for you is to give it a shot. The science of it all is definitely one thing I love about the show, among many.
All the occurrences the team investigates are a part of a series of events that are scientific in nature and suggest a larger strategy, a coordinated effort. It's referred to as ‘The Pattern’. There's a fundamental mythology that links the cases and the characters all together so it's usually never strictly just a monster/bad guy/villain of the week type deal. Little by little you see how all of the characters, every case, the smallest details...eventually everything connects...

« "Inevitably because this show deals with science matters, it's going to be compared to The X Files. I was under that impression before I opened the script but it's really nothing like it at all except that it's a show on FOX that deals with matters of science. I would say the inspirations for this show are more in the realm of The Twilight Zone, Altered States and The Fly; very grounded stories that deal with issues at the fringes of actual science." - Jeff Pinkner
TWO. The Awesome Characters and Cast

Vastly unloved by the majority of viewers for being too distant and cold (?!)...or something: Olivia is the beautiful, brainy and badaaaaaaaass special agent in the FBI who will go to nearly any length to solve a case. Yes, she can be impetuous at times but she does it on her gut instincts which usually pan out for the case in the long run. She's thrust into investigating these cases yet she takes it all in and stays hard at work on it because she's just that awesome.
Anna Torv plays her wonderfully, in my opinion. We don't see most of her true emotions a lot because she's hiding behind her Mask of Stoicism™. We see her slip sometimes but it's just who Olivia is, to be more reserved. You'll learn more about her backstory and see why she is that way slowly over time. Personally, I identified with her from the start because I relate to her on a number of levels. She's a strong woman who doesn't let the fact that she's a female in a mostly male line of work stop her from being a relentlessly hard-working and intuitive agent who gets the job done at any cost. And I just really, really love her. I'll let some of these quotes do some more talking.

« What we were looking for in Olivia was a woman who was believable as an FBI agent but yet had some vulnerability. And definitely had depth and a history behind her eyes." - April Webster, Casting Director (on casting Anna)
« She comes into the world of fringe with all of it's edge and mystery and she brings this sort of elegance and poise to it that makes you just love her and want to make sure she's ok and gets through it. - Alex Graves, director of the Pilot
« Some people said she's almost too serious sometimes when I actually feel that's one of the things that's kinda great about her. There's a coolness to her that I think is really interesting. Immediately relatable. She had a maturity and a sort of gravity that was really interesting and she had a beautiful smile. And so I just kinda of thought 'Oh my God, there's a very specific thing here where she has this maturity and yet, you know, that kind of both the seriousness and that joy in her eyes." - JJ Abrams

Peter is my favorite character on the show. Yes, I am slightly biased due to it being Joshua Jackson. What can I say? He plays a charming genius! ♥_♥ But truthfully what makes Peter such a relatable character is that's he's constantly pointing out how nuts everything they're involved in is (thus the "voice" of the audience, they say). Even with his 190 IQ. He plays down how intelligent he is most of the time, only letting it come to light when he has to translate Walter's overly complex vernacular for the average smart people, if you will, or when he pitches his help in a case (such as recognizing a math equation could be turned into piano piece, which he then plays [again with the ♥_♥]). He's basically a jack-of-all-trades because of that high IQ. There's nothing Peter can't do, it seems, and we're still learning more about him even near the tail end of season 2. Letting more quotes do the talking because they say things better than I ever could.

« It felt like the promise that this character held was that he was this sort of rogue, very unpredictable guy who can do anything. - Alex Kurtzman, Co-Creator
« What's so great about his part is he's totally untrustworthy and he's very wounded. - Roberto Orci, Co-Creator
« We always discussed that Peter was a guy who had done everything and been everywhere and kinda knows sort of everyone in a way. - JJ Abrams, Co-Creator

