1. Name: Gene
2. Age: 13
3. Location:
4. List your 5 favorite bands/groups: Eagles, Nirvana, REO SpeedWagon, The Pixies, and Dream Theater.
5. Favorite CD(s): Ethereal: Melodic Trance and.. um, all of my other CDs are burned xD
6. List atleast 5 favorite movies: Titanic, Tuck Everlasting, Lord of the Rings Trilogy, Pirates of the Carribean, Texas Chainsaw Massacre.
7. List atleast 5 favorite TV shows: Roseanne!! The 5th Wheel, Fear Factor, The Cosby Show, and 7th Heaven.
8. List your favorite book(s): Tuck Everlasting, Number the Stars, Walk Two Moons, and White Oleander.
9. Favorite store(s): Walmart, Target, Best Buy, etc.
10. Favorite color(s): Gray, Black, White, Blue.
11. Favorite thing about yourself: I have multiple personalities, like I can be funny and silleh and wacko and wild, but then later be real deep and sensitive.
12. Least favorite thing about yourself: Sometimes I let negative comments said about me, namely in rating communities, get to me too much.
13. Your Dream Career or/and Goal in life: I wanna be a web designer or a graphic designer when I grow up and also start a happy family in which I can express my undying love to.
14. Name at least 3 favorite board games: Clue, Guess Who, Chess.
15. Name atleast 3 favorite online computer/computer/video games:
16. What are your 3 favorite sports to watch or play: To watch: Tennis and Tae Kwon Do. To play: Bowling and Volleyball.
17. Who is/are your favorite actor(s) and actress(es): I love Julia Stiles and Julia Roberts.
18. Describe yourself in atleast 3 words: Short. Introvert-ical. Fun.
19. What is your favorite prized possession: My digital camera. <3
20. Who would you die for: My good friend, Kathy.
21. Pictures