so last night i dunno why but i was thinking about this guy lets just call him bob so anyways i had this dream that i was sitting around a bon fire with a whole bunch of people i knew (actually i cant remember who any more but i remember knowing them) and all of the sudden someone was like hey look we have visitors and up drives "bob" in his truck with his best friend and they get out and are like "hey is there any work left to do" and who ever told us they were there was like no but im pretty sure she wants to talk to you and points at then were at his house and were just talkin about alot of stuff because we havent talked to eachother in so long and he was just holding me like he always had done before and for some reason i had this history book with me and i like took it out and set it on the table and i guess that woke up his new girlfriend and she comes out in his boxers and a t shirt and i was like ummmmm who is that and hes like oh that my girlfriend like it was no big deal that he was holding me and his new gf was standing half naked right in front of us so i got up and like ran out the door into the forest and ran all the way back to my apartment but i remembered i left my history book there and then i was thinking maybe he would pick it up and remember that he missed me......YEA so wtf is that about like i havent even thought about him for a month or two and all the sudden im like wow i really need him and the stupidest part is it was a dream and i feel like i was cheated on....oooooook guess whos an idiot now?!