Walter is many people's favorite character. Understandably so. I can definitely say that I do dearly love Walter; he isn't my absolute favorite but I still very much adore him. And I commend John Noble on being able to be such a dynamically ranging actor from episode to episode. The general consensus is that this man needs an Emmy for the work he's done in becoming Walter. That's been a given from his opening scene in the Pilot, if not from one of the most recent episode that was extremely Walter-centric (shh!, spoilers~). He doesn't even need to say anything and he just owns it with a look. That is the kind of actor he is and why he deserves an Emmy.
Walter worked in the past for various nefarious governmental needs along with his then-partner William Bell (now the richest man in the world and founder of the mega-corporation Massive Dynamics, which we'll get back to in a second). After a tragic lab accident he got sent to a asylum for the criminally insane for 17 years...only to be released when Olivia came looking for his expertise on the case in the pilot.
So we know he wasn't always the affable and darling Walter...he was one pretty morally grey dude with connections to some Seriously Morally Grey Shit® that resulted in The Pattern in the first place and sometimes that side pops out in him at times. We can see, though, is that due to him losing his sanity, he's gained a sort of humanity. He also brings a major amount of comedy (more situational than slapstick) and has some of the best one-liners on the show. I won't tell any so you can enjoy them all the more when you do hear them. And since I'm going with the whole adding a quote or two thing here's a quote!

« What John Noble did that is is so fabulous is that he almost has a humor about what he had gone through and then have periods where he had lost the thread. - April Webster, Casting Director

Astrid is tossed into the mix during the pilot, as well, and is at first seen possibly as 'token black character' (which isn't true in the slightest, imo). She’s very much a reliable asset to the Fringe Division with the ability to pick up things generally fast on top of the fact that she can speak five languages! She majored in linguistics and minored in computer science and has a knack for cryptology. She loves butterflies, but not moths (ew, who likes moths, anyway?). She’s always got her own viewpoint or opinion she submits to the rest of the team on the case so we know she’s a smart lady (Hi, I’m Captain Obvious) and oftentimes she helps give Olivia a new lead to look for. She's slowly become closer with Walter (I like to call them bffs) over the course of their investigations and is one of the only characters in the show who can really understand him, besides Peter and, even then, everyone has trouble with him sometimes! Also for anyone curious, she does get more screentime and goes out in the field more over the period of the show and is expected to do so even more in season three on top of the boost they gave her in season two compared to season one. Yay!

Would you just look at this man? Doesn't he just exude the 'I Will Fuck Your Shit Up' vibe with a simple glance? Hell yeah, he does. And you like it! Phil here (or as most people call him Broyles--I just like to call him Phil to annoy certain friends of mine) is the head of the Fringe Division and sort of friend of Nina in a'll see. He is a tough guy and a slightly hard-ass boss but you see he is also not a man without a heart. He is a caring man and diligent leader.

Now look at this bloke! Charlie is Liv's good friend and partner in investigating the cases they're assigned. He's hot and is a BAMF. Charlie is awesome. Charlie is funny. CHARLIE HAS WHAT I CALL A CAPSLOCK VOICE. And you love him for it, yes you do.

CEO of Massive Dynamic, William Bell's right hand lady. Cooperates with the Fringe Division and submits her help (when she's inclined to). She does choose to help when she can as Massive Dynamic is a giant corporation that deals with science and technology that is so wide-spread and in the global market, many cases link back to it so she helps--seemingly and for the most part, anyway. More often than not, she's not the most particularly forthcoming person. But other than that: look at her. She oozes fierceness, oui? Why, yes, that is a robotic arm you see. (But, no, she's not a cylon.)

Shit yeah, that's Leonard fucking Nimoy. Did your mind just get blown? You bet your ass it did. He's Walter's ex-partner and founder of Massive Dynamic. He's the richest man in the world. This guy is/was one Seriously Morally Grey Dude. What's so astonishing about him is he's very seldom actually on the show...which means when you do see him you know something is going down. But there's more to him than just who others claim him to be...

Last but not least, we cannot forget Gene, the Bodacious Bovine and Mr. Papaya, the Friendliest of Fruits! Yes, they are both very important. Don't even question it!

THREE. Mythology, yay!

