first fic post: The depth of intimacy.

Mar 16, 2013 14:06

So I am really nervous this is the first fic I post.
I've been writing them for years, believed it was kind of a weird thing to do until I found SI.
From there I found LJ and I learned pretty soon I wasn't the only one:)
With that also came a lot of insecurities.
But I'm taking the plunge now.

This story  would have never happened if:
A, akachankami wouldn't have come up with a prompt that kind of forced me to come out of my fanart/ chibi comfort zone. Now I used my creativity different and I'm happy I gave it a try.
B, I wouldn't have learned so much about writing fanfics just by reading all these good stories right here on LJ and of course
C, last but not least if lambrosia wouldn't have told me more than once to just stop thinking so much and give it a try! Thank you hon, for giving me that little push in my back I desperately need so much :)

Done with all the rambling :D
So here goes, the first chapter of my first Sharon and Andy fic:

The depth of intimacy.
chapter: one of two
AN: written for the second prompt on raydorflynn: Scars.
rating: T
word count: 595
summary: Andy knew this was the real thing. This was love. Love wasn't just something physical.
                It was about getting to know each other.

The depth of intimacy. Part one of two.

Andy had his eyes locked on hers. He looked dreamy, satisfied, while his fingers gently stroke her hair. What was going on inside his mind? For him to stare at her like that, the amount of love in his eyes for her. A man looking at her like this, was something she wasn't used to. Her heart warmed as it felt good, even though it also made her feel a bit insecure.

His lips grazed her hairline, before they touched her forehead. Such soft lips. She had been so surprised, as they had first made impact on her skin. Closing her eyes a soft hum escaped her lips, a smile curling on her lips.

He loved those small noises she made. He was engulfed by her. Her soft hair, so gorgeous as it sprawled over the pillow. It was tousled, so unlike her perfect styled hairdo she wore at the department. Her skin was like silk, her scent heavenly. Yes, he was sure, she was perfect.

What had taken him so long to acknowledge that? He'd never be able to see her any different from how he saw her right now in this moment though.

She kissed his fingertips, as he touched her cheek. Everything about him was so gentle. Who would have thought? Andy Flynn, an IA file larger than any other she had ever seen. A hot head Lieutenant, heart on his tongue, which got him into trouble more than once. That temper of his had made them collide on many occasions. Huge arguments, ending up in shouting matches. He'd push her buttons like no one else could.

Maybe that had been the beginning of this unlikely attraction to one another. He wasn't the kind of man, she normally would be attracted to. Not that she had a great track record in men. Her husband, the perfect example of that.

Richard had always been the perfect charmer on the outside, but he had never been as gentle and loving as Andy had been with her.

His lips had found the marred spot before, as he had left a soft trail of kisses on her body. His thumb pad , stroke the round scar on her chest. He had a matching scar on his body. He knew the impact it had, but as he looked into her eyes, he could tell there were a lot more scars on her soul.

The vulnerability in her eyes, so much emotion. She had been hurt more than once in her life. That's what that tough Captain Raydor exterior was about. Her own personal armor to protect herself. He wondered about what must have happened that caused her to build this thick brick wall around herself.

This hadn't been a one night stand. It had been a very long time, since he had felt this way about a woman. This was love. He was actually in love. So he'd better start demolishing that brick wall of hers. There was more to intimacy than just sex. He'd want her to know, that he'd be there for her no matter what. If he wouldn't talk to her, he'd never know if she would open up to him.

"How did it happen?"

part two of two

series: scars of the past complicate the, prompt:scars, series: first fic, sharon and andy fic

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