hey here i go again w/this shit but just be straight up w/me cuz im still gettin awkward vibes...is the 'chris' you kissed and the 'chris ' that made you laugh last the chris im thinking of?
It was a Q U E S T I O N I didn't wig out or anything, just simply asked...jesus christ..chill out..maybe if you told me shit like oh i met thisguy or i'm seeing this guy and talk to me like friends normally do then I would think shit....You don't tell me shit anymore...so what the fuck am I supposed to think...fuckin-A...You think I enjoy this insane bullshit sonia..NO!!...Fuck it
There shouldn't be a need for the question. And I try to talk to you...but you're always busy or you're at school, or sleeping. Being a friend isn't me telling you everything I do... You gotta talk to me too, Ashley. I mean, I used to talk to you everyday...now its like once or twice a week. I don't get what happen... I'm not saying this is te problem, but every since you started school you act as if you don't have to keep in touch. I know school is a priority for you, but you never even call me. And when I try to call you we speak for like 5 minutes and that's that. I don't know what you want me to do...
Comments 6
See what I mean by you over-analyzing the things I say? Do you realize how common the name Chris is? You drive me insane with this...
I didn't wig out or anything, just simply asked...jesus christ..chill out..maybe if you told me shit like oh i met thisguy or i'm seeing this guy and talk to me like friends normally do then I would think shit....You don't tell me shit anymore...so what the fuck am I supposed to think...fuckin-A...You think I enjoy this insane bullshit sonia..NO!!...Fuck it
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