Title: Bathtub and Shower 3/5 Rating: Not NC-17 yet, hehe Show: LHDP Pairing: PepSi Spoiler: Erm, none Summary: Pepa is a hopeless romantic, so am I ;) ( Part 3/5 )
Title: Bathtub and Shower 2/5 Rating: Not NC-17 yet, hehe Show: LHDP Pairing: PepSi Spoiler: Erm, none Summary: Pepa is a hopeless romantic, so am I ;) ( Part 2/5 )
Title: Bathtub and Shower 1/5 Rating: Not NC-17 yet, hehe Show: LHDP Pairing: PepSi Spoiler: Erm, none Summary: Pepa is a hopeless romantic, so am I ;)