20 Years Ago, I . . .
1. Was not alive.
2. Did not have to go to school.
3. Did not have to do chores.
15 Years Ago, I . . .
1. Napped a lot.
2. Cried a lot.
3. Drooled a lot.
10 Years Ago, I...
1. Moved to Bloomfield Hills.
2. Liked to sing.
3. Other stuff...
5 Years Ago, I...
1. Had gotten into theatre more.
2. Liked Pokemon.
3. Thought I was the cat's pajamas.
3 Years Ago, I...
1. Didn't do my homework.
2. Didn't know many of my current friends.
3. Went to Covington
1 Year Ago, I...
1. Was a dinky freshman.
2. Was in Fiddler.
3. Was very confused.
So far this year, I...
1. Started dance.
2. Wore the largest costume imaginable.
3. Have been crazily busy.
Yesterday, I...
1. Went to Ellie's.
2. Played with Hit Clips.
3. Watched Gravy.
Today, I...
1. Took a shower
2. Ate eggs
3. Am going to the cast party!
Tomorrow, I...
1. Have school.
2. Will be sorry that I didn't get much sleep over the weekend.
3. Am going to the Funny Girl parent meeting.