There's The Pattern, which I told you about: the interconnected bizarre scientific-related cases they investigate. There's this ominous drug called Cortexiphan that was a drug trial Walter did that has a connection to someone on the team...and being related to fringe science, when I say ominous you know something's up. There's the lurkin' Observers. They're just chilling all throughout space and time (no, not outer space--they're not, like, Time Lords or anything--it's the space-time continuum!) observin' important things. They have no hair and also they love obscenely spicy foods. Then we've got whackadoodle villains who follow guidelines from their sort of codex, know as ZFT, who are partly responsible for some of the cases that make up The Pattern. Another lovely thing is the easter egg glyphs. Initially created by the FOX marketing department, the executives turned them into a sort of mono-alphabetic cipher which are used to give clues (placed before commercial breaks after each act, they spell a word that, when the episode is over, can be deciphered! Sweet, eh?) Then to top it all off there's even an alternate universe! That one is hard to explain without spoiling anything so I won't even try. Just know that it's extremely imperative, especially in the latter half of the second season and most likely the rest of the series onwards. All this and more!~

FOUR. Eye Candy Never Hurts...

Not only does the cast look like it could have been pulled out of an issue GQ, the show itself is wicked beautiful. On top of the fact its got these marvelous Giant Floating Letters© that indicate where a scene is taking place. Usually there's somewhere between 3 and 6 in each episode. What I love is that this show is one of the few shows these days that's done on film, not digital. It really shows because it looks more like a movie each week than other tv fodder. How awesome is all this? It's mad brilliant is what it is!
FIVE. Look at who makes this awesome shit happen and bow down!

There are some lovely geniuses behind this show, turning the wheels, making it epic. JJ may have started it, and I still love him for being one of the co-creators and much of what instigated it started in his head, but it's something that was co-created and also run by some other dudes. Here's the breakdown on some people you should worship at least a little bit. Because they're awesome and deserve recognition.
Alex Kurtzman and Roberto Orci Co-creators | The other two thirds of the co-creator brain-trust. Ever see the new Star Trek movie? Wasn't it just so well scripted? You enjoyed it, didn't ya? WELL, LEMME TELL YA: these two wrote it! Yup. You can trust these writers in making compelling stories and enterprising (har-dee-har couldn't resist that adjective) characters!
Jeff Pinkner and J.H. Wyman Co-Showrunners | Basically, they are the Darlton of Fringe. They are an influential force in how the stories and mythology gets shaped. They're very engaged in the production process and have a clear idea of where the show is headed and how it will be evolving. And from what I've read on what they have planned for the future of the show, I am nothing short of impressed.

SIX. Lost is ending (Sorry, but it's true.)

I love Lost as much as the next person (...that also loves Lost). It is, indeed, a great show from the mind of your Supreme Overlord JJ! It's in my top 10 or 15 shows ever list but it's just a plain fact that tomorrow it will ultimately be ending. You must have been too wrapped up in it to notice the other brilliant show spawned from the beautiful mind of the All Powerful Abrams! Don't let the fact that two full seasons are done with deter you. It got a third season pickup so I'm gonna just leave it at that. You've got all summer to catch up and/or get obsessed with the first two seasons before season three begins in September! SO CHOP CHOP!

« There's no doubt that Fringe is the new Lost, a show so rich in mythology, so beautifully grounded in emotion and so expertly paced that you won't be able to stop watching. - John Kubicek, BuddyTV

« We believe that the audience is getting more invested in our characters, which makes those reveals and further things all the more enjoyable that they’re with us. They can say, “Wow, if they’re telling us this, there must be so much more,” which is true. - J.H. Wyman, Co-Showrunner

« We’ve found this mix now where we call them “mythalones”--there are good representations of them coming up [referring to the last third of season 2]. You’ll see a great standalone episode with a very compelling case or incident going down within it, but you’ll also learn some very key, heavy things from the mythology. - J.H. Wyman, Co-Showrunner

« I can't see how we can possibly go back to the monster of the week too much [after the airing of the episode Peter], to be honest with you. I think now we've decided to go to the mythology. - John Noble, portrays Walter Bishop

All screencaptures made and edited by me. Quotes extrapolated from a number of websites/articles/interviews or transcribed by me from special features on the DVDs. Don't use any of this anywhere as I spent a ridiculous amount of time on formatting and it would make me mad. Hope you enjoyed and will give this splendidly amazing show a try! PLEASE TELL ALL YOUR NON-FRINGE WATCHING FRIENDS. This show does air on know. Do you part! :)

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