pcheepie: hooray for productivity in the wee hours!
pcheepie: but you should sleep
MissClaireystars: I wish I could
MissClaireystars: I was done with the site hours ago
MissClaireystars: i've been sitting up, drinking, having some stupid drawn out conversation with some stupid person who turned out to be almost 40 when I thought he was around my age.
MissClaireystars: ugh.
MissClaireystars: not a good sign when they act half their age
pcheepie: UGH
pcheepie: this is the one who shut down his post?
MissClaireystars: yeah, he apparently screened all the entries as I mentioned I was uncomfortable discussing my work in a public forum.
MissClaireystars: he thought that would keep the entries available to us both, and still commenting. he was wrong.
MissClaireystars: then he thought i had his MSN details and so should have contacted him - they are not on his LJ profile - but mine are. He did not contact me first, he waited for me to find his details which I had to ask him for after he was too thick to realise that if I already had them, I would be using them.
pcheepie: ugh, what a waste of time
pcheepie: :-(
pcheepie: why didn't he contact you?
pcheepie: men are dumb
MissClaireystars: because he's a fucking moron? :-)
pcheepie: hahahaha
pcheepie: bingo!
MissClaireystars: people suck HEAPS!
MissClaireystars: especially boys, re livejouranl.
pcheepie: I completely agree!
MissClaireystars: like spam, and 20something boys who will end up being 40something and overweight and poor with no one.
pcheepie: yes yes! it makes me cry
MissClaireystars: my worst fear is that they WONT have no one, and I'll have worked hard for nothing again.
pcheepie: they will have no one or they will spend a lot of time making someone miserable
MissClaireystars: ah yes, the misery factor.
MissClaireystars: because they might be happy touring the country at 40, but when they're 50... that's a bit different. 60? do they even live til 60?
MissClaireystars: 'do you know any people over 200lbs that are over the age of 50? no, they're all dead'
pcheepie: they die
MissClaireystars: here's hoping.
pcheepie: ugh
pcheepie: hahaha
MissClaireystars: this guy's crap./
MissClaireystars: he's going on about 'selling myself'.
MissClaireystars: what the fuck? what a freakin' idiot. sorry, he sucks.
MissClaireystars: and I won't be speaking to him ever again :-)
pcheepie: selling yourself????
MissClaireystars: regarding my job.
pcheepie: i hate him
MissClaireystars: exactly.
MissClaireystars: he started waffling on about 'different terminology' and how he wasn't insulting me, blah blah blah, and how he knew HE sold himself at work - his time and services..
MissClaireystars: waffle waffle, digging his hole deeper.
MissClaireystars: what an asshole.
pcheepie: god
pcheepie: ew
MissClaireystars: as if I should be admitting that i sell myself, because he says so
pcheepie: different terminology??
pcheepie: god
MissClaireystars: nothing riles me more than that term.
MissClaireystars: If you sell a girl - you get a sum of money or goods and you never see her again.
MissClaireystars: they sell her into slavery, to a butcher, into abuse or horror.
MissClaireystars: that's being sold.
pcheepie: exactly
MissClaireystars: I do not sell myself. christ. where do these people come from.
pcheepie: like a house
pcheepie: you don't come back and see the house after it's sold--it's gone
pcheepie: ugh
MissClaireystars: you don't SELL your services as a graphic artist - you rent them out.
pcheepie: yuck
pcheepie: people are dumb and they should be sterilized
MissClaireystars: i agree
MissClaireystars: he's 40 and single, and 'wants a damned good reason to ever get married' so I think we'll be fine when it comes to him passing on his value system - he won't get a chance.
MissClaireystars: let's hope the mothers of any of his possible children knock common sense and respect into them.
MissClaireystars: if someone was to sell themselves, I'd imagine it to be like chopping off a finger for $50, as the mafia likes to do for unpaid debts.
MissClaireystars: so you only have so many bits you can part with
MissClaireystars: so does that mean the people who still have all their fingers are better than the rest of us?
MissClaireystars: hate hate hate.
pcheepie: grrrrrrrrrrrrr
MissClaireystars: didn't mean to offend MY ASS! grr. kill him.
pcheepie: justifiable.