here you will find the icons from
urban_ic's contestants that they have made, but didn't make the cut for entries. a lot of the time makers icon more with the pics provided than they can enter according to the challenge's guidelines, so we wanted you all to be able to share those too!
[-] makers, when you decide to post icons, please post them ALL in a NEW comment to this post.
[-] you can either go challenge by challenge, or wait until you've stored up a decent batch after a few challenges. however you want to do it.
[-] only icons made from images provided via challenges in
urban_ic should be posted here. anything else will be deleted.
[-] if you want to save any icons, please reply to the COMMENT that includes the icons you want. please don't make a new comment to this post listing all the icons you're saving. if you want icons by different makers or icons posted @ different times, you're going to have to reply multiple times. it's the most organized / respectful way for makers to see who is saving their work.
[-] unfortunately you can't create permanent entries in communities, like i wanted to do to keep this post @ the top of the community for easy access. so instead, i'll change the date on the post every week or two to "bump" it up.
[-] i reserve the right to edit these rules as we get this thing going :)
[-] have fun and enjoy!