Welcome to I Haven't Prompted This Before Comment!Ficathon!
This is happening solely because Crystal is the worst.
Banner by
fluffyfrolicker What is this about?
As we've all probably noticed, ficathons are getting repetitive. So, let's shake things up a bit. You can prompt anything you want - provided that you've never prompted it before (obviously I'm not going to check everything and hunt you down if you break this rule, but I'm relying on your desire to have some quality fun). Try to avoid things you see prompted very often. If you're new to this and you don't know what's prompted very often, or you have memory like a goldfish (like yours truly) and you don't remember if you already prompted something, just go ahead and prompt whatever you want. The point is to eliminate as many repeititions as possible, not to eliminate ALL of them.
1. You know the drill: one prompt per comment, prompt as much or as little as you wish. Please, use the following format: fandom, characters/pairings, prompt.
2. AUs and crossovers are encouraged, but you can also prompt other things.
3. When you fill a prompt, please link to it in
this thread. Your header should include: title, fandom, rating, warnings (characters/ships optional). Yes, warnings are necessary (if they apply). More than one author can fill one prompt.
4. Prompt. Write. Comment. Benefit. Go wild.
Feel free to promote:
I Haven't Prompted This Before Comment!Ficathon
(click on the picture) Banners (if anyone is kind enough to make any) can be found in
this thread. You're more than welcome to make your own banner and share it with us! :)