Do you like the TV show FRIENDS?: If I didn't, would I be sitting here doing this random survey?
If you could be a character which one would you be?: Janice
Which is your least favorite male character?: Joey and Ross (Joey and Ross are my least favorites because they're the only ones left, but I still love them both)
Which is your favorite male character?: Chandler
Which is your least favorite female character?: Rachel
Which is your favorite female character?: Phoebe
How many episodes of FRIENDS have you seen?: Every single one.
Would you ever date Joey?: Yes.
Would you ever date Rachel?: No way.
Which couple did you like better, Joey and Rachel or Ross and Rachel?: Ross and Rachel. I hated the concept of Joey and Rachel together. It was like they just ran out of possible people to hook up and had to get one last one in there before the show was done.
Did you like that Monica and Chandler got married?: Yes!
Should Phoebe have stayed with David or are you glad she married Mike?: David was sweet, but in the end, I think that Mike was a far better choice.
If you could have named Rachel and Ross' baby what would you have named it?: Emma worked for me. I was just glad it wasn't something totally weird.
Are you upset Carol is a lesbian?: Uh, no. If she wasn't, then there would have been no Ross and Rachel, which would have taken away a third of the storylines.
Would you have liked to see Phoebe and Joey hook up?: I always thought they should have, at least once.
Did you think Monica and Richard dating was a good idea?: Yeah, they were cute together.
Which triplet is your favorite: Frank Jr. Jr., Chandler, or Leslie?: Chandler ("Chandler's a girl, Chandler's a girl!")
Which of Ross' marriages was your favorite: to Carol, to Emily, or to Rachel?: To Rachel. Emily was a bitch, and Carol was gay...neither one would have ever worked out anyway.
Which character are you most like?: If we're going by looks, then none of them, but we're going by personality, then Chandler.
Did you like Phoebe's song Smelly Cat?: Yeah!
Did you want Rachel to move to Paris?: Eew, no. That was ridiculous.
Did you think Tag was hot?: Du-huh!!
Did you think Joey's supermodel roomate was hot?: Elle MacPherson is very pretty, but I wouldn't call her hot (but then again, I'm not a guy).
Did you think Gunther was hot?: No, but he was cute in that geeky kind of way.
Have you seen every episode?: Yep.
Did you think Chandler was funny or annoying?: Freakin' hilarious!
Mrs. Geller or Mrs. Bing?: Mrs. Bing cracked me up.
Mrs. Green or Mrs. Tribbiani?: Mrs. Green, I guess.
Are you sad Ugly Naked Guy moved from across Monica's apartment?: Yeah, kind of. I always cracked up when one of them would just randomly see him doing something and announce it in the middle of whatever conversation they were having and no one else seemed to mind.
Are you sad Heckles died?: Eh, no opinion. He was random.
Did you like Janice?: YES!
Rachel or Monica?: Monica
Rachel or Phoebe?: Phoebe
Monica or Phoebe?: Phoebe
Ross or Joey?: Ross
Ross or Chandler?: Chandler
Joey or Chandler?: Chandler
Did you like the old episodes or the newer ones?: Seasons 1-4 were my faves.
Which of Rachel's sisters do you like best, Jill or Amy?: Jill, because she was played by Reese Witherspoon, who I adore.
Can you name all of Joey's sisters?: Gina, Deena, Veronica, Cookie, Mary-Angela, Mary-
Therese, and Tina.
Which of Joey's sisters did Chandler fool around with?: Mary-Angela
Whose side are you on for the "taking a break" arguement, Ross or Rachel's?: Totally Ross'.
Why did you choose that persons side?: Because they were on a break and Rachel was stupid because she is the one who said they should be.
Are you sad FRIENDS is over?: Incredibly, but I know that it was it's time.
How many season DVDs do you own?: 1-2 on VHS, 3-7 on DVD.
Did you like Ross' old girlfriend, Julie?: She was okay.
Did you know Phoebe was married to a gay ice dancer?: Uh, yeah.
Which friend would you want to hang out with?: Chandler
Did you like Chandler's old roomate Eddie?: I liked him when he left.
Did you like Paulo, Rachel's Italian boyfriend?: Not even.
Were you sad that Ross had to give up Marcel?: Yeah, Marcel was fun!
Would you want Mrs. Bing to be your mom?: No. She was funny, but not that funny.
Would you want to get married the way Phoebe did?: No, I want to get married the way Monica and Chandler did - with my best friend performing the ceremony dressed in a bloody WWI uniform.
Were you sad when Estelle died?: Meh.
Which Thanksgiving episode was your favorite?: The One With Chandler in a Box
Would you want to be on the TV show?: Yes!
Which of the kids is your favorite: Ben, Emma, Jack, or Erica?: Ben
If you were stuck on a deserted island which Friend would u want with you?: Chandler, dude.
Which Friend has the best job?: Monica
Which Friend had the best apartment?: Monica
Did you like Charlie, the paleontologist that both Joey and Ross dated? No.
Were you sad when Friends ended?: Very!