Txt purge.

Feb 25, 2007 19:32

Public humiliation ensuing!!!

::manaical laughter:: YOU HAVE NO PANTS


That's exactly what I'm saying! Satirical anarchy within a rational anarchist framework.


Just trying to listen to what people tell me, which everyone says I have to do more of...


Most comfortable be ever. When you get a chance, stop by a mattress store and buy a memory foam mattress.


Rehearsal should be over, and you should be with me.


Happiness can only come from your own endeavors...nevermind, I got some codeine.


I'm in an awkward membrane where I'm poking and watching the ripples.

I'm breaking barriers. blindly though.


Hey there. I really do want to get together for some fun sober times out, but I am unfortunately going through some intense therapy. So, for at least another month, then I will be getting better and more inclined to do normal things. Please don't forget about me and know that I want to make it out soon. Just not this soon. Either way, just keep in contact, and things will simmer soon. Xoxo.


One doesn't have to try to be interesting. It's much more of a curse than something one deliberately seeks.


I had you pegged as a scimitar sort of person, actually...


I kind of want to pounce you so much its absurd.


Recipe for a party: Invite people who are friendly and unique. Add Alcohol. Take care of your guests, and especially their guests initially, then let the party unfurl.


Time and energy are resources that there are never enough of - merely things that one finds when the priority is high enough.


Oh, I dunno. Your MONSTROUS penis?


Please me well, and I'll certainly find a way to leave my seal of approval.


Of all the random awkward shit that happens to people, you are a gravitational well for such occurrences.


You know, tonight turned out rather weird.


Life is short, eat dessert first.


I don't know if I should be flattered or frightened. But to tell you the truth, I've been thinking of you too.


I know this is random, but I'm grateful that you exist.


Perhaps I'll take your cult into consideration!


I think you're exactly right. I'm afraid of codependence and terrified of getting hurt. I need to give my heart more credit! I think too much.


What specifically are YOU afraid of?


Too much free time can be a curse.


(Said by a woman) I hate it when I see a pretty girl, and the second she opens her mouth, she ruins it.


Welcome to the cult. Call me.


So you basically need to unlearn your fears of people's reactions.
(ed note - Or charge the fear, screaming, and see what happens)


I like how you question and analyze everything.


I really appreciate you giving me the opportunity to speak my piece and get back in my flow. I thank you from my heart.


Social repercussions of being heard having sex? All I can think of are various iterations on puritan guilt, and reactions to it.


I'll come back as soon as you like, to that happy place in the heart of my world.


Bah! We did not MAKE them awkward, people cannot MAKE people do anything. Us being there gave them the impetus to realize that they were not comfortable in that situation, and then, they created the awkwardness themselves instead of dealing with the situation. The initiator of action is not creating results in others, unless everyone is locked dead-fast into a pattern.


I feel like you sent me a postcard. There are two gay dudes in lawn chairs on the beach. They're drinking mimosas, and have matching leopard print banana hammocks.
I, however, am driving through chicago's icy conditions, listening to trip-hop, and thinking about our last encounter.


What I dislike most in this situation is the awkwardness implicit in forced voyeurism.

I don't find it awkward though, I think that I would take pride in my adult child fucking like a champ/mynx. Or, I might be annoyed that I was being kept up.


I don't think that being an emotionless killer makes you a soldier. It sounds to me more like a serial killer, an assassin, a military burnout, or some combination of all three. A true soldier hones his skills and accepts violence as a necessary part of life. But her never uses it lightly, and he accesses it regularly in ways that can be accepted by those around him, that he might sanctify his strength, and let it create his world, rather than consuming and destroying it.


Saturday motion and motivation. I have been showing you too much affection, and now nee d to kick the CRAP out of you. I like to get physical with the people I am close to, and like any little boy, roughhousing is the best way that I can express that desire.

Jits and combat. Global decisions. Either or both.


You can't expect better behavior out of me than you yourself create. I'm not THAT enlightened.


What can I say? You get me to do strange things, both actively and passively.


Alex notices that many of the people around him are boring. He knows that they are trying hard to do their best. But at what, he is not sure.


Being stubborn is one of the only ways to get anything out of life. Unfortunately, you can't tell someone who is stubborn that they need to change, even if it would probably be to their benefit.


The phrase 'crisis of faith' often runs through my head when I consider 'ignorance is bliss' against my pragmatism.


My word is law. If I say that making someone else happy matters most, I've lost a piece of myself because I put my energy into someone else, ans something I can't fully manage, instead of towards my own self-sufficiency and satisfaction, which I have total control over.


After enlightenment, the laundry. After love, the rest of life. People seem confused when I tell them this. I laugh.


I want to believe and draw strength from other people, but for the most part, I am the only person in my world that I trust and draw strength from.


So, staying where you are is how to get something out of life? If your situation is good/decent/manageable, and you have no perceptible ideas or options that are decidedly better, then yes!


I guess I would like to have someone else bring good stuff to the table. It seems almost like a tall tale that people met and interacted with their heroes instead of having the media create them.


Alex thinks that it would be fun to have sultry, passionate, obnoxiously loud sex all over the place so that he can flout his unboring.


Thanks for keeping me appraised. I understand that you need time and space to deal. However, I am money in the clutch, and sometimes, you have to just dive in and see how it is.


Just decide what you want to say, it's only a conversation opener. Like juggler says, everything has been said before, and nothing you say is necessarily so important or relevant. As far as conversation openers go, even a grunt or a fart is sufficient.


Meh, that was a mediocre exchange. And as long as you are challenging, I can draw insights out from talking to you.


That is what I mean. When you aren't cornered, you try and maintain your gains instead of going after more. And then you compromise and attrition wears you down until you get cornered again. Lather, rinse, repeat for the rest of your life.


I believe that a hero will be able to lead by example, and the one that I am searching for will be able to foster change through their impressive ability.


Well, I took that precaution anyways. Mom will be leaving the house in a bit, if you care to escape unnoticed.


Actually, just because I sleep with her doesn't mean that we have sex. It just happened to mean that last night.


Just wanted you to know. Some people are really sloppy and out of control. I need more than just a willing partner, if I am going to take that step.


The funny thing is that if people didn't respond totally predictably to your tactics, then they wouldn't work. But they often do, and when it happens, they blame you for 'making' them feel or do a certain thing. Silly little people.


Krabi Kabrong - multiple strikes on the same line to off balance someone, or create openings for kicks. Times used to be so simple.


It's your life. You can do whatever I want. I put my opinion out there, but the most important thing is for me to support your search for answers.


I bailed on a crappy fight show just now. I thought that I would feel all guilty and unethical, but I feel grrrrrreat!


You needn't worry. I am just pondering the fine line between certainty and faith. Wherein exists the union of pure faith and functional logic.



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