I had an English teacher that did that once also.. it was definitely strange. I just sort of feel weird having to sign my name to something feeling like I might break the so called 'contract' by mistake or something. Not that its too easy to just plagarize by accident.. but I dunno, I don't feel like anyone should have to sign anything in a class. It feels very combative.. like the teacher is less there to provoke people into learning, but more so assuming that everyone is there to slide through the class. I had another English teacher that was the total opposite and would tell you that she wouldnt take attendance or anything like that.. if you chose to go, then you wanted to be there.. if not, then it's your money you're wasting. hah. I learned the most from her in the few semesters I took her courses. Good stuff.. I miss school. But then I don't.. but then I do. haha. Way too indecisive.
The teachers in the Child Development department at my school found 4 instances of plagiarism last semester. Most of them require you to turn in reference sources (meaning copy the parts of the books that you use, copy the articles and turn them in all as one paper). I think students know it's idealogically wrong, they just don't care. You should know by the time you're 17 or 18 that taking words that someone else has constructed into a sentence or statement is quoting, and not recognizing who originally wrote the quote is plagiarism. I think the CD department is tougher because they are all about APA format and that's a super strict format. The book for APA format is like 300 pages. It sucks.
Comments 2
Hope all is well.
I think the CD department is tougher because they are all about APA format and that's a super strict format. The book for APA format is like 300 pages. It sucks.
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