Alex told me on the car ride home that our friend from school as far back as seventh grade died of an overdose. He didn't know what he overdosed on
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Good news: I got my commercial driver's license today. I also got accepted to go to France for the Spring. Bad news: My cell phone and car priviliges got taken away literally because my mother is crazy. This isn't even like a kid mad at a parent's seemingly senseless behavior. This is actually irrational. So... good balancing the bad? Hmm.
I got an English lesson last night. The Internet is a bad place to keep anything. I deleted a bunch of entries because they suck. And no more sucky entries, please.
I'm going to write more in a less public way. Unless it's journalism.
The editor insisted that he recieve exactly seven pieces of chicken with his chicken and chips, and wanted me to make sure I got the fries. This is because he freaked out last time they only gave him six pieces of chicken. He just finished lunch and handed me his plate. He only ate 6 pieces of chicken and didn't touch the fries. Fucking nutty