Hey Kelsay! I had so much fun last Sunday. It makes me wish you lived down here with us. lol. I'm adding you now. I don't get to post much at the moment, though. :(
I'm guessing you deleted your comment, because I don't see it anymore. The remark was meant mostly to say that the nervous people had nervous dogs, the high strung people had high strung dogs, not that the people were responsible for their dogs behavior problems.
dogtrainers will have excellent advice for you on your dog, and if you don't want to post in an actual community, contact metalkat. Resource guarding is something fixable with training, especially in a puppy so young.
Yeah, I deleted it. Sorry. I thought maybe it was inappropriate to jump in on a conversation while lurking. lol. I do think that sometimes people are responsible for their dogs behavior problems though. I just couldn't find any reason for such for my pup. I exhausted all possible causes that could have come from me. I think it is most likely a case of bad breeding. It was my fault for succumbing to a stupid byb who clearly gave no thought to the temperment of the parents. I did originally post in dogtrainers, but maybe metalkat can give me some more advice. Thanks for the link. :)
hello.. i was trawling through live journal land and found you.. saw that amazing wolf picture on your page and thought anyone whos likes wolves is my kind of person so hope you may consider adding me.. will cheeky grin
Heck, anyone who starts off their bio by saying they love travel, nature, and music is my kind of person. lol. I also love the Native American flute despite my sad attempts at playing one. Heh. Mary Youngblood is probably my favorite artist right now. Gladly added. :)
Hi! I found your journal through the huskylove community. You responded to one of my posts and you seem like a pretty cool person. So I wanted to drop in and add you to my friends list in the hopes you'll do the same. :-)
Comments 67
dogtrainers will have excellent advice for you on your dog, and if you don't want to post in an actual community, contact metalkat. Resource guarding is something fixable with training, especially in a puppy so young.
i was trawling through live journal land and found you.. saw that amazing wolf picture on your page and thought anyone whos likes wolves is my kind of person so hope you may consider adding me..
cheeky grin
I never grow tired of reading about people's dogs! :-)
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